HomeMy WebLinkAbout110 CUP 24 4 Guest Cabins PZC Staff Report 110 CUP 24 PZC LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit Application HEARING TIME AND DATE: 6:00 p.m., August 21, 2024 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, Wyoming & Afton Planning & Development Office, 61 E. 5th Ave., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 110 CUP 24 APPLICANT: CTGX Holdings, LLC PROJECT NAME: Alpenglow Hills Lot 1 – 4 Guest Cabins COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Thayne ZONING: Rural PLANNER: Katie Gipson PARCEL ID: 3519-263-00-222 PROPOSAL: A Conditional Use Permit application for 4 guest cabins on Lot 1 of the Alpenglow Hills Subdivision. Each guest cabin will be approximately 741 square feet in size on a 4.67 acre lot in the Rural Zone. The Lot has an approved permit for a house and guest house. The site will have one well for all structures and two septic systems approved through Wyoming DEQ. The site is accessed off of Yellow Star Road via Parter Canyon Co. Rd. 116. LOCATION: Located 1.5 miles west of the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming in T35N, R119W, Section 26. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Site Plan 2. Vicinity Map 3. Applicant’s Project Description 4. Building Elevations 5. Public Correspondence 6. Land Use Regulations Chapter 7 PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission send a recommendation of APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners for File #110 CUP 24, a Conditional Use Permit, with: • Findings of Approval A. through D. • Conditions of Approval 1. through 5. 110 CUP 24 PZC FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Wyoming Statute 18-5-203, providing for Board of County Commissioner authority for zoning regulation of buildings and uses of land; B. The proposed use, with conditions, is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan and Lincoln County Land Use Regulations, specifically: a. Introduction, Private Property Rights, 2. Assume the private property holder has the primary responsibility to provide quality land use development which will not adversely affect the community or neighbors; b. Section III. Economic Development Goals, A. Promote and assist in the development of commercial, recreational and industrial activities; c. Land Use Regulations, Section 1.2 Overlay Zones, Provisions for Thayne Community Overlay Zone; d. Land Use Regulations, Section 3.1 Conditional Use Permit Procedures outlining application contents and community participation measures; e. Land Use Regulations, Section 7.1 Definitions, Guest Cabins; f. Land Use Table 7.3, providing for Guest Cabins land use in the Rural Zone with Conditional Use Permit approval; C. The proposed use, with conditions, will not substantially impair the appropriate use of neighboring property and will serve the public need, convenience and welfare; D. The proposed use, with conditions, is designed to be compatible with adjacent land uses and the area of its location. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The developer/owner shall comply with all of the County, State and Federal laws and regulations. 2. Compliance with agency requirements: The developer/owner shall obtain any and all County, State, and Federal permits, licenses, and other approvals for the construction and/or operation of the project. This may include: Local Fire District, Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety (State Fire Marshal), Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (SEO), Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), Wyoming Game and Fish, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and/or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 3. Prior to construction of the cabins, a Wyoming Licensed Engineer shall design septic system(s) for the cabins and obtain a permit to construct from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. 4. Prior to occupancy of the cabins buffering shall be installed in accordance with the proposed locations. 5. Any substantial modification to the project shall require additional permitting. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE: None received. PUBLIC CORRESPONDENCE: We received one public comment. Their email is attached to this Staff Report. 110 CUP 24 PZC Background: Alpenglow Hills Lot 1 was issued a building permit for a primary house of 1,600 square feet and guest house of 1,000 square feet on February 15, 2024. The permitted building locations are shown on the site plan. The site plan depicts the driveway access off of the private subdivision road. Snow storage is to be placed in the area between the proposed guest houses and main house. The guest cabins are planned to be long term rentals being 741 square feet in size. Each guest cabin will have an attached carport. The applicant has proposed buffering along the southern property line. The internal roads will be compacted gravel. The site includes a horse corral on the north side of the property for owner and guest use only; not for commercial use. The applicants do not plan to have an office or employees on the site. UV239 £¤89 Star Valley Ranch 30 31 19 36 25 34 26 35 2422 27 23 35N 118W 35N 119W ³±116YellowStarRoad.Dick Casull Loop STONE,KAMIE J TRUSTEE JENKINS, KENDALL ETAL JENKINS, TROY L 4SOM, LLC CAN GRAFREEDOM, LLC PRATT,JEFFREY S CTGX HOLDINGS, LLC FINDLAY, BRET & RICHARD Z CLYDE DEVENY, JANETTE CAN GRAFREEDOM, LLC CORDON, ADAM ETAL FINDLAY, BRET &RICHARD Z CLYDE CTGX HOLDINGS,LLC CTGX HOLDINGS,LLC CTGX HOLDINGS, LLC CTGX HOLDINGS, LLC CTGXHOLDINGS, LLC GOLDEN DOG DEVELOPMENTSLLC FINDLAY, BRET &RICHARD Z CLYDE FINDLAY, BRET & RICHARD Z CLYDE FINDLAY, BRET & RICHARD Z CLYDE FINDLAY, BRET & RICHARD Z CLYDE FINDLAY, BRET &RICHARD Z CLYDE FINDLAY, BRET & RICHARDZ CLYDE FINDLAY, BRET & RICHARD Z CLYDE Maxar, Microsoft Conditional Use Permit Application Roads Road_Type US Highways WY Highways Projects Township & Range Sections Municipalities Public Noticing File No 110 CUP 24 Alpenglow Hills Lot 1 – 4 Guest Cabins CTGX Holdings, LLC Prepared using available data by Katie Gipson on 1 August 2024. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land. Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov> 110 CUP 24 (CTGX Holdings Alpen Glow Hills Lot 1 - 4 Guest Cabins) Neighbor Comments 1 message Jeremy Jenkins <JJenkins@ducworks.com>Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 3:12 PM To: "planning@lincolncountywy.gov" <planning@lincolncountywy.gov> Cc: Tanna Jenkins <TJenkins@ducworks.com> Hello, I own the Can Gra Freedom, LLC property directly to the west of the proposed 110 CUP 24 (CTGX Holdings Alpen Glow Hills Lot 1 - 4 Guest Cabins) project. Unfortunately I am not likely to be able to attend the meeting in person so I wanted to send in my comments via emails. First, I am not in favor of the proposed project for several reason that I will outline below. The project description states that “…the lot has an existing house and guest house.” This is not true, there are no existing structures on this lot. So the question is: are they building six structures or four? Whether or not this is a blatant misrepresentation by the developer to sneak something past P&Z or an honest mistake, I do not know, but this alone should be grounds to deny the project until this is sorted out. Furthermore there is no information as to the purpose of project. Is this a commercial enterprise? Short term rentals, long term rentals…? Or is this for the private enjoyment of the landowner’s personal guests (doubtful)? Will these guest cabins be an eyesore, cheaply built or will they blend into or enhance the land? Will they be single story or multi-story? Where will stormwater runoff go to? How will the site be landscaped? How will two septic systems servicing six dwellings affect the watertable and adjacent landowner’s properties? Will there be a full-time on-site manager to deal with parties, trash, security issues, etc. We all know that short term rentals bring a whole host of issues that the permanent residents are then left to deal with. In any case the neighbors should have more information on the intended use of the 4 (or six) dwellings on one lot which is an outlier to how all the rest of the land in this region is being used and the project should be denied until the developer discloses more information. My understanding of the Alpenglow Hills development was that it would be single family homes on approximately 5 acres. This seems to be outside of the scope of the approval for the subdivision. This hearing is for a “Conditional Use Permit”. We have a right to know what the conditions of use will be. What deviations from the code are being proposed to prompt the need for a conditional use permit and what conditions are being placed on the deviations? These questions are unanswered in the project description and we should know those details. This area has gone from rural, fertile, peaceful farmland to subdivided in a year’s time with hastily built roads crisscrossing the land and now these new owners are proposing to add even more density by putting what can only be assumed as multiple TRANSIENT guesthouses on the property. We landowners who have been here for generations are already gutted by the development and lack of coordination, candor and décor from the developers and a project such as this only adds salt to the wounds. Lastly, the developer still has not fulfilled their obligations to fence the subdivision. They also have not vegetated the cuts and fills for their road banks. Its an eyesore and I continue to be concerned about erosion. They have only minimally addressed SWPPP permits and best practices after we neighbors plead with the state for relief from their actions. I wish the county or state would do more to inspect these projects to make sure the developers are in compliance. I hope you will consider these many questions and concerns as you deliberate the project. Thank you, Jeremy Jenkins