HomeMy WebLinkAbout814 AP 24 Trail Ridge Subdivision 4th Filing
814 AP 24
Amended Subdivision Plat HEARING TIME AND DATE: 2:00 p.m., October 22, 2024 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave.,
Kemmerer, Wyoming & Via Video Conference Afton Branch Office Building Conference Room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 814 AP 24
APPLICANTS: Wes Banks, Trail Ridge POA, and 159 Acres, LLC c/o Scott Mitchell PROJECT NAME: Trail Ridge Subdivision 4th Filing ZONING: Rural COMMUNITY PLAN: Alpine
SURVEYOR: Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd.
PLANNING STAFF: Katie Gipson PARCEL ID: 3619-151-00-461, 3619-151-00-462
PROPOSAL: This is a request for an amendment to realign the end of Falcon Drive with the addition of a cul-de-sac turnaround. This realignment will adjust the southern boundary of existing Lot 60 and the northern boundary of existing Lot 61. Additionally, existing Lot 60 will increase in size with a boundary
adjustment on the eastern lot line. This adjustment will increase existing Lot 60 to 6.25 acres. New Lot
numbers will be assigned as shown on the attached plat. The project site is accessed off of Falcon Drive and within the Rural Zone. LOCATION: The parcel is located 3.4 miles south of the Town of Alpine, Wyoming, in T36N,
R119W, Sections 10 and 15.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Amended Plat 2. Vicinity Map 3. Public Comment
4. POA Minutes
PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners DENY File #814 AP 24, Trail Ridge Subdivision 4th Filing, with:
● Finding of Denial A.
814 AP 24
A. The proposed amended subdivision plat is not consistent with the policies, procedures and
standards of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations. Specifically, the policies found in Section 4.7 Amendments to Approved Subdivisions, providing for plat vacation and partial plat vacation where such vacating does not abridge or destroy any of the rights and privileges of other proprietors in said plat.
Background: This Amended Plat was brought before the Board of County Commissioners on August 14, 2024. There were concerns from neighboring land owners within the Property Owners Association (POA) regarding the validity of the application. The Board of County Commissioners tabled the
proposal to the October 2, 2024 BCC meeting to allow for further POA discussion. Planning Staff
requested a copy of the minutes from the POA meeting. The minutes from the POA meeting are attached to this report. It is not clear if the POA approves of the proposed Amended Plat based on the minutes provided. The Board of County Commissioners heard the proposal again on October 2, 2024. After hearing the applicant’s comments, representative comments and public comments, the Board of County
Commissioners tabled the proposal to the October 22, 2024 BCC meeting. This was to allow the
applicants time to provide documentation that the POA approves of the project and documentation stating who the authorized representative for the POA is. The applicant has not provided any additional information to Planning staff.
31 33
19 27
09 10
37N 118W 37N
36N 119W
36N 118W Lynx TrailHa
Badger Road
OspreyLaneHawthornDriveShadow CircleShadowRidgeTrailMartenPlaceCorral R
falo Dr
AspenLaneTrail Ri
Falcon Drive
Maxar, Microsoft
Amended Plat Application
US Highways
WY Highways
Township & Range
Public Noticing
File No. 814 AP 24
Trail Ridge Subdivision 4th Filing
Wes Banks, Trail Ridge POA, and
159 Acres, LLC c/o Scott Mitchell
Prepared using available data by Katie Gipson on 31 July 2024. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land.
Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
TrailRidge Easementq Proposal
1 message
Derek Albee <derekalbee83@gmail.com>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 6:43 PM
To: "planning@lincolncountywy.gov" <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Good evening, my name is Derek Albee and I am the owner of 39 Trail Ridge Rd in Alpine WY. I would like to see the
proposal for tomorrow tabled for now, if for no other reason than the vast majority of the neighborhood (including myself)
only learned of this yesterday. It honestly seems like a backdoor deal that could negatively impact the already limited
resources of a neighborhood with many existing problems. Thank you.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Get Outlook for Android
8/14/24, 1:28 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - TrailRidge Easementq Proposal
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Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
Trail Ridge Subdivision 4th Filing # 814 AP 24
1 message
bashworth@silverstar.com <bashworth@silverstar.com>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 7:49 PM
To: kent.connelly@lincolncountywy.gov
Cc: jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov, teri.bowers@lincolncountywy.gov, planning@lincolncountywy.gov
Hello Comissioner Connelly,
I am a property owner in Trail Ridge Subdivision. I ask this item is not be approved by the Lincoln County Board of
County Commissioners and be continued. The Trail Ridge Subdivision Property Owners Association (POA) Board did
not meet to approve the road realignment, lot boundary adjustments and increases in Filing # 814 AP 24 until Monday,
August 12, 2024. Therefore, any letters or signature on the application signed by the Trail Ridge POA Board President
Wes Banks representing the Trail Ridge POA prior to this date are not a valid representation of approval from the Trail
Ridge POA and should be dismissed. Further, the special meeting held by the Trail Ridge POA on Monday August 12,
2024 was not noticed for 15 days as required by the Trail Ridge Subdivision By Laws. Therefore any decisions made
at that meeting are also invalidated.
Again, I request that this item not be approved and the item be continued until the Trail Ridge POA board has time
inform the Trail Ridge property owners of the filing and impact to roads and easements in the subdivision, notify the
Trail Ridge property owners of a Special Meeting, take comment on item and vote on the issue according to the Trail
Ridge Subdivision By Laws.
Thank you,
Brenda Ashworth
8/14/24, 1:28 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Trail Ridge Subdivision 4th Filing # 814 AP 24
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Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: 8.13.24 meeting agenda for Trail Ridge POA replat 4
2 messages
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 1:10 PM
To: Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>
Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 12:45 PM
Subject: Fwd: 8.13.24 meeting agenda for Trail Ridge POA replat 4
To: Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>, Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Katie or Elizabeth,
Please give me the 411 on this.
Thank you,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jerry Hansen <jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov>
Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 12:43 PM
Subject: Fwd: 8.13.24 meeting agenda for Trail Ridge POA replat 4
To: Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeri Cooper <jerijcooper@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 12:29 PM
Subject: 8.13.24 meeting agenda for Trail Ridge POA replat 4
To: <jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov>, <kent.connelly@lincolncountywy.gov>, <teri.bowers@lincolncountywy.gov>
Dear County Commissioners,
My name is Jeri Hurley and I own lot 23 in the Trail Ridge subdivision. I was just made aware of a recent agenda item to
be discussed in your meeting tomorrow to replat the Trail Ridge Subdivision to expand lot 60 and realign lot 61 owned by
Wes Banks to make way for easements to 159 Acre LLC of which Terry Bowers appears to be associated with. I am away
in business and cannot attend tomorrow’s meeting so I am emailing all of you to express my concerns about this matter.
Wes Banks is the president of our homeowners association board. The homeowners association was not made aware of
this plat or easement until today by a concerned neighbor. The homeowners were never given the opportunity to review
this replat or vote on this replat and the board has been silent today about their approval for this replat.
I sincerely ask that you table this measure until the homeowners association members are able to review and have the
opportunity to vote as a member of the association on a matter that has an impact on all members and has the potential
to be a conflict of interest. Our annual homeowners association meeting will be held September 7 at 1:00 PM.
My sincere appreciation for your consideration in this matter.
Jeri Hurley 307-250-2023
Sent from my iPhone
Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 1:33 PM
To: Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
8/14/24, 1:34 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Fwd: 8.13.24 meeting agenda for Trail Ridge POA replat 4
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jerry Hansen <jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov>
Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 12:43 PM
Subject: Fwd: 8.13.24 meeting agenda for Trail Ridge POA replat 4
To: Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeri Cooper <jerijcooper@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 12:29 PM
Subject: 8.13.24 meeting agenda for Trail Ridge POA replat 4
To: <jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov>, <kent.connelly@lincolncountywy.gov>, <teri.bowers@lincolncountywy.gov>
Dear County Commissioners,
My name is Jeri Hurley and I own lot 23 in the Trail Ridge subdivision. I was just made aware of a recent agenda item to
be discussed in your meeting tomorrow to replat the Trail Ridge Subdivision to expand lot 60 and realign lot 61 owned by
Wes Banks to make way for easements to 159 Acre LLC of which Terry Bowers appears to be associated with. I am away
in business and cannot attend tomorrow’s meeting so I am emailing all of you to express my concerns about this matter.
Wes Banks is the president of our homeowners association board. The homeowners association was not made aware of
this plat or easement until today by a concerned neighbor. The homeowners were never given the opportunity to review
this replat or vote on this replat and the board has been silent today about their approval for this replat.
I sincerely ask that you table this measure until the homeowners association members are able to review and have the
opportunity to vote as a member of the association on a matter that has an impact on all members and has the potential
to be a conflict of interest. Our annual homeowners association meeting will be held September 7 at 1:00 PM.
My sincere appreciation for your consideration in this matter.
Jeri Hurley 307-250-2023
Sent from my iPhone
Mikayla Hibbert
Planner I
Office of Planning and Development
Lincoln County, Wyoming
(307) 877-2101
8/14/24, 1:34 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Fwd: 8.13.24 meeting agenda for Trail Ridge POA replat 4
Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Trial Ridge Amendment Vote Request
1 message
Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 3:58 PM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jared Johnson <jaredj15@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Trial Ridge Amendment Vote Request
To: stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>, jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov
Dear Mr. Allen & Mr. Hansen,
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to request that you consider delaying your vote tomorrow regarding
the Trail Ridge 4th filing. It is crucial for our HOA to meet and fully understand the Amendment in place before making a
Thank you for considering this request. I believe it is in the best interest of our community to ensure that we are all well-
Best regards,
Jared Johnson
56 Lynx Trail
Alpine, WY 83128
8/14/24, 1:30 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Fwd: Trial Ridge Amendment Vote Request
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a4a0f18f1e&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1807311267075377142&simpl=msg-f:1807311267075377142 1/1
Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Trail Ridge Amendment Vote Request
1 message
Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 3:29 PM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Meg Morguson <meg.morguson@gmail.com>
Date: August 13, 2024 at 3:12:56 PM MDT
To: stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov, jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov
Subject: Trail Ridge Amendment Vote Request
Dear Mr. Hansen and Mr. Allen,
I am respectfully requesting the vote on 814 AP 24 Trail Ridge Subdivision 4th filing (submitted by Wes
Banks and 159 Acres LLC) be delayed until after our scheduled HOA meeting on September 7th in order for
our community to have the opportunity to understand the full implications this Amendment may have on our
Meg Morguson
56 Lynx Trail
Trail Ridge Subdivision homeowner
8/14/24, 1:31 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Fwd: Trail Ridge Amendment Vote Request
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Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Meeting scheduled for the 14th of August concerning Wes Banks Trail Ridge
POA and Scott Mitchell c/o 159 Acres LLC
2 messages
Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 1:21 PM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Please include it in the packet.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Brett Odell <bodell1983@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 11:47 AM
Subject: Meeting scheduled for the 14th of August concerning Wes Banks Trail Ridge POA and Scott Mitchell c/o 159
Acres LLC
To: <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>
Mr Allen,
I’m writing you to express my concern with a meeting scheduled for the commissioners to vote on a matter that moves an
easement on Lot 60 and 61 of Trail Ridge in Alpine.
This issue raised by Mr Banks has not been brought forth to the attention of the majority of homeowners in our
association and we haven’t received any information that has been requested from our BOD.
The Trail Ridge HOA has our annual meeting scheduled for the first week of September and would like to have the
opportunity to discuss this matter internally before any votes are made by the Commissioners.
It appears as though some of these matters are being purposely kept from the Homeowners who it will affect.
I am a full time resident of Trail Ridge and live at 40 Lynx Trail.
Brett O’Dell
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 2:07 PM
To: Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>
Cc: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Thanks, I'll print copies for BCC tomorrow.
Elizabeth Williams
Planner II
Lincoln County Planning Office
(307) 877-2100
[Quoted text hidden]
8/14/24, 1:32 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Fwd: Meeting scheduled for the 14th of August concerning Wes Banks Trail Ridge POA and …
Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
Trail Ridge
1 message
April O'Dell <aodell0905@gmail.com>Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 12:25 AM
To: planning@lincolncountywy.gov
To whom it may concern,
My name is April, I live at 40 Lynx Trail in Trail Ridge Subdivision Lot 48. I am reaching out with deepest concern for the
approval of the amendment with Trail Ridge/159 Acre Llc. I ask and plead that you take in consideration the denial or
postponement of the proposal so that the residents may inquire additional information about the decisions being made for
Trail Ridge. From an email sent out just today, we have learned that "The HOA Board has been monitoring this adjacent
property for roughly over a year now". This email comes after residents of TR found out about the meeting, called,
emailed, and text asking for information, answers, and explanations over the past two days. The fact that the TR board
members knew of this over a year and have not disclosed any information to the residents, alarms me. I ask that you
consider denial or postponement of the proposal so the residents may have a chance to discuss the facts and information
that we lack at the next HOA meeting which is not until September 7th. With this email from today, I also learned that
there are multiple easements, as stated below of which affects 6 more property owners. I understand a legal easement,
what I do not understand is how this is being passed along without any knowledge to the property owners.
Again, I ask for the denial or postponement of the proposal to allow property owners to be better informed and involved,
as this affects Trail Ridge greatly.
I appreciate your time and consideration.
"minutes" from Trail Ridge HOA Board - Special Meeting
Attendance: Wes Banks, Ruth Dunn, Dave Jennings, Scott Haas – Present, Roger Cook –
Meeting called to order by Wes Banks
Old Business: N/A
Again, we learned of this just today. Only the board members were present, so no one was able to voice their concerns,
ask questions, or get any information on the matter at hand let alone prepare and make arrangements to be present at the
meeting tomorrow morning.
This is part of the email sent out today from a board member to TR residents.
From Scott Hass at 3:33pm today.
"The Trail Ridge Board did meet via special meeting on Monday 08/12/2024 to specifically discuss the easements related
to the access of the 156 acre lot and the request for the plat map change to lot 60 and lot 61 from the owner needed to
change the subdivision plat map."
The board agreed that the plat map can be changed for the subdivision to move the designated 2002
location of the easement on lot 60 and 61 to a new location to be designated on the subdivision plat map. (the
board agreed without notice to the TR subdivision)
The board remained unified that the development of the 156 acre lot was a concern and noted that the
easement from 2002 for the access from highway 89 via Trail Ridge road through the subdivision and
Falcon drive would need additional attention and consideration. (where was our consideration and
attention to this matter before it was filed)
The concern that additional traffic may develop on Falcon drive is valid. The Trail Ridge Board continues to
evaluate this concern and the development of the 156 acre lot. Members of the board have been in contact
with the current owner seeking out additional information (in contact with the 159 Acres Llc, not TR
residents, again, he mentions evaluation and concerns for development, but just addressed the residents of TR
8/14/24, 1:27 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Trail Ridge
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The map associated with the 2002 agreement between the Trail Ridge developer for the easements describe
additional agriculture easements that move through the subdivision off of Falcon drive. These easements
are near or cross over the following lots 34,35,48.49,51, and 60. Owners and or developers of those lots
should evaluate these easements if they have not already. These should have been disclosed prior to
purchase and part of due diligence by the sellers and owners. (This wasn't disclosed, I live on lot 48, so I would
like the chance to look this easement over, ask my questions, and voice my concerns before this goes any
Thank you again.
8/14/24, 1:27 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Trail Ridge
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a4a0f18f1e&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1807343178927945836&simpl=msg-f:1807343178927945836 2/2
Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Trail Ridge Plat Adjustment Meeting
1 message
Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 3:08 PM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jeff Schwerdtfeger <jeffscharbor@icloud.com>
Date: August 13, 2024 at 2:59:19 PM MDT
To: stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov
Cc: jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov
Subject: Trail Ridge Plat Adjustment Meeting
To whom it may concern,
I live in the Trail Ridge Subdivision and recently found out about the Commissioners meeting regarding the
“Trail Ridge Plat Adjustment” meeting and that it was filed by “Wes Banks, Trail Ridge POA and 159 Acres,
LLC C/O Scott Mitchell”. This was not disclosed to the majority of the Trail Ridge Subdivision property
owners and I’m requesting the meeting be postponed until proper notice can be sent out to us, the property
owners so we can attend the meeting and opine on the decision.
Jeff Schwerdtfeger
57 Lynx Trail
Alpine, WY 83128
Cell: 808-854-0633
8/14/24, 1:31 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Fwd: Trail Ridge Plat Adjustment Meeting
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Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Trail Ridge Amendment Vote Request
1 message
Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at
3:29 PM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Meg Morguson <meg.morguson@gmail.com>
Date: August 13, 2024 at 3:12:56 PM MDT
To: stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov, jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.
Subject: Trail Ridge Amendment Vote Request
Dear Mr. Hansen and Mr. Allen,
I am respectfully requesting the vote on 814 AP 24 Trail Ridge
Subdivision 4th filing (submitted by Wes Banks and 159 Acres LLC) be
delayed until after our scheduled HOA meeting on September 7th in
order for our community to have the opportunity to understand the full
implications this Amendment may have on our subdivision.
Meg Morguson
56 Lynx Trail
Trail Ridge Subdivision homeowner
Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Rail Ridge subdivision, Easement
1 message
Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at
1:28 PM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
more for the file
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Noel Wellborn <nywellborn7@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 12:39 PM
Subject: Rail Ridge subdivision, Easement
To: <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>
I am sending this email in request that the Trail Ridge subdivision easement be tabled
until the entire HOA has time to discuss and vote on this. It affects the whole HOA not
just one person. I have also sent an email to one of the commissioners, but I’m
making this email short as that several of has have tried to send emails here to get
this table.
Resident of trail Ridge subdivision
Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Trail Ridge Plat Adjustment Meeting
1 message
Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at
3:08 PM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jeff Schwerdtfeger <jeffscharbor@icloud.com>
Date: August 13, 2024 at 2:59:19 PM MDT
To: stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov
Cc: jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov
Subject: Trail Ridge Plat Adjustment Meeting
To whom it may concern,
I live in the Trail Ridge Subdivision and recently found out about the
Commissioners meeting regarding the “Trail Ridge Plat Adjustment”
meeting and that it was filed by “Wes Banks, Trail Ridge POA and 159
Acres, LLC C/O Scott Mitchell”. This was not disclosed to the majority
of the Trail Ridge Subdivision property owners and I’m requesting the
meeting be postponed until proper notice can be sent out to us, the
property owners so we can attend the meeting and opine on the
Jeff Schwerdtfeger
57 Lynx Trail
Alpine, WY 83128
Cell: 808-854-0633
Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>
Trail Ridge Subdivision 4th Filing # 814 AP 24
1 message
bashworth@silverstar.com <bashworth@silverstar.com>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at
7:49 PM
To: kent.connelly@lincolncountywy.gov
Cc: jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov, teri.bowers@lincolncountywy.gov,
Hello Comissioner Connelly,
I am a property owner in Trail Ridge Subdivision. I ask this item is not be approved
by the Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners and be continued. The Trail
Ridge Subdivision Property Owners Association (POA) Board did not meet to
approve the road realignment, lot boundary adjustments and increases in Filing #
814 AP 24 until Monday, August 12, 2024. Therefore, any letters or signature on
the application signed by the Trail Ridge POA Board President Wes Banks
representing the Trail Ridge POA prior to this date are not a valid representation of
approval from the Trail Ridge POA and should be dismissed. Further, the special
meeting held by the Trail Ridge POA on Monday August 12, 2024 was not noticed
for 15 days as required by the Trail Ridge Subdivision By Laws. Therefore any
decisions made at that meeting are also invalidated.
Again, I request that this item not be approved and the item be continued until the
Trail Ridge POA board has time inform the Trail Ridge property owners of the filing
and impact to roads and easements in the subdivision, notify the Trail Ridge
property owners of a Special Meeting, take comment on item and vote on the issue
according to the Trail Ridge Subdivision By Laws.
Thank you,
Brenda Ashworth
Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>
Trail Ridge
1 message
April O'Dell <aodell0905@gmail.com>Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 12:25 AM
To: planning@lincolncountywy.gov
To whom it may concern,
My name is April, I live at 40 Lynx Trail in Trail Ridge Subdivision Lot 48. I am
reaching out with deepest concern for the approval of the amendment with Trail
Ridge/159 Acre Llc. I ask and plead that you take in consideration the denial or
postponement of the proposal so that the residents may inquire additional information
about the decisions being made for Trail Ridge. From an email sent out just today, we
have learned that "The HOA Board has been monitoring this adjacent property for
roughly over a year now". This email comes after residents of TR found out about the
meeting, called, emailed, and text asking for information, answers, and explanations
over the past two days. The fact that the TR board members knew of this over a year
and have not disclosed any information to the residents, alarms me. I ask that you
consider denial or postponement of the proposal so the residents may have a chance
to discuss the facts and information that we lack at the next HOA meeting which is not
until September 7th. With this email from today, I also learned that there are multiple
easements, as stated below of which affects 6 more property owners. I understand a
legal easement, what I do not understand is how this is being passed along without
any knowledge to the property owners.
Again, I ask for the denial or postponement of the proposal to allow property owners
to be better informed and involved, as this affects Trail Ridge greatly.
I appreciate your time and consideration.
"minutes" from Trail Ridge HOA Board - Special Meeting
Attendance: Wes Banks, Ruth Dunn, Dave Jennings, Scott Haas – Present, Roger
Cook –
Meeting called to order by Wes Banks
Old Business: N/A
Again, we learned of this just today. Only the board members were present, so no
one was able to voice their concerns, ask questions, or get any information on the
matter at hand let alone prepare and make arrangements to be present at the
meeting tomorrow morning.
This is part of the email sent out today from a board member to TR residents.
From Scott Hass at 3:33pm today.
"The Trail Ridge Board did meet via special meeting on Monday 08/12/2024 to
specifically discuss the easements related to the access of the 156 acre lot and the
request for the plat map change to lot 60 and lot 61 from the owner needed to change
the subdivision plat map."
The board agreed that the plat map can be changed for the
subdivision to move the designated 2002 location of the easement on lot
60 and 61 to a new location to be designated on the subdivision plat map.
(the board agreed without notice to the TR subdivision)
The board remained unified that the development of the 156 acre lot
was a concern and noted that the easement from 2002 for the access
from highway 89 via Trail Ridge road through the subdivision and
Falcon drive would need additional attention and consideration.
(where was our consideration and attention to this matter before it was filed)
The concern that additional traffic may develop on Falcon drive is valid.
The Trail Ridge Board continues to evaluate this concern and the
development of the 156 acre lot. Members of the board have been in
contact with the current owner seeking out additional information (in
contact with the 159 Acres Llc, not TR residents, again, he mentions
evaluation and concerns for development, but just addressed the residents
of TR today.
The map associated with the 2002 agreement between the Trail Ridge
developer for the easements describe additional agriculture easements that
move through the subdivision off of Falcon drive. These easements
are near or cross over the following lots 34,35,48.49,51, and 60.
Owners and or developers of those lots should evaluate these
easements if they have not already. These should have been
disclosed prior to purchase and part of due diligence by the sellers and
owners. (This wasn't disclosed, I live on lot 48, so I would like the chance to
look this easement over, ask my questions, and voice my concerns before
this goes any further)
Thank you again.
Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>
TrailRidge Easementq Proposal
1 message
Derek Albee <derekalbee83@gmail.com>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 6:43
To: "planning@lincolncountywy.gov" <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Good evening, my name is Derek Albee and I am the owner of 39 Trail Ridge Rd in
Alpine WY. I would like to see the proposal for tomorrow tabled for now, if for no other
reason than the vast majority of the neighborhood (including myself) only learned of
this yesterday. It honestly seems like a backdoor deal that could negatively impact the
already limited resources of a neighborhood with many existing problems. Thank you.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Get Outlook for Android
Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Trial Ridge Amendment Vote Request
1 message
Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at
3:58 PM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jared Johnson <jaredj15@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Trial Ridge Amendment Vote Request
To: stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>,
jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov <jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov>
Dear Mr. Allen & Mr. Hansen,
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to request that you consider
delaying your vote tomorrow regarding the Trail Ridge 4th filing. It is crucial for our
HOA to meet and fully understand the Amendment in place before making a
Thank you for considering this request. I believe it is in the best interest of our
community to ensure that we are all well-informed.
Best regards,
Jared Johnson
56 Lynx Trail
Alpine, WY 83128
Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Trailer Ridge Platte map revision
2 messages
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 8:18 AM
To: Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
Elizabeth Williams
Planner II
Lincoln County Planning Office
(307) 877-2100
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Noel Wellborn <nywellborn7@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 7:16 PM
Subject: Trailer Ridge Platte map revision
To: <jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov>, Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Dear County Commissioners,
I have received emergency Meeting Minutes for our Trail Ridge Board approving the plat map
revision as petitioned by Wes Banks that you all will be discussing tomorrow in the Commissioners
Meeting. I again ask that this matter be tabled until the Association of Members can discuss this
request at our annual meeting to be held on September 7th at 1 PM for the following reasons:
* Wes Bank is the President of our Board of Directors for the Association and he did present a
letter signed by him as Board President without Trail Ridge Board of Director approval. Wes Banks
abused his power as President of our Board of Directors by presenting a letter to your planning
department without approval.
* After the Association of members were made aware of the proposal and meeting to be held
tomorrow, many homeowners called into question whether this was discussed with Association
members and approved by the Board. It was not, so an emergency meeting was held by the
Board of Directors on 8/12/24. As a result Wes Banks did obtain Board approval for the proposed
amendment after the fact, and will be presenting that approval to you tomorrow in the meeting.
* Per our CCR’s the Board shall mean the Board of Directors of the Association established to
administer and enforce the terms and conditions of our Declaration of CCR’s.
*Per our CCR’s the Association shall mean and refer to the Trail Ridge Property Owners
* Per our CCR’s the Property shall mean and refer to that certain real property known as the Trail
Ridge Subdivision, in accordance with the Plat filed in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk, and
any such additions thereto as may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of the Association.
*Per our Bylaws, every owner of a lot shall be a member of the Association.
I am no lawyer but I look at these definitions, I do not believe that the Board of Directors have the
authority to vote on plat revisions and that approval must come from the majority of lot owners as a
member of the Association. The Board is to administer and enforce the terms of our CCR’s and
handle day to day business and the Association would have the jurisdiction to amend and additions
to our plat map. In order to obtain Association approval there must be a quorum of members and a
majority vote to approve at our annual meeting.
8/14/24, 1:27 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Fwd: Trailer Ridge Platte map revision
There are many other things to discuss as an Association, such easements throughout the
subdivision, and what this plat map revision may mean for the Association with future
developments outside of our subdivision. We are simply asking for time to discuss this matter as
an Association so everyone one has a full understanding of what the facts are and follow proper
protocol for approval.
Many thanks,
Noel & Yvette Wellborn lot Owner of Trail Ridge Subdivision
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 8:18 AM
To: Mikayla Hibbert <mikayla.hibbert@lincolncountywy.gov>
[Quoted text hidden]
8/14/24, 1:27 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Fwd: Trailer Ridge Platte map revision
Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>
Fwd: Meeting scheduled for the 14th of August concerning
Wes Banks Trail Ridge POA and Scott Mitchell c/o 159 Acres
2 messages
Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at
1:21 PM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Please include it in the packet.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Brett Odell <bodell1983@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 11:47 AM
Subject: Meeting scheduled for the 14th of August concerning Wes Banks Trail Ridge
POA and Scott Mitchell c/o 159 Acres LLC
To: <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>
Mr Allen,
I’m writing you to express my concern with a meeting scheduled for the
commissioners to vote on a matter that moves an easement on Lot 60 and 61 of Trail
Ridge in Alpine.
This issue raised by Mr Banks has not been brought forth to the attention of the
majority of homeowners in our association and we haven’t received any information
that has been requested from our BOD.
The Trail Ridge HOA has our annual meeting scheduled for the first week of
September and would like to have the opportunity to discuss this matter internally
before any votes are made by the Commissioners.
It appears as though some of these matters are being purposely kept from the
Homeowners who it will affect.
I am a full time resident of Trail Ridge and live at 40 Lynx Trail.
Brett O’Dell
Elizabeth Williams
Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 2:07
To: Stephen Allen <stephen.allen@lincolncountywy.gov>
Cc: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Thanks, I'll print copies for BCC tomorrow.
Elizabeth Williams
Planner II
Lincoln County Planning Office
(307) 877-2100
[Quoted text hidden]
Trail Ridge Property Owners Association Annual Meeting & BBQ
Saturday September 7, 2024 at 1 pm
Alpine Civic Center
• Welcome – President
o Wes Banks welcomes all HOA members to the annual meeting.
o Pledge of allegiance completed by all HOA members.
• Homeowner introductions - HOA Members
o Each HOA member present at the meeting introduces themselves and
provides a summary of why they chose Trail Ridge Subdivision.
• Motion to establish a quorum – 38 lots required (validate with attendance). -
HOA Board
o 62 total voting lots
o 39 lots represented in person or via proxy at time of meeting
Quorum established for 2024 meeting
• Motion to accept 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes – HOA
o Motion to accept 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes – Janette Baribeau
o 2nd Motion – Jared Johnson
All voted in favor, 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes approved
Old Business
• Trail Ridge Water System Maintenance and Management Report – HOA
o Wes Banks gives report on water activities, handout provided, reviewed
report from sunrise engineering.
o Additional topics discussed
$100 fee rate increase to Salt River Cove reviewed and previously
Development of Salt River Cover water system named Trail Ridge #3
• Design stage currently in development
• Notification plan from Trail Ridge HOA following Salt River
Cover plans approved for water pump approval to provide a
12-month notification of removal from the Trail Ridge main
water system.
• Pump panel to be replaced with circuit board with auto-
restart and phone app notification $10K estimate for
• Discussed the broken water line at Salt River Cove discovery
and how to identify those types of water leaks.
o Gary Christensen made a motion to approve spending of $15000 to
implement improvement for pump
o 2nd Motion by Ryan King
All in favor, motion passed
o Motion by Wes Banks for the following: That by end of 2024 a plan is not
approved by DEQ for Salt River Cover water pump installation and not
available to the Trail Ridge HOA, that Wes Banks will take action to remove
Salt River Cove from the water usage.
2nd motion by Brett Odell
• Noel Wellborn proposed an amendment to the motion that
the statement by changed to “End of year and then six
months then cut off water”
o Ryan King proposed an amendment “scheduled date
for drilling by end of June 2025 raise rates to $350 per
Final Amended Motion – That the DEQ approved Salt Rive Cove plan will be
provided to the Trail Ridge HOA by Jan 1st 2025 and a drill date determined
prior to June 1st and then completed in 45 days or a rate increase to $350 per
lot, to be notified by January 1st of raise of rate.
1st Motion – Colleen Cook
2nd Motion – Jeff Schwerdtfeger
o All in favor, motion passes
o Identified actions to take to improve Trail Ridge water system
Action to improve the light on the pump house
Scott to notify fire dispatch of water shortage via email– approved
Fire hydrants to be checked 3 years. Follow up required
• Roads, Road Maintenance and Snow removal reports
o Broken spots in roadways discussion and identification of areas of concern
Areas of concern noted during discussion
• Falcon across from Jeff’s lot
• Patch of Trail Ridge Road needed
• Buffalo drive from start of subdivision “Ryan”
Seal coat the road option – Wes Banks provided update
Chip seal road option – Wes Banks provided update
o Formation of road committee to work and review maintenance
Brett Odell
Bill Wells
Carl Corn
• Topics to be discussed and action plans created for the
o Speed bumps installation and management
o Speed limit updates
o Damage spots
• Open Positions on HOA Board
o 2 open positions
Brenda Ashworth
• Motion to vote Ryan
o 2nd motion – Brett O’Dell
All in favor motion passes
Brett Odell
• Motion Carl Corn
o 2nd Motion – Jeff Schwerdtfeger
All in favor motion passes
o Discussion – Noel Wellborn asked for specific voting for positions
(President & Vice President) and 3-year terms for members
Bylaws specific for voting for President and Vice President, other
members appointed to position – Jeri Hurley
• Motion to have Wes Resign – Noel Wellborn
• Motion to move voting to next annual meeting – Gary
• Motion to recess the meeting – Steve Ashworth
• 2nd Motion for meeting recess – Scott Haas
o All in favor motion passes
• Meeting resumed at 3:20pm
• Architectural Committee Report
o HOA board presented reminders to seek HOA approval prior to building
o HOA board presented reminders to complete building projects within
approved timeframe, 1 year from start.
• Treasurer Report & Budget Report – Treasurer
o Motion by Jeri Hurley to create an assessment for the property owners
that violate HOA CCRs
2nd motion – Gary Christensen
• Amendment - Noel Wellborn “$1000 fine for violation $5000
for same second violation
o 2nd motion by Wes Banks
Amendment proposed by Colleen Cook “$100
per infractions”
• Amendment proposed by Steve Ashworth – Creation of
protocol for board to consider fine structure for infractions
to be created within the next 30-days
• Amendment retracted by Noel Wellborn
Final Amended Motion – Creation of protocol for HOA board to use to
administer fine structure for infractions by HOA property owners for CCRs
infractions. Protocol to be developed by Steve Ashworth within 30 days of
annual meeting.
2nd motion – Gary Christensen
• All in favor, motion passes
• 2025 budget vote
o A review of the proposed 2025 budget was completed
NOTE: Identified the approved $15000 for pump improvements to
captured in proposed budget. All HOA members present
Motion to approve – Wes Banks
2nd motion – Steve Ashworth
• All in favor, motion passes, with approval of pump
replacement parts
New Business
• Fire Wise Ambassador
o Colleen Cook presented information regarding the need of Trail Ridge to
have a Fire Wise Ambassador and described activities of position.
Motion by Colleen Cook for Jeff Schwerdtfeger to be Fire Wise
2nd motion – Carl Corn
• All if favor motion approved
• Transparency Report/ Notification
o Wes Banks discussed to need for a requested transparency report to be
sent out following each meeting. This delegated to HOA Secretary
• Trail Ridge HOA Easements
o Discussed easements– Wes Banks
Answered concerns from HOA members
Discussed the easements and reviewed map of easements on
Falcon Drive.
• Nomination of HOA President
o Motion by Steve Ashworth– Jeri Hurley to be nominated President of HOA
board for 3 years
o 2nd motion - Noel Wellborn
Jeri hurley presents qualifications to TRHOA
Motion to Vote by ballot for Jeri Hurley or Wes Banks - Scott Haas
• Ballots provided; ballots collected by Bill Wells
• Votes counted by Scott Haas, verified by Bennita Knight
o 38 total votes
13 Jeri Hurley
25 Wes Banks
• Wes Banks President of HOA
• Nomination of HOA Vice President
o Motion to make Brenda Ashworth Vice President – Jeri Hurley
o 2nd motion – Noel Wellborn
All if favor motion approved
• Trail Ridge HOA Security Lights
o Bennita Knight provided concern for lights not functioning in the HOA.
• Weed Control
o Noel Wellborn presented concerns for weeds being mowed and not
sprayed based on type and how that is not the correct way to maintain
weed control.
o Disccussion on how weeds being sprayed and not being sprayed routinely
Motion by Bill Wells to hire company to have weeds sprayed in the
2nd motion – Gary Christensen
• All if favor motion approved
• Reminders
o Dogs need to be maintained by the owner within the guidelines of the Trail
Ridge HOA CCRs. Pets need to be on a leash and/or maintained within the
owner’s yard.
o Fencing lines do not always align with property boundaries. Verify
property boundaries and do not rely on fencing. If needed contact a
survey company to determine and locate property lines.
o Fireworks – not allowed within HOA
Motion to adjourn by Steve Ashworth
2nd motion – Scott Haas
o All if favor motion approved