Wednesday, June 5, 2024 10:00 A.M.
Location: Lincoln County Courthouse, 925 Sage Ave 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY Or by via video conference at the Afton Branch Office Building, EOC Conference room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, WY
• North Lincoln County
• 29 Residential Use Permits
• 5 Small Wastewater Permits
• South Lincoln County
• 1 Residential Use Permit
• 1 Zoning and Development Permit
II. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 104 RZ 24 Salt River Roofing Rezone Salt River Properties, LLC & Brad and Kelly Kennington
• A Rezone Application requesting to Rezone 1.69 acres from Rural Zone to Mixed Use Zone.
• Located directly south of the Town of Afton, Wyoming in T31N, R118W, Section 6. B. 116 MA 23 Elk Flatts Subdivision Michael E. & Cindy J. Schrader
• A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Subdivision application in Etna, Wyoming to
subdivide 40 +/- acres into 8 residential lots with an average lot size of 5 +/- acres in the Rural Zone.
• Located 4.80 miles south of the Town of Alpine, Wyoming in T36N, R119W, Section 24. C. 117 MA 23 Bedford Meadows Estates
Lenore H. Clark Living Trust
• A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application proposal to subdivide 40.1 +/- acres
into eight residential lots with an average lot size of 5.0 +/- acres in the Rural Zone.
• Located 2.7 miles east of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming in T34N R118W Section 33. D. 201 MS 24 BJ Graham Subdivision Brett N. & Jennifer L. Graham
• A Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat application proposal to subdivide 35.0 +/- acres into five residential lots with an average lot size of 7.0 +/- in the Rural Zone.
• Located 1.7 miles east of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming in T34N R118W Section 20.
E. 103 SS 24 Dec Subdivision 2nd Filing Guslanders, LLC c/o Diane Guslander
• A Simple Subdivision Application to subdivide 19.7 +/- acres into 2 lots with one lot of 4.0 +/- acres and the other lot of 15.7 +/- acres with an average lot size of 9.85 +/- acres in the Mixed Zone.
• Located 2.7 miles northwest of the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming in T35N, R119W, Section 2. F. 105 CUP 23 Star Valley Shipping Container Storage (Tabled from the May 8, 2024 BCC Meeting) Emmett Mavy
• A Conditional Use Permit Application for commercial storage units comprising of 162
shipping containers with 112 units being 8 feet wide, 40 feet long, and 10 feet tall and 50 units being 8 feet wide, 20 feet long, and 9 feet tall located on 3.5 acre portion of a 5.489 acre lot in the Rural Zone.
• Located .75 miles north of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming in T34N, R119W, Section 13.
III. OTHER PLANNING MATTERS G. 702 PZ 21 Star Valley Ranch RV Park Plat 5 Stage 2 - Final Plat Leisure Valley, Inc. (L.V.I), Timothy Stewart
• Star Valley Ranch RV Park Plat 5 Stage 2 Subdivision Preliminary Plat was approved on April 7, 2021 in accordance with an Amended & Revised Master Plan approved in 1995. Applicants seek Final Plat Approval. The developer has completed the requirements of the Development Agreement with Lincoln County, including the installation of paved
roadways, central water & sewer systems, electrical power improvements and lot monumentation for the 48 RV spaces on 4.3 +/- acres in the Recreational Zone.
• Located about a half mile east, west, and south from the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming in T34N, R118W, Section 6. H. 806 AP 24 Smokey’s Estates, A Family Exempt Subdivision Shane F. & Amy J. Hokum
• A request for a Family Exempt Subdivision to create 5 lots with an average lot size of 3.0 +/- acres. The project site is within the Rural Zone.
• Located 3.6 miles southwest of the Town of Afton, Wyoming in T31N, R119W, Section 21. I. 807 AP 24 Little Pines Family Estates Second Filing Jerry Humpherys
• A request for a Family Exempt Subdivision to create 4 lots with an average lot size of 4
+/- acres. The project site is within the Rural Zone.
• Located 2,700 feet south of the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming in T34N, R119W,
Section 12. J. 808 AP 24 Dry Creek Estates Third Filing
Halie Erickson and Marshall Lindsey and Tanner Thomas
• A request for a Family Exempt Subdivision to create 2 lots with an average lot size of
2.38 +/- acres. The project site is within the Mixed Zone.
• Located 0.9 miles south of the Town of Afton, Wyoming in T31N, R119W, Section 13.
K. 103 CUP 24 Haystack Vehicle Storage – Modification of Conditions of Approval Jason & Tracy Wolfley Family Trust
• A Conditional Use Permit Application to create outdoor vehicle storage at Haystack Mountain RV and Storage in Thayne, Wyoming on 5.38+/- acres in the Mixed Zone.
• Located 1 mile north of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming in T34N, R118W, Section 7. L. 118 ZD 23 Haystack Storage Expansion – Shipping Containers Appeal Haystack Mountain RV and Storage
• A request to appeal Lincoln County Planning and Development’s denial for the
applicants request to add 11 shipping containers as storage units.
• Located 1 mile north of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming in T34N, R118W, Section 7. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Additional information regarding the above noted files can be viewed at https://weblink.lcwy.org/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=161128&dbid=0&repo=LincolnCounty Projects for Planning OR at lincolncountywy.gov Planning and Engineering, BCC Packets.
All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing and to provide input. Those planning on attending should call the day before to see if the meeting and project is still scheduled.