HomeMy WebLinkAbout107 PMA 23 Etna Ranch Staff Report 107 PMA 23 BCC LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat – Master Plan Application HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 a.m., November 13, 2024 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, Wyoming & Via Video Conference Afton Branch Office Building Conference Room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 107 PMA 23 APPLICANT: Earl J. Darway Family Trust / Greengate Farm Edna Valley, LLC PROJECT NAME: Etna Ranch Subdivision – Preliminary Plat Master Plan COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Etna and Thayne ZONING: Rural REPRESENTATIVE: Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. PLANNER: Elizabeth Williams PARCEL ID: 3519-232-00-052, 3519-262-00-057, 3519-261-00-052 and 3519-252-00-053 ____________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat – Master Plan application to subdivide 480 +/- acres into 74 residential lots and 22 residential/commercial lots, in 12 phases. The average lot size is five +/- acres in the Rural Zone. The subdivision proposes five access roads branching off Clark Lane County Road No. 12-115, with four roads branching off to the south, and one to the north. Each lot will have an individual well for water. Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) requires a Chapter 3 permit completed by a licensed engineer for septic systems for all lots except lots 72, 82, 84, 85, 87, and 88. LOCATION: Located west and adjacent to the town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming in T35N R119W Sections 23, 25, and 26. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: 1. Revised Preliminary Plat 2. Vicinity Map 3. Agency Correspondence 4. Traffic Impact Study Summary 5. Public Correspondence ____________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners APPROVE File # 107 PMA 23 Etna Ranch Subdivision – Preliminary Plat, with: ● Findings of Approval A. thru C. ● Conditions of Approval 1. thru 17. 107 PMA 23 BCC PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that the Board of County Commissioners APPROVE File # 107 PMA 23 Etna Ranch Subdivision – Preliminary Plat, with: ● Findings of Approval A. thru C. ● Conditions of Approval 1. thru 17, with Condition of Approval #3 modified to read, Condition 3. The developer may proceed with phases 2-5 consecutively, prior to entering into an agreement with Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT). Phases 1, 6, and thereafter cannot be constructed until the turn lane required in the Traffic Impact Study on U.S. Highway 89 and Clark Lane County Road No. 12-115 is completed. Planning & Zoning Commission recommended amending Condition of Approval #3 to allow Phases 2-5 to be developed before requiring mitigation for the intersection of State Highway 89 and Clark Lane County Road No. 115. The idea behind revising Condition of Approval #3 was that Phases 2-5 could use road access through CMR subdivision instead of Clark Lane, to lessen the impact to the intersection needing mitigation. Upon further investigation, it appears that access to CMR Drive would be challenging to secure at this time. Therefore, planning staff recommends the original Condition of Approval #3. FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. With conditions, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. B. With conditions, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the standards and procedures of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations. C. With conditions, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the provisions W.S. 18-5-301 through W.S. 18-5-315. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Compliance with agency requirements: The developer/owner shall obtain any and all County, State, and Federal permits, licenses, and other approvals for the construction and/or operation of the project. This may include: Local Fire District, Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety (State Fire Marshal), Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (SEO), Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), Wyoming Game and Fish, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ), Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and/or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2. The developer shall construct an approved subdivision road with a minimum 26-foot roadway width and cul-de-sacs with a 70-foot radius right-of-way and 60-foot radius improved surface. 3. The developer shall provide evidence prior to Final Plat of each phase that they have entered into an agreement with Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) specific to that phase to mitigate impacts determined by the Traffic Impact Study. 4. The following Dedication of Roads and Easements shall be added to the plat: 107 PMA 23 BCC The owners and proprietors have laid out and surveyed as Etna Ranch Subdivision, and with the specific intent to do so, do hereby dedicate and convey to and for the public use forever the roads and road easements as are laid out and designated on this plat, and do also reserve perpetual easements for the installation and maintenance of utilities and for irrigation and drainage facilities as are laid out and designated on this plat. The undersigned hereby waives and releases all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Offers of Dedication of the road or roads on this plat in no way obligate the Lincoln County Commissioners to accept the offer and/or maintain such roads nor does it relieve the developer of the obligation to construct such road or roads according to the requirements of the Lincoln County Subdivision Regulations. Witness our hands and seals this day of____________, 20 . Lien holder, Owner(s), Mortgagee (Signature(s) shall be notarized) 5. The plat Certificate of Owners shall update road names to reflect roads on the plat. 6. The plat shall show roads connecting to the roads in the CMR Subdivision between Lots 36 and 34, and Lots 32 and 30. 7. The plat shall grant an easement between Lots 26 and 28 for a proposed future road. 8. The plat shall grant an easement between Lots 57 and 58 for a proposed future road. 9. The plat shall grant an easement between Lots 63 and 73 for East Etna South Road future development, as indicated in the Master Transportation Plan. 10. The developer shall provide three 13’ x 60’ parent parking areas for proposed bus stops on the southeast corner of Clark County Road and East Etna South Road, on the southeast corner of Clark County Road and Yellow Star Road and on the northwest corner of Clark County Road and Pinky Winky Drive. None of the park and ride spaces shall be in the right-of-way. 11. The developer shall provide a pedestrian pathway along one side of East Etna South Road. 12. A 50-foot setback on the down-slope side of the East Side Canal and a 20-foot set-back on the upslope side shall be added to the Plat and an easement for the East Side Canal Trail shall be shown. 13. Each subdivision phase will require a meeting with planning staff, a phase plat to be reviewed by the Planning Office, other agencies, and the Board of County Commissioners to ensure there is not an impediment to emergency services or other health, safety and welfare concerns for Lincoln County citizens. Conditions of Approval may be added to each phase by the Planning Office and/or Board of County Commissioners. The developer shall enter into a Development Agreement with the County for each phase of the subdivision. The Development Agreement shall be signed by all parties and filed with the Lincoln County Clerk’s Office no later than 60 days after approval of the Preliminary Plat or the application and approval shall be voided. Lots are not buildable until the Final Plat is recorded for each lot. 14. The developer will obtain a review by the United States Postal Service (USPS) for mail delivery. The developer may need a plan for Cluster Box Units and an agreement with USPS. The agreement may include turnout, installation placement, and snow removal. Cluster Box Units shall be placed outside of the County Right-of-Way. 15. The developer shall eliminate the line on the plat stating, “The developer has the right to adjust the phasing schedule without further notice to or approval by the County.” 16. The following Plat Warning shall be added to the Final Plat as required by DEQ: 107 PMA 23 BCC A Chapter 3 Permit to Construct is required for construction of residential sewage systems (septic systems) on all lots within the Etna Ranch Subdivision except for lots 88, 90, 92, 93, 95 and 96. Since percolation rates for lots within the Etna Ranch Subdivision has been shown to be less than 5 minutes per inch except for lots 88, 90, 92, 93, 95 and 96 a Chapter 3 Permit to Construct from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality is required for the construction of septic systems. It is the individual lot/ home owner's responsibility to obtain a Chapter 3 Permit to Construct from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division. A Professional Engineer Licensed with the State of Wyoming must submit the Chapter 3 Permit to Construct Application. It is the individual lot/ home owner's responsibility to obtain a Permit to Construct from Lincoln County to construct a sewage system (septic system) for lots 88, 90, 92, 93 and 96. The developer has changed some lot numbers, affecting the recommended plat warning. The Plat Warning will reflect the updated lot numbers. DEQ Recommendation New Lot Number Lot 88 Lot 72 Lot 90 Lot 82 Lot 92 Lot 84 Lot 93 Lot 85 Lot 95 Lot 87 Lot 96 Lot 88 17. The Plat shall have the following warning for soil restrictions: Lots 7,8, 57-60, 62, 64,74,76,78,80,91-96 may have soils rated as Severe erosion hazard, and rated Very Limited for basements. For roads and streets, soils in the subdivision are rated between Somewhat Limited to Very Limited. BACKGROUND: This project was tabled at the November 15, 2023 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting for a Traffic Impact Study at the request of Planning Staff. The developer’s representative submitted the completed Traffic Impact Study on June 26, 2024. The project was termed a “Preliminary Plat—Master Plan” with a proposed Phasing Schedule as follows: Phase I Lots 1-10 (2023-2026) Phase II Lots 11-17 (2026-2029) Phase III Lots 18-22 (2029-2032) Phase IV Lots 23-28 (2032-2035) Phase V Lots 29-36 (2035-2038) Phase VI Lots 37-44 (2038-2041) Phase VII Lots 45-56 (2041-2044) Phase VIII Lots 57-64 (2044-2047) Phase IX Lots 65-72 (2047-2050) Phase X Lots 73-80 (2050-2053) Phase XI Lots 81-88 (2053-2056) Phase XII Lots 89-96 (2056-2059) 107 PMA 23 BCC The developer changed the lot numbering after submitting the plat to DEQ in May 2023. The phasing is based on the new lot numbers, and the plat warnings will be based on the new lot numbers. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE: Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT): this [CMR] proposed access connection would require an update to the traffic study. And access via CMR would be considered a change in use and require a new access permit, and access spacing with existing approaches must be evaluated and consider access consolidation. Access/Traffic Impact Study: Condition approval that the applicant must enter into a cooperative agreement with WYDOT for any full build-out mitigation measures within WYDOT right-of-ways (US 89) as identified in the traffic impact study. The existing field access in the northwest corner of Lot 22 [re-numbered to be lot 14] must be removed. Obtain an access permit from WYDOT for the access removal. Lincoln County Weed & Pest: At the time of inspection, Dyers Woad, and Hounds Tongue were present. These weeds are on the Wyoming State Noxious Weed list as well as the Lincoln County Noxious Weed List. These plants have proven to be very invasive and pernicious. According to Wyoming Statute it is illegal to allow any state or county noxious weed to propagate freely. The subdivision representative will need to contact Lincoln County Weed and Pest and explain their weed control strategy or work with us to devise one. Star Valley Conservation District: The degree of limitations for dwellings with and without basements in areas of Greyback gravelly loam (Gg), the rating is Not Limited. Areas of Greyback- Rooset association, hilly (GRD), Robana silt loam 10-20 percent slopes (RoD), and Willow Creek- Bozeman association, hilly (WcD) are rated as Very Limited due to slope and shrink-swell. Areas of Robana silt loam 3 to 10 percent slopes (RoC), Robana-Turnerville association, undulating (RTC), Thayne gravelly loam 3 to 6 percent slope (ThB), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating (WcC) are rated as Somewhat Limited due to shrink-swell. Soil cuts were not conducted as part of this review. Care should be taken not to locate buildings in the intermittent drainage or any drainage channel where overland flooding could occur during early spring snowmelt or heavy thunderstorms. The degree of limitations for roads and streets for areas containing Greyback gravelly loam (Gg), are rates as Somewhat Limited due to frost action. Greyback-Rooset association, hilly (GRD), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, hilly (WcD) are listed as Very Limited due to frost action, slope, low strength, and shrink-swell. Robana silt loam 3 to 10 percent slopes (RoC) are listed as Very Limited due to frost action, low strength, and shrink-swell. Robana silt loam 10-20 percent slopes (RoD), Robana- Turnerville association, undulating (RTC), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating (WcC) are rated as Very Limited due to frost action, low strength, and shrink-swell. Areas of Thayne gravelly loam 3 to 6 percent slope (ThB) are listed as Very Limited due to frost action. The potential of erosion hazard for unsurfaced roads and trails and construction sites in areas containing Greyback gravelly loam (Gg) are rated as Slight. Greyback-Rooset association, hilly (GRD), 107 PMA 23 BCC Robana silt loam 10-20 percent slopes (RoD), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, hilly (WcD) are rated as Severe due to slope/erodibility. Robana silt loam 3 to 10 percent slopes (RoC), Robana- Turnerville association, undulating (RTC), Thayne gravelly loam 3 to 6 percent slope (ThB), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating (WcC) are rated as Moderate due to slope/erodibility. State Engineer's Office: Our records indicate that there may be some irrigated acres associated with the subdivision lands under Permit P9114.0D, P9115.0D, P9216.0D, P5872.0E, P1266.0E, P7736.0E, and P5331.0E. These acres need to be addressed per Statute Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ): A Chapter 3 Permit to Construct is required for construction of residential sewage systems (septic systems) on all lots within the Etna Ranch Subdivision except for lots 88,90,92,93,95 and 96. Since percolation rates for lots within the Etna Ranch Subdivision has been shown to be less than 5 minutes per inch except for lots 88,90,92,93,95 and 96 a Chapter 3 Permit to Construct from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality is required for the construction of septic systems. It is the individual lot/home owner's responsibility to obtain a Chapter 3 Permit to Construct from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division. A Professional Engineer Licensed with the State of Wyoming must submit the Chapter 3 Permit to Construct Application. It is the individual lot/home owner's responsibility to obtain a Permit to Construct from Lincoln County to construct a sewage system (septic system) for lots 88,90,92,93 and 96. Lincoln County School District #2: Under current school district policies and procedures bus stops would be established at intersecting side roads with Clark Lane. East Etna South and Yellow Star Road would be logical locations for bus stops with their central access to large plats. For these reasons we propose three 13' x 60' pull outs at the intersection of Clark Lane and East Etna and Clark Lane and Yellow Star/Pinky Winky. We recommend that each be placed so that traffic approaching Clark Lane can pull off on their right-hand side to wait at a bus stop. For students without the opportunity of a ride to the bus stop, we also propose walking paths along East Etna South. Lincoln County Engineering Department: Roads Names & Easements: The Certificate of Owners needs to update the road names. Connectivity Between Developments: LUR 6.17 B – The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions are encouraged to provide the continuation of streets in adjoining subdivisions and other areas. Sheet 2 of 4 – Between Lots 36 & 34 and Lots 32 & 30 should connect to the roads in the CMR Subdivision that was platted in 1995. This impacts Highway 89 and typically the connectivity will need to be reviewed by WYDOT. Sheet 2 of 4 – Between Lots 26 & 28 a proposed future road. Sheet 4 of 4 – Between Lots 57 & 58 a proposed future road. Language needs to be added to the Plat to assure connectivity in the future. Traffic-Vehicle and Pedestrian: LUR 6.25 B – New development shall provide a safe and adequate pedestrian circulations system with associated improvements. Designs which will separate pedestrian traffic from vehicle traffic are encouraged. What is the plan for pedestrians? Are there any trails planned within the development? In the Comprehensive Plan Appendix 7 Star Valley Trails and Open Space identifies the East Side Canal Trail. (Page 7-A-13) 107 PMA 23 BCC Lincoln County Transportation Plan: As per the Transportation Plan, Figure 2-30 Identifies route as a proposed roadway for connectivity. Sheet 4 of 4 – Between Lots 63 & 73 East Etna South Road continues South. Language needs to be added to the Plat to assure connectivity in the future. Will each phase be reviewed by a preliminary plat process? This will allow the County and the State to review the traffic impact and the mitigations that are necessary as per the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Sunrise Engineering. If not, will the developer be addressing ALL mitigations upfront? Each plat also should be reviewed to assure there is not an impediment for emergency services. Mailboxes: There needs to be a review by the USPS for mail delivery. PUBLIC COMMENT: Public Comment is attached. £¤89 Star Valley Ranch 30 31 32 20 19 18 29 17 36 15 14 25 34 13 26 35 2422 27 23 35N 118W35N 119W ³±116 ³±115 WesternSkyDrive RobertsRoadEast Etna South Road£¤89KILPATRICK, JOSHUA L & KELLIANNE TRUSTEES CLARK RANCH, LLC WILLIAMS, EMILY K & HUBERT J HUMPHERYS, MARISELAHUMPHERYS,MARISELA HUMPHERYS, MARISELAWALTON &ASSOCIATES LLC SOTELO, THOMASR & TONI M TRUSTEES GENTRY, CHARLES V & TAMRA K STAR VALLEY STORAGE, LLC MCYOUNG, LANCE& JODIE MARION, MEGAN HSANDERSON, CHETJ.& LISA R. DARWAY, EARL J TRUSTEE EVERETT, A ROGERS DARWAY, EARL J TRUSTEE STONE, KAMIEJ TRUSTEE JENKINS,CHAD K FAM REV TRUST CK6 RANCH,LLC HEAP, EVELYNJENKINS INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, LLC EDWARDS, JOHN& PATRICIA, TRUSTEES WHITE, GORDONC & DONNA S TRUSTEES STONE, KAMIE J TRUSTEESTONE, KAMIE J TRUSTEE JENKINS, TROY L YECNY, GERALD G & PATRICIA A BOERSMA, DARIN 4SOM,LLC CAN GRAFREEDOM, LLC PRATT, JEFFREY S CTGX HOLDINGS, LLC HOKANSON,DEE J & IDA L TRUSTEES WALTERS, JUSTIN H ETAL HEAP, EVELYN FREEDOM WYOMING WATER & SEWER DISTRICT STATE OF WYOMING CONGER,JOE B & TERRI L BATES, LYLE & JILLMILLER, BRYAN & JAN M GRONEWALD, DENISE L TRUSTEE JENKINS INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, LLC PETERSEN, EUGENEB TRUSTEE ETAL LEES, ANDREA J ETAL COBURN,CARLINE A. SANDERS, DANNY L & VICKI S TRUSTEESTHELESEN, LARS& ADELE NILES, DAVID & SUZANNEMICHALSKI,ADAM JGERO, PATRICK D.FITZGERALD,JACKSON R & LARI S FITZGERALD,JACKSON R & LARI S VALLEYRANCH HOLDINGS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ZANINOVICH, VINCENT JTRUSTEE ENGLER, PHILLIP & AMANDA GREENGATEFARM EDNA VALLEY, LLC GEPKENS, ERIK H CHENEY, WM C TRUSTEE CHOMA, ROBERT & LISA MEADOWS, STEVEN R& WENDY W TRUSTEES MOUDY, BARTLETT A IV & SHERRY LMOUDY, BARTLETTIV & SHERRY BARGANIER, PATRICIA CANO, SOLEDAD HDAY, MARSHALL D & CAROL J RUEF EWINGS, AMY FRERICKS, MATTHEWD ETAL WORSTER, AMY M TRUSTEE WORSTER, AMY M TRUSTEE BALLS, JERRY & MARTHA TRUSTEESC/O FLOHE SEAN BEARSS, JAKE V & MOLLY ISIMPSON,QUINTIN J BREWINGTON, MARCATANNER KOLIBA,RANDY J & DONNA J WOOLWINE,DANIEL J ETAL OSORIO, FEDERICO & PAULA ORTIZ COLEMAN, CLAIR F & KAYE M TRUSTEES HARDY,BRAD D & JOLIE C COLEMAN, CLAIR F & KAYE M ETAL HARDY,BRAD D & JOLIE C HARDY,BRAD D & JOLIE C HARDY,BRAD D & JOLIE C CAMPBELL, RONALD D CORRAND, FRANCOIS & BRIGITTE TRUSTEES THE TWILIGHTRIFT, LLC WALTON, CASEYWASEM,ARIELD SHANE BUDGE, RICHARDC & HEATHER L TRUSTEESLEEPER, LARRY D &DEBRA K TRUSTEES SAVARESE,PRESTON R & PAIGE R CLARK RANCH, LLC CLARK, MARC & DEANNA KLEIN, HARVEY L &GAIL M CARPENTER,ROBERT D & VICKI L TRUSTEES BROOKS, PHILIP D& RONDA M TRUSTEESPENSCO TRUST COMPANY ETAL DE COSTER, BIANCA DAVIDSON, RICHARD E & PAMELA H BRENT MORTENSEN LIVING TRUST LEWIS,TIM M & JENNIFER R SINGLETON, MAX W& VERONICA E AUTUMN PROPERTIES, LLC CHAPMAN, EARL T TRUSTEE WOLFLEY, CORY B & PAMELA S STEVENS, TYLER K &BONNIE K SEALE, BRENT L & JOANNE M TRUSTEES SGAMBATO, JOSEPH A &MAUREEN TRUSTEES DAVIDSON,RICHARD & PAMELA BARRETT, MALINA A TRUSTEE DARWAY, EARLJ TRUSTEE WILLIAMS, EMILYK & HUBERT J MOORE, DAVID S & KATHY J SCHAPER, DAVIDJ & ELVIRA KOEDER NIELSEN, PRESTON BUFFALO HRANCH PROPERTIES LLC FLYNN, TARA J ROBERTS, SCOTT C & GINGER D WOLFLEY, CHRISTOPHER W & RACHAEL M CONGER, JOE B & TERRI L DEVENY,JANETTE GUSTAFSON, DEAN GOLDSBERRY, AARON L & AMY L HILLMAN, BRUCE NEWMAN, MICHAEL S BELL,JOEL D & JULIA C MILLER, GAVIN & ALICIA C TOPSIDE DEVELOPMENTLLC GOLDEN DOG DEVELOPMENTSLLC CAN GRA FREEDOM, LLC ROBERTS FAMILY TRUST DARWAY, EARL J TRUSTEE PERRY,ROEN C & SUSAN H TRUSTEES DARWAY, EARL J Maxar Major Subdivision Application Projects Township & Range Sections Municipalities Roads Road_Type US Highways WY Highways Public Noticing File No 107 PMA 23 Etna Ranch Earl J. Darway Trustee, Greengate Farm Edna Valley, LLC Prepared using available data by Katie Gipson, on 29 Sept. 2023. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land. Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> Etna Ranch additional access Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 2:28 PM To: Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> Elizabeth, taking a quick peak, this proposed access connection would require an update to the traffic study. And access via CMR would be considered a change in use and require a new access permit, and access spacing with existing approaches must be evaluated and consider access consolidation. Thanks, Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer 3200 Elk Street Rock Springs, WY 82902 Office: 307.352.3034 Cell: 307.389.0235 [Quoted text hidden] 10/25/24, 3:17 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Etna Ranch additional access https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1813919200237836862&simpl=msg-f:1813919200237836862 1/1 Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> Public Notice for 107 MA 23 Etna Ranch Subdivision Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 9:42 AM To: Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> Elizabeth, Thank you for the opportunity to comment. WYDOT has no objections for the proposed residential subdivision. Previous WYDOT comments dated 11/2/2023 still apply. Utilities: For any new utility construction within WYDOT right-of-way, the utility companies/owner shall obtain the necessary M-54 utility license via the new on-line permitting process, MainStar, located at https://usa.maintstar.co/Wyoming/Logon.aspx. Currently WYDOT requires any utility company needing access to the MainStar system to contact the local District Office for the license or permit, or to email dot.utilities@wyo.gov to set up your login credentials. An M-21 permit is necessary for new utility connections to existing permitted utilities within WYDOT R/W. WYDOT Utilities Section can be found at the following link: http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/engineering_technical_programs/utilities_section.html Access/Traffic Impact Study: Condition approval that the applicant must enter into a cooperative agreement with WYDOT for any full build-out mitigation measures within WYDOT right-of-ways (US 89) as identified in the traffic impact study. The existing field access in the northwest corner of Lot 22 must be removed. Obtain an access permit from WYDOT for the access removal. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Thank you. Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer 3200 Elk Street Rock Springs, WY 82902 Office: 307.352.3034 Cell: 307.389.0235 [Quoted text hidden] E-Mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction of public business, is subject to the Wyoming Public Records Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 10/10/24, 8:16 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Public Notice for 107 MA 23 Etna Ranch Subdivision https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1812451627891664700&simpl=msg-f:1812451627891664700 1/1 June 8,2023 To Whom It May Concern, An inspection of the proposed,Earl Darway Family Trust–Major Subdivision -within Section 23,25 and 26,T35N R119W,Lincoln County,Wyoming.The purpose of this inspection was to see if there are any of the noxious weeds as to W.S.11-5-102 (a) (xi).At the time of inspection,Dyers Woad,and Hounds Tongue were present. These weeds are on the Wyoming State Noxious Weed list as well as the Lincoln County Noxious Weed List.These plants have proven to be very invasive and pernicious.According to Wyoming Statute it is illegal to allow any state or county noxious weed to propagate freely.The subdivision representative will need to contact Lincoln County Weed and Pest and explain their weed control strategy or work with us to devise one. Lincoln County Weed and Pest furnishes herbicides for noxious weed control at a reduced cost share discount to the landowner.We also offer ATV sprayers and 25-gallon pickup sprayers for rent. Please know that all visits to the above property as well as any consultations are at no charge,so feel free to call or stop by the office any time if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bryan Nichols Travis Osmond Private Lands Coordinator Supervisor Lincoln County Weed and Pest District Lincoln County Weed and Pest District Subdivision Review Earl J. Darway, Major Subdivision Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming March 7, 2023 Location The Earl J. Darway, major subdivision is in sections 23,26, and 27 T35N R119W, 2 miles south of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming. The proposed subdivision is +/- 480 acres and will be divided into 96 lots. Water Star Valley Conservation District (SVCD) personnel used the State Engineers Water Rights Data Base to obtain groundwater information for this property. Well logs from wells in the vicinity indicate the static water level is between 23 and 343 feet below ground surface. According to Surveyor Scherbel’s Office, owner’s agent, the 96 lots will each have individual wells and septic systems. A Section 23 Water and Wastewater Study has been performed on this property. This Section 23 water study supersedes any recommendations regarding soil cuts and the high groundwater table in this report. SVCD recommends soil cuts to determine groundwater levels. If ground water is high, we recommend an enhanced septic system and no basements. We recommend that soil cuts be taken in the spring/early summer when groundwater is highest. If soil cuts are done at other times know that static water level can fluctuate according to the amount of high-water runoff from year to year. Salt River The Salt River is listed on Table C (Water Bodies with Water Quality Threats) of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) 2020 Section 303(d) List. The Salt River does not support the designated use for contact recreation use due to elevated levels of fecal coliform bacteria. In response to this listing, the Star Valley Conservation District (SVCD) initiated watershed-planning activities for the Salt River Watershed in 2003. The Salt River Watershed Plan has been completed, was formally submitted to WDEQ and was accepted and signed by WDEQ in July 2005. SVCD completed a TMDL for the Salt River in 2016 which was submitted to WDEQ. SVCD continues to monitor the watershed. We have collaborated with landowners to implement fencing and off stream watering for livestock. We also provide a cost share to homeowners to pump septic systems after attending our septic workshops. The Salt River Watershed Plan identifies rural subdivisions as adversely affecting water quality in the Salt River Watershed. Storm water run-off from subdivisions should be managed using best management practices to ensure that pollutants such as storm water runoff, animal wastes, sediment, and fertilizers do not reach the irrigation ditches or other surface waters in the area. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WYDEQ) requires all construction sites that disturb 1 acre or more to have a construction NPDES permit. The areas do not have to be contiguous. The permit requires construction site operators to implement appropriate erosion and sediment control best management practices, control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck wash-out, chemicals, litter, and sanitary wastes. Operators of construction activities must develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that describes the measures to be implemented at the construction site that will eliminate or minimize pollutants from the project from reaching surface waters. The terms and conditions of the permit must be implemented until the land disturbed by construction activities has been ‘finally stabilized.’ Finally stabilized is defined as “all soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed, and a uniform perennial vegetative cover with a density of 70% of the native background vegetative cover for the area has been established on all disturbed unpaved areas and areas not covered by permanent structures”. If construction will disturb 5 or more acres a stormwater permit from WYDEQ is required. For more information regarding the NPDES requirements please contact Katy Sprouse by phone or email at 307-777-7570 (katysprouse@wyo.gove)Anita Rehner, WYDEQ Program Coordinator at 307-777-5622 or (arehner@state.wy.us). Soils The following soils information provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey of Star Valley Area, Wyoming – Idaho. This information does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation of the soils or for testing and analysis of these soils by a Wyoming Licensed Engineer experienced in the design and construction of engineering work. The proposed subdivision is comprised of 8 soil types identified as Greyback gravelly loam (Gg), Greyback-Rooset association, hilly (GRD), Robana silt loam 3 to 10 percent slopes (RoC), Robana silt loam 10-20 percent slopes (RoD), Robana-Turnerville association, undulating (RTC), Thayne gravelly loam 3 to 6 percent slope (ThB), Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating (WcC), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, hilly (WcD). Limitations: ‘not limited’ indicates that the soil has features that are favorable for the specified use, good performance and very low maintenance can be expected. ‘Somewhat limited’ indicates that the soil has features that are moderately favorable for the specified use. The limitations can be overcome or minimized by special planning, design, and installation. Fair performance and moderate maintenance can be expected. Soils with ‘very limited’ designations indicate that the soil has one or more features that are unfavorable for the specified use. The limitations generally cannot be overcome without major soil reclamation, special design, or expensive installation procedures, poor performance and high maintenance can be expected. Dwelling with and without basements: The degree of limitations for dwellings with and without basements in areas of Greyback gravelly loam (Gg), the rating is Not Limited. Areas of Greyback-Rooset association, hilly (GRD), Robana silt loam 10-20 percent slopes (RoD), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, hilly (WcD) are rated as Very Limited due to slope and shrink-swell. Areas of Robana silt loam 3 to 10 percent slopes (RoC), Robana-Turnerville association, undulating (RTC), Thayne gravelly loam 3 to 6 percent slope (ThB), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating (WcC) are rated as Somewhat Limited due to shrink-swell. Soil cuts were not conducted as part of this review. Care should be taken not to locate buildings in the intermittent drainage or any drainage channel where overland flooding could occur during early spring snowmelt or heavy thunderstorms. Sewage Disposal: The degree of limitations for septic tank absorption fields for areas containing Greyback gravelly loam (Gg) are rated as Very Limited due to seepage. Areas of Greyback-Rooset association, hilly (GRD) are listed as Very Limited due to slope, slow water movement and seepage. Areas of Robana silt loam 3 to 10 percent slopes (RoC), Robana-Turnerville association, undulating (RTC), Thayne gravelly loam 3 to 6 percent slope (ThB), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating (WcC) are listed as Somewhat Limited due to slow water movement. Areas of Robana silt loam 10-20 percent slopes (RoD), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, hilly (WcD) are listed as Very Limited due to slope and slow water movement. Roads and streets: The degree of limitations for roads and streets for areas containing Greyback gravelly loam (Gg), are rates as Somewhat Limited due to frost action. Greyback-Rooset association, hilly (GRD), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, hilly (WcD) are listed as Very Limited due to frost action, slope, low strength, and shrink-swell. Robana silt loam 3 to 10 percent slopes (RoC) are listed as Very Limited due to frost action, low strength, and shrink-swell. , Robana silt loam 10-20 percent slopes (RoD), Robana-Turnerville association, undulating (RTC), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating (WcC) are rated as Very Limited due to frost action, low strength, and shrink-swell. Areas of Thayne gravelly loam 3 to 6 percent slope (ThB) are listed as Very Limited due to frost action. Shallow excavations: The degree of limitations for shallow excavations for areas containing Greyback gravelly loam (Gg), and Thayne gravelly loam 3 to 6 percent slope (ThB), are listed as Very Limited due to cutbanks cave. Areas of Greyback-Rooset association, hilly (GRD), and Robana silt loam 10-20 percent slopes (RoD) are rated as Very Limited due to slope and cutbanks cave. Areas of Robana silt loam 3 to 10 percent slopes (RoC), and Robana-Turnerville association, undulating (RTC), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating (WcC) are rated as Somewhat Limited due to cutbanks cave. Areas of Willow Creek-Bozeman association, hilly (WcD) are rated as Very Limited due to slope and cutbanks cave. Erosion Hazard: The potential of erosion hazard for unsurfaced roads and trails and construction sites in areas containing Greyback gravelly loam (Gg) are rated as Slight. Greyback-Rooset association, hilly (GRD), Robana silt loam 10-20 percent slopes (RoD), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, hilly (WcD) are rated as Severe due to slope/erodibility. Robana silt loam 3 to 10 percent slopes (RoC), Robana-Turnerville association, undulating (RTC), Thayne gravelly loam 3 to 6 percent slope (ThB), and Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating (WcC) are rated as Moderate due to slope/erodibility. To avoid potential erosion or sedimentation problems all disturbed areas during subdivision construction, especially road banks, need to be mulched and seeded back to adapted grass/legumes and tress/shrubs as soon as possible. Topsoil should be stockpiled and saved during construction, so adequate seedbeds can be prepared in the disturbed areas. Appropriate erosion and sediment control best management practices should be installed and maintained for the duration of the project. Noxious Weeds Lincoln County Weed and Pest report is included separately in this report. Please note and follow the recommendations therein. Lincoln County Weed & Pest furnishes herbicides for noxious weed control at a discount to landowners. Check with Weed and Pest to see if you qualify. They also offer ATV sprayers and 25-gallon pickup sprayers for rent. All visits to the property as well as any consultations are at no charge. To contact Lincoln County Weed and Pest call 307-885-9333 (WEED). Small Acreage Grazing/Livestock Management Please be aware, grazing animals on small acreages can have a significant impact on the condition of soil, water, plants, and other natural resources. Care should be taken to ensure agricultural activities such as grazing, corrals, pastures, feedlots, animal waste storage or spreading does not take place within any wellhead protection zone. Best management practices should be implemented on these parcels to ensure animal wastes does not reach spring or Salt River during times of high water, snow melt, or storm run-off. This can be done by using berms, filters strips, grassed swales and catch ponds. The SVCD recommends the individual lot owners obtain a site-specific grazing and waste management conservation plan from the local Natural Resources Conservation Service office in Afton. The plans are provided free of charge. For mor information, please contact Adam Clark, 307-886-9001 ext.109, adam.p.clark@usda.gov. Wildfire and Landscaping: Wildfire is possible in this area. Well planned landscaping can reduce wildfire danger. The home should have a defensible space. SVCD recommends following the guidelines in the University of Wyoming Barnyards and Backyards Living with Wildfire in Wyoming publication. http://www.uwyo.edu/barnbackyard/_files/documents/resources/wildfire2013/wildfire_web.pdf Wildlife Friendly Fencing Fences cause the direct mortality of wildlife through entanglement and prohibition of movement to seasonal ranges. Fences constructed or currently in existence on the property should be designed to allow free and unrestricted movement of wildlife. Wyoming Game and Fish Department recommends fences be built to minimally restrict livestock and horses, while allowing free movement of wildlife (e.g. a smooth bottom wire 16-18 inches above ground, a 39- inch maximum height and at least 12 inches between the top two wires). Wildlife can benefit from any area of open space. For more information please see Fencing Guidelines for Wildlife Wyoming Game & Fish Habitat Extension Bulletin No. 53 at the Wyoming Game and Fish website http://gf.state.wy.us/downloads/pdf/habitat/Bulletin%20No.%2053.pdf. Homeowners should protect ornamental shrubs used for landscaping and future homeowners should know that, by state statute, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is not liable for damage caused to ornamental plants by wildlife. The potential exists for wildlife conflicts, especially between wildlife and free-ranging domestic pets. The landowner should take precautions to minimize harassment of wildlife by dogs and cats. It is illegal to allow pets to chase or kill wildlife. Likewise, rural landowners should recognize that black bears, mountain lions, and other carnivores may come near their dwellings and may pose a threat to pets allowed to range freely. Sensitive Species and Historical Resources Sensitive, threatened, or endangered species were not evaluated as part of this review. STAR VALLEY CONSERVATION DISTRICT Kay Lynn Nield District Manager Soil Map—Star Valley Area, Wyoming-Idaho (Earl J. Darway) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 1/24/2023 Page 1 of 3475970047601004760500476090047613004761700475970047601004760500476090047613004761700498400498800499200499600500000500400500800501200501600502000 498400 498800 499200 499600 500000 500400 500800 501200 501600 502000 43° 0' 34'' N 111° 1' 14'' W43° 0' 34'' N110° 58' 28'' W42° 59' 15'' N 111° 1' 14'' W42° 59' 15'' N 110° 58' 28'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 12N WGS84 0 500 1000 2000 3000 Feet 0 250 500 1000 1500 Meters Map Scale: 1:17,200 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:20,000. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Star Valley Area, Wyoming-Idaho Survey Area Data: Version 18, Sep 9, 2022 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Jun 16, 2021—Aug 8, 2022 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Soil Map—Star Valley Area, Wyoming-Idaho (Earl J. Darway) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 1/24/2023 Page 2 of 3 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Gg Greyback gravelly loam 101.6 21.3% GRD Greyback-Rooset association, hilly 0.8 0.2% RoC Robana silt loam, 3 to 10 percent slopes 208.8 43.8% RoD Robana silt loam, 10 to 20 percent slopes 48.4 10.2% RTC Robana-Turnerville association, undulating 1.1 0.2% TeA Thayne loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 0.8 0.2% ThB Thayne gravelly loam, 3 to 6 percent slopes 20.6 4.3% WcC Willow Creek-Bozeman association, undulating 78.8 16.5% WcD Willow Creek-Bozeman association, hilly 15.7 3.3% Totals for Area of Interest 476.6 100.0% Soil Map—Star Valley Area, Wyoming-Idaho Earl J. Darway Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 1/24/2023 Page 3 of 3 State Engineer’s Office HERSCHLER BUILDING,2 WEST CHEYENNE,WYOMING 82002 (307)777-6150 MARK GORDON GOVERNOR BRANDON GEBHART,P.E. STATE ENGINEER September 6,2023 Lincoln County Board of Commissioners 925 Sage Ave.,Suite 302 Kemmerer,WY 83101 planning@lincolncountywy.gov RE:Etna Ranch Subdivision WDEQ 2023-183 Dear Commissioners: The State Engineer’s Office Ground Water Division received application material related to the Etna Ranch Subdivision from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality,requesting information and advice to the Water Quality Division. The proposed subdivision is to be located in NW ¼of Section 25,part of the N ½of Section 26,and part of the W ½of section 23 of T35N,R119W,Lincoln County,Wyoming.The subdivision consists of 96 lots.The proposed water system is individual on-lot wells.Based upon the review of both the subdivision application and a preliminary search of the agency’s water rights database,the State Engineer’s Office offers the following: Our office reviewed the referenced submittal in compliance with W.S.18-5-306.We find that in respect to W.S.18-5-306(a)(xi)the subdivider needs to address the following items: 1.Our records indicate that there may be some irrigated acres associated with the subdivision lands under Permit P9114.0D,P9115.0D,P9216.0D,P5872.0E,P1266.0E,P7736.0E,and P5331.0E . These acres need to be addressed per Statute (see item 6 for a summary of our findings and the processes to address these acres). Additional Comments: 2.An approved permit from the Wyoming State Engineer’s Office is required prior to the drilling of any water well.The procurement of the necessary and appropriate State Engineer water right permit allows the applicant to attempt to develop a water supply adequate to meet their proposed needs,and is no guarantee that any water will be physically available. 3.If any new wells are proposed,they must be constructed in accordance with the State Engineer’s Office Rules and Regulations,Part III,Water Well Minimum Construction Standards. 4.Any well not to be used must be properly plugged and abandoned as outlined in the above referenced rules and regulations. Surface Water Ground Water Board of Control (307)777-6475 (307)777-6163 (307)777-6178 5.Any wells developed for uses that do NOT fall within the definition of domestic or stock use require adjudication by the Board of Control. 6.The water right search revealed other existing water rights attached to the subdivision lands.Those water rights must be addressed as outlined in Wyoming Statute 18-5-306(a)(xi).To date,the State Engineer’s Office has not received any paperwork addressing the intended disposition of the water rights. Wyoming Statute 18-5-306(a)(xi): (xi)With respect to any water rights appurtenant to lands to be subdivided in accordance with this chapter and prior to final approval of the subdivision permit,the subdivider shall provide the following: (A)The intended disposition of the water rights,by: (I)Written documentation from the state engineer or the state board of control that the subdivider submitted to the state engineer or the state board of control all documents necessary to voluntarily abandon the water rights,cancel any unadjudicated permits or eliminate applicable lands from any unadjudicated permits.The subdivider shall notify any purchasers of this action; (II)Written documentation from the state board of control that the subdivider has submitted to the state board of control all documents necessary to change the use or place of use to provide for beneficial use of the water rights outside the subdivision; (III)A plan,accompanied by written documentation from the state engineer approving the plan,for the distribution of the water rights appurtenant to the land to be subdivided.The plan shall specify the distribution of the water to the lots within the subdivision and shall include written documentation from the state board of control that the subdivider submitted to the state board of control all documents necessary to change the use,place of use or point of diversion or means of conveyance in accordance with W.S.41-3-103,41-3-104 or 41-3-114;or (IV)Written documentation from the state board of control that it has accepted an authorization to detach water rights appurtenant to the lands to be subdivided in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the state board of control. (B)If the subdivision is located within lands served by or crossed by a ditch,irrigation works or other water conveyance system,evidence that the subdivider submitted the plan to the public entity, company,association or appropriators responsible for the ditch,irrigation works or other water conveyance system for review and recommendation at least sixty (60)days prior to the submittal of the application for the subdivision permit to the board.Upon receipt of the plan,the public entity, company,association or appropriators shall notify the subdivider if and how the subdivision will create a significant additional burden or risk of liability; (C)Evidence that the subdivider will specifically state on all offers and solicitations relative to the subdivision the subdivider's intent to comply with this paragraph and that the subdivider does not warrant to a purchaser that the purchaser shall have any rights to the natural flow of any stream within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision.The subdivider shall further state that Wyoming law does not recognize any riparian rights to the continued natural flow of a stream or river for persons living on the banks of the stream or river; (D)If the subdivision is located within the boundaries of an irrigation district that is subject to the provisions of title 41,chapter 7 of the Wyoming statutes,the application shall include recommendations from the irrigation district regarding any changes to the attached water rights and the irrigation district's easements.If there is a conflict with the irrigation district's recommendations, the subdivider shall certify that it met with and made a good faith effort to resolve any conflicts with the irrigation district;and (E)If the subdivision will create a significant additional burden or risk of liability to the public entity, company,association or appropriators responsible for the ditch,irrigation works or other water conveyance system,the subdivider shall provide an adequate and responsible plan to reduce or eliminate the additional burden or risk of liability and evidence that the subdivider submitted the plan to the public entity,company,association or appropriators for review and recommendation regarding the adequacy of the plan. In all correspondence regarding this application,please reference “State Engineer Subdivision Review Number 2023-23-12”. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at (307)777-2974,or if you prefer email,at wesley.frain1@wyo.gov.Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the subdivision application. Sincerely, Wesley Frain Natural Resources Analyst TRANSMITTED VIA EMAIL Cc:Lisa Lindemann,Administrator,Ground Water Division Jed Rockweiler,Administrator,Surface Water Division Cheryl Timm,Administrator,Board of Control Division Kevin Payne,Superintendent,Water Division IV Mike Johnson,Hydrographer/Commissioner,Water Division IV,District 12 Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> Etna Ranch Ryan Lyman <rylyman@lcsd2.org>Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 7:19 AM To: Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> To whom it may concern: We have witnessed a significant decrease in the number of students who walk to the bus stop particularly in neighborhoods with relatively large lot sizes and an incease in the number of students who wait for the bus inside of a vehicle. Our understanding is that East Etna South may become a county road through master planning. We also anticipate that it will become a traffic collector with a higher speed limit and higher volume of traffic. Under current school district policies and procedures bus stops would be established at intersecting side roads with Clark Lane. East Etna South and Yellow Star Road would be logical locations for bus stops with their central access to large plats. For these reasons we propose three 13' x 60' pull outs at the intersection of Clark Lane and East Etna and Clark Lane and Yellow Star/Pinky Winky. We recommend that each be placed so that traffic approaching Clark Lane can pull off on their right hand side to wait at a bus stop. For students without the opportunity of a ride to the bus stop, we also propose walking paths along East Etna South. Thank you for your consideration of these school bus stop safety measures. Ryan Lyman Director of Transportation Lincoln County School District #2 307.885.7118 (office) Transportation Department 307.884.6677 (mobile) 222 E. 4th Ave. (mailing) rylyman@lcsd2.org 596 Warrior Way (shipping) Afton, WY 83110 [Quoted text hidden] 10/15/24, 8:25 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Etna Ranch https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1812986220057338958&simpl=msg-f:1812986220057338958 1/1 Engineering Department Lincoln County, Wyoming 520 Topaz Street, Suite 110 Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101 (307) 877-2104 Agency Comment To: Elizabeth Williams From: Amy Butler October 8, 2024 RE: 107 MA 23 Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat – Master Plan Subdivision Roads • Roads Names & Easements The Certificate of Owners needs to update the road names Bachelor’s Button Loop is not on the Plat Forget-Me-Not Drive should be Forget-Me-Not Loop Pinky Winky Road should be Pinky Winky Drive The Certificate of Owners needs to update the easements it refers to the Painted Hills Trail, Paulson Trail, Lupine Ridge Trail and Banded Hills Drive. • Connectivity Between Developments: LUR 6.17 B – The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions are encouraged to provide the continuation of streets in adjoining subdivisions and other area. Sheet 2 of 4 – Between Lots 36 & 34 and Lots 32 & 30 should connect to the roads in the CMR Subdivision that was platted in 1995. This impacts Highway 89 and typically the connectivity will need to be reviewed by WYDOT. Sheet 2 of 4 – Between Lots 26 & 28 a proposed future road. Sheet 4 of 4 – Between Lots 57 & 58 a proposed future road. Language needs to be added to the Plat to assure connectivity in the future. • Traffic-Vehicle and Pedestrian: LUR 6.25 B – New development shall provide a safe and adequate pedestrian circulations system with associated improvements. Designs which will separate pedestrian traffic from vehicle traffic are encouraged. What is the plan for pedestrians? Are there any trails planned within the development? In the Comprehensive Plan Appendix 7 Star Valley Trails and Open Space identifies the East Side Canal Trail. (Page 7-A-13) • Lincoln County Transportation Plan: As per the Transportation Plan, Figure 2-30 Identifies route as a proposed roadway for connectivity. Sheet 4 of 4 – Between Lots 63 & 73 East Etna South Road continues South. Language needs to be added to the Plat to assure connectivity in the future. • Traffic Impact Study Involves four developments, two of the four have been approved and Final Plat recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk’s Office. Will each phase be reviewed by a preliminary plat process? This will allow the County and the State to review the traffic impact and the mitigations that are necessary as per the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Sunrise Engineering. If not, will the developer be addressing ALL mitigations upfront? Each plat also should be reviewed to assure there is not an impediment for emergency services. • Mailboxes There needs to be a review by the USPS for mail delivery. The developer may need a plan for Cluster Box Units and an agreement with the USPS. The agreement may include turnout, install placement and snow removal. Cluster Box Units shall be placed outside of the County Right-of-Way. • Phasing Concern with the Phasing Schedule statement: “The phasing schedule is only a general guideline of the proposed timing of this development. The actual timing of each phase, the number of lots per phase and the number of phases will be depended on market conditions. The developer has the right to adjust the phasing schedule without further notice to or approval by the County.” Please verify what is being reviewed for preliminary plat. As per the LUR Chapter 1.7 Master Plan Projects, it states “Those phases that include subdivision, condominium or other land use, that require the submission and approval of maps, plats and documents by reviewing agencies, shall fully comply with those procedures.” Each phase will have a plat and documents that are required to be reviewed by different agencies. The agencies involved typically include a review of the roads to safeguard life, health, property and welfare of the citizens of the County. If your procedure has changed in regards to Master Plans please notify the Engineering Department. Lincoln County Development TIS JUNE 2024 PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: LINCOLN COUNTY DEVELOPMENT 1180 North Mountain Springs Pkwy, Springville, Utah 84663 TEL 801.704.5220 sunrise-eng.com 6/13/2024 i Lincoln County Development TIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following Traffic Impact Study (TIS) addresses the impacts of four proposed developments located in Lincoln County, Wyoming. The four proposed developments are located as follows: • Etna Ranch – Located north and south of Clark Ln east of US-89 • Prater Canyon – Located north of Prater Canyon Rd and east of US-89 • Vista Hills – Located south of Prater Canyon Rd and east of US-89 • Mountain Valley Estates – Located north of Prater Canyon Rd and East of Muddy String Rd The TIS updates previous results based on development site plan updates, construction phasing changes, and additional information through the WYDOT database such as crash data and AADT volumes as well as updates based on the WYDOT Traffic Studies Manual. Traffic Analysis A traffic analysis was performed by Sunrise Engineering according to the development parameters provided by the client. EXISTING (2024) BACKGROUND CONDITIONS Sunrise Engineering collected weekday morning (7-9 AM) and afternoon (4-6 PM) peak hour traffic counts for the following intersections: • County Rd 115 (Clark Ln Rd) / County Rd 117 (Muddy String Rd) • County Rd 116 (Prater Canyon Rd) / County Rd 117 (Muddy String Rd) • US-89 / County Rd 115 (Clark Ln Rd) • US-89 / County Rd 116 (Prater Canyon Rd) The traffic counts were collected on April 11 and 12, 2023. Growth factors, based on WYDOT historical AADT data, were applied to the existing counts to better represent existing 2024 conditions. PROJECT CONDITIONS The developments in this TIS include the following land uses: ii Lincoln County Development TIS • Etna Ranch – 96 detached single-family homes and 96 guest homes • Prater Canyon – 21 detached single-family homes and 21 guest homes • Vista Hills – 14 detached single-family homes and 14 guest homes • Mountain Valley Estates – 68 detached single-family homes and 68 guest homes, 20 fourplexes (80 residential units), 4 commercial lots. Each development was assigned trips based on a recommended 11.25 daily trip rate per single family dwelling from Lincoln County. All other land use trips were assigned based on ITE Trip Generation Manual 11th Edition: Low-rise multi-family (ITE code 220), Strip Retail Plaza (ITE code 822). Summary Results/Recommendations CRASH HISTORY AND AUXILIARY LANE WARRANT 5-year crash data shows: • US-89/CR-115 – 14 crashes between 2019-2022 o Recommend SB Left-Turn Pocket. o Recommend NB Right-Turn Pocket • US-89/CR-116 – 2 crashes in 2020 • CR-117 Roadway Segment – 2 crashes between 2018-2019 No significant safety concerns were identified at the intersection of US-89/CR-116 or along the CR-117 roadway segment within the study area. However, there are significant safety concerns at the intersection of US-89/CR-115 based on the trend of increasing angle and rear-end crashes over the last 10 years. Based on crash history, the high speeds of US-89, and WYDOT auxiliary lane warrants it is recommended to add NB and SB left-turn lanes and a NB right-turn pocket at the intersection to remove left and right-turning vehicles from the thru travel lane. Further details and warrants are provided in the report. FAIR SHARE ANALYSIS SUMMARY The fair share analysis summary shows a breakdown of the final proportion of new site trips to future total volume, project scenario, and broken down by each development within the study area for the US-89/CR-115 and US-89/CR-116 intersections (Refer to Table 38). Fair share volumes for all other intersections are located within the PTV Vistro analysis reports within Appendix B. SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS Signal warrant reports for each Background scenario and study intersection are provided in Appendix C. Signals are warranted at the US-89/CR-115 and the US-89/CR-116 intersections iii Lincoln County Development TIS by the Background 2050 and + Project 2035 scenarios. This should not be used as the sole source of signal warranting and signal warrant studies should be performed in greater detail as development and growth continue. Before signals are installed a cost benefit analysis should be taken into account keeping in mind the high speeds along US-89 and the increased occurrence of rear-end crashes with the installation of a signal. Further details are provided within the report. BACKGROUND SCENARIOS • Existing (2024) – Mitigations o US-89/CR-115 – SB Left-Turn Pocket o US-89/CR-115 – NB Right-Turn Pocket • Background 2026 – No additional mitigations • Background 2029 – No additional mitigations • Background 2035 – No additional mitigations • Background 2050 – Mitigations o US-89/CR-115 – Signal o US-89/CR-116 - Signal • Background 2059 – No additional mitigations + PROJECT SCENARIOS • Background + Project 2026 – Mitigations o US-89/CR-115 – SB Left-Turn Pockets o US-89/CR-115 – NB Right-Turn Pocket o US-89/CR-116 – NB Right Turn Pocket • Background + Project 2029 – No additional mitigations • Background + Project 2035 – Mitigations o US-89/CR-115 – Signal (SB protected left) o US-89/CR-116 – Signal (NB and SB protected left) • Background + Project 2050 – No Additional mitigations • Background + Project 2059 – Mitigations o US-89/CR-115 – Additional NB and SB travel lane o US-89/CR-116 – Additional NB and SB travel lane