HomeMy WebLinkAbout111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage Units 11-13-24 Staff Report
111 CUP 24 BCC
STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit Application
HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 a.m., November 13, 2024 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, Wyoming & & Via Video Conference Afton Branch Office Building Conference Room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 111 CUP 24
APPLICANTS: Robyn and Eric Heiner
PROJECT NAME: Heiner Storage COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Etna ZONING: Rural Zone REPRESENTATIVE: Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. PLANNER: Elizabeth Williams
PARCEL ID: 3519-142-00-106
PROPOSAL: A Conditional Use Permit to build a commercial storage facility and provide storage for personal equipment. The proposed storage facility consists of two 100’ x 210’ buildings with 30 storage
units per building, two 80’ x 434’ buildings with 62 storage units per building, one 50’ x 434’ building with 31 storage units, and one 100’ x 50’ equipment building shed. The project total square footage is 138,140 with 215 total storage units. The Land Use for the property is Residential/Commercial. It is located in the Rural Zone, on 12.7 +/- acres. LOCATION: Located in the community of Etna, 2 miles northwest of the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming in T35N R119W Section 14.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plans and Plat of Subdivision 3. Agency Correspondence 4. Public Correspondence
The Planning & Zoning Commission split a vote for a Motion of Support for File # 111 CUP 24 with a condition of no occupancy of storage units until infrastructure, which included fencing, buffering, retaining walls, landscaping, and road widening is completed. Two commissioners voted in support, two
opposed. Planning staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners APPROVE File #111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage, a Conditional Use Permit Application, with:
• Findings of Approval A. thru D. • Conditions of Approval 1. thru 6.
111 CUP 24 BCC
FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. The proposed use, with conditions, is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed use, with conditions, is consistent with the provisions of the Lincoln County Land
Use Regulations, specifically: Chapter 3, Section 3.1 Conditional Use Permit Procedures. C. The proposal, with conditions, is consistent with the provisions of Wyoming Statute 18-5-203 providing for Board of County Commissioners authority for zoning regulation of buildings and uses of land. D. The proposed use, with conditions, will not substantially impair the appropriate use of neighboring
property; and will serve the public need, convenience and welfare.
1. Compliance with agency requirements: The developer/owner shall obtain any and all County,
State, and Federal permits, licenses, and other approvals for the construction and/or operation of the project. This may include: Local Fire District, Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety (State Fire Marshal), Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (SEO), Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), Wyoming Game and Fish, Wyoming Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ), Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management (BLM),
and/or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2. The developer shall ensure the equipment shed in the northeast corner meets setbacks of 10 feet from the property line. 3. Buffering shall be provided for residential properties on the south, east, and north with a 5-foot-
tall berm with grass and flower vegetation.
4. Buffering shall be provided for residential property along the west by a six-foot opaque fence, unless the west property land use changes prior to completion of this project. 5. The developer shall widen Steven’s Lane to 26 feet beginning from the Highway 89 access and ending at the east boundary of their property.
6. Prior to construction, the applicants shall obtain a new access permit from WYDOT.
BACKGROUND: This project was tabled at the October 3, 2024 Board of County Commissioner Meeting and was sent to the October 23, 2024 Planning & Zoning Commission to make a determination of Support or Non-Support. The Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) in September had lacked a
quorum, so the PZC were unable to make a motion to recommend approval or denial at that time.
The Board of County Commissioners requested that staff evaluate the following three items: 1. Have the County Engineer address whether the applicant needs to improve Stevens Lane (width and distance).
2. Look into requiring a second ingress/egress and determine if it is practical.
3. Address whether a Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) permit is needed.
111 CUP 24 BCC
In Response:
1. The County Engineer reviewed the recommendation from planning staff that the applicant widen Stevens Lane to 26 feet beginning from the Highway 89 access and ending at the east boundary of their property. 2. Planning staff do not recommend a second ingress/egress because buffering would be lost and
the impact to the neighbors would increase with the second access.
3. The applicant is working with DEQ for an after-the-fact mining permit. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE:
WYDOT: Thank you for the opportunity to comment. WYDOT has no objections for the proposed CUP
to construct a commercial storage facility. For the change-in-use of the existing (site entrance) access
onto US 89, the applicant must obtain a new access permit from WYDOT. The applicant should anticipate widening and paving the existing access.
PUBLIC CORRESPONDENCE: We received 18 public comments, which are attached to this staff
£¤89 Star Valley
35N 119W Dani's WaySherwood Court
Stevens Lane
Maxar, Microsoft
Conditional Use Permit Application
US Highways
WY Highways
Township & Range
Public Noticing
File No 111 CUP 24
Heiner Storage
Robyn & Eric Heiner
Prepared using available data by Elizabeth Williams on 28 August 2024. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of
Drawn By
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Project Number
7/6/2023 1:47:59 AM1
JULY 2023
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Project Number
7/6/2023 1:48:09 AM2
JULY 2023
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Public Notice for 111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage – Conditional Use Permit
Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 9:39 AM
To: Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>
Cc: Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>, Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
WYDOT has no objections for the proposed CUP to construct a commercial
storage facility.
Below are comments for the applicant's consideration:
For any new utility construction within WYDOT right-of-way, the utility companies/owner shall obtain the
necessary M-54 utility license via the new on-line permitting process, MainStar, located
at https://usa.maintstar.co/Wyoming/Logon.aspx. Currently WYDOT requires any utility company needing
access to the MainStar system to contact the local District Office for the license or permit, or to
email dot.utilities@wyo.gov to set up your login credentials.
An M-21 permit is necessary for new utility connections to existing permitted utilities within WYDOT R/W.
WYDOT Utilities Section can be found at the following link:
For the change-in-use of the existing (site entrance) access onto US 89, the applicant must obtain a new
access permit from WYDOT.
The applicant should anticipate widening and paving the existing access.
FYI - US 89 future highway improvements between Thayne and Etna are on indefinite hold.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Thank You.
Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE
WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer
3200 Elk Street
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Office: 307.352.3034
Cell: 307.389.0235
[Quoted text hidden]
E-Mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction
of public business, is subject to the Wyoming Public Records
Act and may be disclosed to third parties.
9/3/24, 9:45 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Public Notice for 111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage – Conditional Use Permit
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Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Tanner Ranch/ Heiner Storage
Bob Samuelian <2bobsam@gmail.com>Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 4:57 PM
To: Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>, planning@lincolncountywy.gov
Cc: Samuelian Sherie <sheriesamuelian@gmail.com>
TO: Elizabeth Williams, County Planning Staff, and County Planning & Zoning
Commission Members:
We're reaching out regarding the proposed Heiner Storage - Conditional Use Permit
(File Number 111 CUP 24) project on calendar for the hearing dated September 18,
2024. My wife and I are the owners of the 20 acre parcel of land immediately to the
north of the proposed project and the 60 acre parcel of land immediately to the east of
the proposed project.
While we are not opposed to the Heiner's project, we respectfully request there be a
written condition to approval that there be sufficient buffering all along the boundary
lines that adjoin our two parcels and the parcel owned by the Heiners. We feel this
request is reasonable and justified considering the use being proposed by the Heiners.
We would like to have sufficient trees planted along all adjoining boundary lines. We
would appreciate the opportunity to consult with the Heiners about the size, density and
type of trees to be planted.
Please see the attached map showing the areas in need of buffering.
Robert and Sherie Samuelian
Trustees of the Robert and Sherie Samuelian 2002 Trust
(949) 290-7801
[Quoted text hidden]
Heiner Project Buffering with Trees.pdf
9/18/24, 10:16 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Tanner Ranch/ Heiner Storage
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Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposing Etna Storage Units
stjones@silverstar.com <stjones@silverstar.com>Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 8:48 PM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Board,
I would like to express my opposition to the Heiner Storage proposal. This valley has far too many storage units and no
more should be allowed here. I was born and raised in Etna on our family cattle ranch south of this area. I pasture my
horses not far from there and I have concerns with the safety along Highway 89 of people coming and going at all
This valley does not need this kind of development and I ask that you consider how much harm is being done to our
Etna community by allowing all the unsightly development in our town.
Sheila Jones
9/18/24, 10:19 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposing Etna Storage Units
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September 17, 2022
Dear Lincoln County Planning and Zoning Commission,
I would like to add my voice to those who object to the change in zoning referencing file
111CUP24. I live at 200 Stevens Lane and have done so since June of 2012. Our private
lane was one of daily walks for those of us living on the lane with our children, dogs, and
horses. The kids could ride their bikes and 4 wheelers safely. That all began to change
when the storage units to the west of our property went up. This caused an increase in
traffic where our road intersects off highway 89. Known to the kids on our road as “the bus
stop”, early morning traffic into the units made the area unsafe for the kids standing at the
bus stop. We all slowly started to accompany our children in cars and then eventually just
started taking them to the Etna School to catch the bus there because of safety. Two of
those families have since moved away. Our daughter was uncomfortable getting off the
bus and feeling like she was being followed by strangers. Her anxiety caused us to start
planning to pick her up after school.
In February of 2022 we received a letter from the county stating the property to the north of
us would be zoned into two residential lots, 401SS22. I was pleased with this because it
would add single family homes to our area of....single family homes. This is not what has
ever remotely transpired on the property.
I am a nurse that works nightshift. I have my tricks for sleeping during the day and even with
these, the noise from their gravel pit operations interfere with my rest even on my days off.
It is noisy and loud. The road is a game of Russian roulette when any of us, including our
teenage daughter, dodge large dump trucks, equipment and their tenants vehicle's who
have no guidance as far as traffic. The random entering and exiting of traffic onto Steven’s
Lane at various intervals is another game of wreck-it-ralph. The excessive light at night is
annoying. Our internet line has been cut. This is a residential operation?! Even if you are
blind, you can tell it is not! If I wanted to live in the city that is where I would be. It disgusts
me that the county continues to turn a blind eye.
Please decline this request by the Heiner's and have them return the property to the
residential status it should have remained in by law.
Catina Nichols
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage – Conditional Use Permit on 9/18/2024 Agenda
1 message
'Bryan Tennant' via Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 12:28 PM
Reply-To: Bryan Tennant <tennant.bc@protonmail.com>
To: "planning@lcwy.org" <planning@lcwy.org>
To: Lincoln County Wyoming Planning and Zoning Commission
Re: 111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage – Conditional Use Permit on 9/18/2024 Agenda
Dear Planning and Zoning Commissioners and Employees,
I own a 5 acre parcel of land on Stevens Lane in Etna located nearby the property in question. I write to the
Commission to present my objections to the above referenced conditional use permit and related project.
1. Use of Stevens Lane as a commercial road:
a. Road maintenance: Who will adequately maintain the portion of the road from the highway through
to the additional Heiner storage business that will essentially turn a dirt/gravel road a commercial
road? Has the County done a traffic study to ensure that adding another huge commercial storage
facility to this immediate area is viable and will not harm property owners further east on Stevens
Lane or nearby or cause traffic issue on Highway 89? Has the County ensured it has followed its
own policies and procedures in line with any regulations, statutes, etc.?
b. Safety: If this project is approved, part of the private road to my property will become essentially
part of a parking lot between two massive commercial business locations. How will this be handled
in terms of keeping the road distinct from the Heiner commercial businesses such that anyone
travelling to a property on Stevens Lane will even be able to recognize the road? If anyone is
harmed due to emergency services not being able to easily find addresses along the road, I believe
Lincoln County would be liable for damages or injuries for granting the application.
2. Property Values and Quality of Life:
a. The existing Heiner storage business is visually unattractive, an eyesore that has regrettably been
allowed in one of the most beautiful places in the country. Adding an even larger addition will really
make Etna notable as a kind of mini industrial area rather than an attractive tourist destination
located very close to Jackson and national parks. Additional such visually unattractive developments
will reduce the value of my property on Stevens Lane and I believe it will also discourage investment
in developing Etna as a desired stop along Highway 89 as a tourist destination. Bottom line, I will
lose money if this project is approved as currently requested.
b. I am not fortunate enough to live in Etna, my dream is to someday build a home on the property I
own and invest in the community even more. That is now very much in doubt because I do not wish
to invest a large amount of money in an area that is blighted by ugly self-storage buildings. I know
from speaking with folks who live nearby, that the near constant illegal (unpermitted) business
activity and construction have dramatically lowered the quality of life for these residents. Heiner’s
never ending projects have caused dust and debris to pollute the air and loud machinery and truck
noises disturb residents' peace.
3. Increased likelihood of Criminal Activity / Fires:
a. Self-storage facilities nationwide have historically brought additional crime to neighborhoods
including storing stolen goods, contraband like illegal drugs, drug-making facilities that contain
explosive/dangerous chemicals.
b. Does Etna or Lincoln County have adequate facilities to put out fires or deal with other dangers that
could occur in an additional storage facililty?
4. Applicants’ Historic Lank of Compliance:
a. At least one resident of Stevens Lane has provided direct documentary evidence of Heiners
disobeying County regulations related to the new storage facility lot. The County has never taken
any enforcement action against Heiner’s for this. Therefore, I have no reasonable basis to believe
that Heiners will act in good faith in the future and it is likely that they will go beyond what is
permitted in terms of additional buildings and operations at a new business. It is my belief that the
9/18/24, 12:29 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - 111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage – Conditional Use Permit on 9/18/2024 Agenda
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County’s lack of enforcement has already decreased the value of my property and would do even
more harm if this project is approved. The commission may refer to my email to the Commission
and certain employees of September 29, 2023 where I lodged an official complaint about
unpermitted activities by Heiners for which I received no response from the Commission.
b. I also own another lot in Lincoln County in Freedom, WY where there is an adjacent storage
business (Agenda Item VI. 104 CUP 23 Ridgeline Storage Expansion). I believe that Heiners also
have some ownership stake in that storage business. I objected to an addition to that in March of
2023 but the Commission approved the project without any mitigating provisions that would help to
soften the impact on the residential neighborhood next door. I respectfully requested at that time
that a fence be built to hide the additional commercial buildings. The applicant in that case asked if
the snow plowed from the access roads to the facility could count as a fence. To my astonishment
and that of any reasonable person, the Commission agreed to that completely ridiculous and
inadequate response.
For the reasons above, I respectfully request that the Commission DENY the above referenced application for a
conditional use permit.
Bryan Tennant
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." - Isaiah 40:8
9/18/24, 12:29 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - 111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage – Conditional Use Permit on 9/18/2024 Agenda
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Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Deep concern and Opposition regarding the proposal for file number 111 CUP 24.
2 messages
'J. Logue Christenson' via Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 12:37 PM
Reply-To: "J. Logue Christenson" <luke1248@comcast.net>
To: planning@lcwy.org, planning@lincolncountywy.gov
Cc: "J. Logue Christenson" <luke1248@comcast.net>
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a property owner who will be directly impacted by the zoning changes proposed, I am wri ng you today to express deep
concern and con nued opposi on regarding the proposal for file number 111 CUP 24.
Several years ago we received no ce of a zoning change for this property. The ten or so acres zoned residen al was to be
subdivided evenly into three smaller residen al units. Quite frustra ngly, and for some years now, we have been aler ng
Lincoln County as to our concerns when it was clear that it was being used as a gravel pit, greatly distressing the local
subsoils, water drainages and “peace and calm” of adjoining residences on Stevens Lane and likely to the north as well.
The owners of this property have acted in bad faith since their previous “residen al" proposal
was approved WITHOUT opposi on from residents living on Stevens Lane, or any other
persons to our knowledge.
I would like to repeat the mul ple concerns raised by our son, Noah Christenson, who is a full me resident in Star Valley, a
small-business owner and a landlord ren ng out a por on of his home, thereby helping out with the housing crises there in
Lincoln County as Teton County overflows with new construc on, primarily for the wealthiest.
This proposal, 111 CUP 24 is an offensive, regre able, blatant challenge to you all at the Planning and Zoning Commission
by the proposal for more storage units. Are you not charged with keeping Star Valley, and all of Lincoln County, as a place
to raise a family, start and run a small business, protect the Salt River drainage, con nue sustainable farming and ranching
opera ons, while improve housing op ons for all its ci zens, all the while ensuring the charm and beauty of Star Valley
makes it one of the true gems of Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain West?
Based on these concerns, I would respec ully request that the Commission DENY IN FULL this project. I further request
that the Commission consider a moratorium on all storage units for the indefinite future.
Thank you for your considera on.
Joseph L. Christenson
COL, US Army (Ret.)
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 12:42 PM
To: "J. Logue Christenson" <luke1248@comcast.net>
Cc: planning@lcwy.org, planning@lincolncountywy.gov, "J. Logue Christenson" <luke1248@comcast.net>
9/18/24, 12:43 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Deep concern and Opposition regarding the proposal for file number 111 CUP 24.
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
OPPOSITION to File Number 111 CUP 24
1 message
Melanie C <cohodes.mel@gmail.com>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 1:24 PM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
I write to you today in opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24 as someone whose family has deep Wyoming roots,
generations of tough and self-reliant men and women who have proudly watched Wyoming grow in sensible, measured
ways without losing its character. This proposal flies in the face of everything they valued and stood for.
My family, the Wests and the Yants, valued Wyoming's beautiful rugged landscapes and the small, tight-knit communities
it fostered. They called it God's country, thought it was special, worth preserving, and worth fixing when it was damaged.
My great-grandfather Joe Yant made national news for designing an oil refinery system so impeccably that it turned the
bitter and unliveable Soda Lake (soon after nicknamed Yant's Puddle) into a haven for our state's wildlife, showing that we
could develop our natural resources, support our economy, and help our wildlife thrive with a bit of Wyoming grit and
The proposal in question, File Number 111 CUP 24, shares none of those qualities and none of those values. It is not a
well-planned development of land that will provide housing for our locals, provide jobs and space for small businesses to
grow, improve the local economy, or even benefit any wildlife besides the coyotes that will scrounge around for the
inevitable fast food litter. It is a get-(more)-rich-quick scheme that destroys a valuable piece of rural land to build more
storage units for strangers from miles away to store their toys and their junk in. These storage units will quickly decay and
turn into unsafe nuisances, eyesores that are difficult to tear down, and irrevocably change the character of the lovely
rural neighborhood I live in to a dirty, unsafe industrial park.
Every day as I turn onto Stevens Lane, I have to dodge users of the current storage units driving at unsafe speeds and
making unsafe turns onto the highway from our tiny private dirt road. In the winter, when I see my neighbor's children
walking down the road to catch the school bus with trucks whizzing past them, I am terrified. The thought of raising my
own children in an area that has become an industrial park, with 3 or 4 times the traffic on a private road that would then
be bordered by the 20 foot pit outlined in this proposal, horrifies me. I can only imagine when the dirt road, meant to
handle just a few passenger vehicles a day, is subject to a high volume of trucks and trailers every single day at all hours
and catastrophically fails, collapsing into the pit that -under this proposal - has only a single berm standing between it and
our vital lane.
I thought that I would be able to take my children out into our yard and show them the stars at night - stars that, under this
proposal, would be bleached out of the dark sky by bright industrial floodlights. As they played in our yard, they would be
surrounded by dozens of strange men coming and going at all hours. Does this sound like the future community you want
to build?
I have watched the permit applicants flagrantly disobey county rules and regulations for years, without any consideration
for the law or for impact to their neighbors. I have spent 3 summers watching them operate a illegal unpermitted
commercial gravel pit on this property. I have watched them go ahead and build a structure that you are supposed to be
approving the plans for today. I have watched them store other businesses' equipment in that 'structure' - i.e., operate an
illegal unpermitted storage unit. None of this has any benefit to the community. All it does is line their pockets with
additional cash to spend on more toys.
I am not against development. I believe that our community can grow without losing its soul. We can build more homes so
people whose families who settled this valley are not pushed out due to rising housing prices. We can build more space
for small businesses run by Wyomingites with the grit to achieve their dreams, who employ other locals, creating jobs that
keep dinner on the table and don't involve commuting an hour or more. We can build the future of Star Valley. All this
proposal is building is Store Valley.
When my great-grandfather turned Soda Lake from a puddle into a paradise, he was thinking big. He was thinking long-
term. He knew he was creating the future his great-grandchildren would live in, and he wanted to create a future that
would make sure they loved this great state as much as he did. I implore you to think like that today - to create a better
future for Star Valley.
9/18/24, 3:02 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - OPPOSITION to File Number 111 CUP 24
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Do not approve a safety hazard. Do not approve an illegal commercial enterprise. Do not approve a noise disturbance. Do
not approve poor planning and blatant disobedience of the law. Please DENY IN FULL this project. Please also consider a
moratorium on all storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning it into Store
Deny this proposal and others like it.
Thank you for your consideration.
Melanie West Cohodes
Resident of 53 Dani's Way, Etna, WY
9/18/24, 3:02 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - OPPOSITION to File Number 111 CUP 24
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Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111cup24
Robin Rothermel <snoopy7308@gmail.com>Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 8:27 PM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a member of this community, I am writing you today to express concern regarding the proposal for file number 111
CUP 24. This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residential area where there is already an
established neighborhood with multiple homes. This project would drastically impact the quality of life of those community
members by increasing large truck and trailer traffic on a private dirt road, creating noise and disturbance at all hours, and
causing significant light pollution. It would also increase the number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next
to this neighborhood bordering Etna Elementary, affecting the safety of everyone’s children. In addition, the proposed
regrading and leveling of the plot to include a 20 ft drop does not seem well thought-out, posing a potential safety hazard
and clear risk to the road and adjacent properties. This proposal’s single plan to mitigate every issue outlined above is to
build a berm, which is so disproportionate to the amount of harm the development would cause that it is almost insulting.
The permit applicants have a history of flaunting rules and regulations without consideration for how it will impact
neighbors to their projects. This is evidenced by the fact that they have already done significant detrimental earth work to
the property by operating an illegal commercial gravel pit for the past 3 years, and have already completed 1/3 of a
“proposed” storage unit. Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any
way. It is not building homes to address rising housing prices pushing out longtime community members. It is not building
space for small businesses run and staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside of a year or more of
construction. Profits will go to the permit applicants and most likely be reinvested in more storage units rather than the
community. All this project is doing is continuing to eat away at the character of Star Valley, turning it into Store Valley.
Based on these concerns, I would respectfully request to deny this project proposal in full and consider a moratorium on
storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning it into Store Valley. Deny this
proposal and others like it. Thank you for your consideration.
Robin S. Rothermel
695 Henry Mountain Rd,
Etna, WY 83116
9/18/24, 10:18 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111cup24
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Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
William Keiter <williamkeiter@gmail.com>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 6:36 AM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a member of this community, I am writing you today to express concern regarding the proposal for file number 111
CUP 24. This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residential area where there is already an
established neighborhood with multiple homes. This project would drastically impact the quality of life of those community
members by increasing large truck and trailer traffic on a private dirt road, creating noise and disturbance at all hours, and
causing significant light pollution. It would also increase the number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next
to this neighborhood bordering Etna Elementary, affecting the safety of everyone’s children.
In addition, the proposed regrading and leveling of the plot to include a 20 ft drop does not seem well thought-out, posing
a potential safety hazard and clear risk to the road and adjacent properties. This proposal’s single plan to mitigate every
issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so disproportionate to the amount of harm the development would cause
that it is almost insulting. The permit applicants have a history of flaunting rules and regulations without consideration for
how it will impact neighbors to their projects. This is evidenced by the fact that they have already done significant
detrimental earth work to the property by operating an illegal commercial gravel pit for the past 3 years, and have already
completed 1/3 of a “proposed” storage unit. Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support
the community in any way. It is not building homes to address rising housing prices pushing out longtime community
members. It is not building space for small businesses run and staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside
of a year or more of construction. Profits will go to the permit applicants and most likely be reinvested in more storage
units rather than the community. All this project is doing is continuing to eat away at the character of Star Valley, turning it
into Store Valley.
Based on these concerns, I would respectfully request to deny this project proposal in full and consider a moratorium on
storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning it into Store Valley. Deny this
proposal and others like it. Thank you for your consideration.
William J Keiter
Etna resident
326 Birch Creek CR 159
Etna Wy 83118
9/18/24, 10:22 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1810537360660050310&simpl=msg-f:1810537360660050310 1/1
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
Pamela Whitlock <sosumiweaving@gmail.com>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 8:27 AM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a member of this community, I am writing you today to express concern regarding the proposal for file number 111
CUP 24.
This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residential area where there is already an
established neighborhood with multiple homes.
This project would drastically impact the quality of life of those community members by increasing large truck and trailer
traffic on a private dirt road, creating noise and disturbance at all hours, and causing significant light pollution. It would
also increase the number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next to this neighborhood bordering Etna
Elementary, affecting the safety of everyone’s children. In addition, the proposed regrading and leveling of the plot to
include a 20 ft drop does not seem well thought-out, posing a potential safety hazard and clear risk to the road and
adjacent properties.
This proposal’s single plan to mitigate every issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so disproportionate to the
amount of harm the development would cause that it is almost insulting. The permit applicants have a history of flaunting
rules and regulations without consideration for how it will impact neighbors to their projects. This is evidenced by the fact
that they have already done significant detrimental earth work to the property by operating an illegal commercial gravel pit
for the past 3 years, and have already completed 1/3 of a “proposed” storage unit.
Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any way. It is not building
homes to address rising housing prices pushing out longtime community members. It is not building space for small
businesses run and staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside of a year or more of construction. Profits
will go to the permit applicants and most likely be reinvested in more storage units rather than the community. All this
project is doing is continuing to eat away at the character of Star Valley, turning it into Store Valley.
Based on these concerns, I would respectfully request to deny this project proposal in full and consider a moratorium on
storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning it into Store Valley. Deny this
proposal and others like it. Thank you for your consideration.
Pamela Whitlock
619 Roberts Rd.
Etna, WY 83118
Sent from my iPhone
9/18/24, 10:23 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1810544374531571009&simpl=msg-f:1810544374531571009 1/1
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
1 message
Carrie Delorme <carrie.delorme@gmail.com>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 9:11 AM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a member of this community, I am writing you today to express concern regarding the proposal for file number 111
CUP 24.
This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residential area where there is already an
established neighborhood with multiple homes.
This project would drastically impact the quality of life of those community members by increasing large truck and trailer
traffic on a private dirt road, creating noise and disturbance at all hours, and causing significant light pollution. It would
also increase the number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next to this neighborhood bordering Etna
Elementary, affecting the safety of everyone’s children. In addition, the proposed regrading and leveling of the plot to
include a 20 ft drop does not seem well thought-out, posing a potential safety hazard and clear risk to the road and
adjacent properties.
This proposal’s single plan to mitigate every issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so disproportionate to the
amount of harm the development would cause that it is almost insulting. The permit applicants have a history of flaunting
rules and regulations without consideration for how it will impact neighbors to their projects. This is evidenced by the fact
that they have already done significant detrimental earth work to the property by operating an illegal commercial gravel pit
for the past 3 years, and have already completed 1/3 of a “proposed” storage unit.
Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any way. It is not building
homes to address rising housing prices pushing out longtime community members. It is not building space for small
businesses run and staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside of a year or more of construction. Profits
will go to the permit applicants and most likely be reinvested in more storage units rather than the community. All this
project is doing is continuing to eat away at the character of Star Valley, turning it into Store Valley.
Based on these concerns, I would respectfully request to deny this project proposal in full and consider a moratorium on
storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning it into Store Valley. Deny this
proposal and others like it. Thank you for your consideration.
Carrie Delorme
6990 State Highway 238
Afton, WY 83110
9/18/24, 10:24 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1810547122366140091&simpl=msg-f:1810547122366140091 1/1
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
Carolyn Christenson <czchristenson@gmail.com>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 11:52 AM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a property owner who will be directly impacted by the zoning changes proposed, I am wri ng you today to express deep
concern regarding the proposal for file number 111 CUP 24.
This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residen al area where there is already an established
neighborhood with mul ple homes.
This project would dras cally impact the quality of life for my family. We purchased our property in Etna because of the
family-oriented community and natural beauty of Star Valley. We envisioned a place for our son and his wife to raise their
children in a semi-rural community, close to Etna Elementary. This proposal sha ers those dreams. Our private road would
become unsafe due to the increased large truck traffic. There would be increased noise and light pollu on, which will ruin
the Dark Sky designa on for Etna. I believe there is also a serious safety concern, not only for my grandchildren, but all
children who a end Etna Elementary by increasing the number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next to
this neighborhood. In addi on, the proposed re-grading and leveling of the plot to include a 20 drop does not seem well
thought-out, posing a poten al safety hazard and clear risk to the road and adjacent proper es.
This proposal’s single plan to mi gate every issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so dispropor onate to the
amount of harm the development would cause that it is laughable. The permit applicants have a history of flaun ng rules
and regula ons without considera on for how it will impact those of us who are adjacent neighbors to their projects. This
is evidenced by the fact that they have already done significant detrimental earth work to the property by opera ng an
illegal commercial gravel pit for the past 3 years, and have already completed 1/3 of a “proposed” storage unit.
Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any way. It is not building
homes to address rising housing prices pushing out long me community members. It is not building commercial space for
small businesses staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside of a year or more of construc on. Profits will
go to the permit applicants and most likely be reinvested in more storage units rather than the community. All this project
is doing is con nuing to eat away at the character of Star Valley, turning it into Store Valley. For all of the complaining about
Jackson creeping into Star Valley, building storage units to store the toys of Jackson’s rich seems the height of cynicism.
Based on these concerns, I would respec ully request that the Commission DENY IN FULL this project. I further request
that the Commission consider a moratorium on all storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star
Valley by not turning it into Store Valley.
Deny this proposal and others like it.
Thank you for your considera on.
Carolyn Z Christenson
53 Danis Way
Etna, WY
(719) 200-5018
9/18/24, 12:25 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1810557275765981992&simpl=msg-f:1810557275765981992 1/1
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
Noah Christenson <chri4160@gmail.com>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 12:13 PM
To: Planning <planning@lcwy.org>
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a property owner who will be directly impacted by the zoning changes proposed, I am wri ng you today to express deep
concern regarding the proposal for file number 111 CUP 24.
This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residen al area where there is already an established
neighborhood with mul ple homes.
This project would dras cally impact the quality of life for my family. We purchased our property in Etna because of the
family-oriented community and natural beauty of Star Valley. We envisioned a place for our son and his wife to raise their
children in a semi-rural community, close to Etna Elementary. This proposal sha ers those dreams. Our private road would
become unsafe due to the increased large truck traffic. There would be increased noise and light pollu on, which will ruin
the Dark Sky designa on for Etna. I believe there is also a serious safety concern, not only for my grandchildren, but all
children who a end Etna Elementary by increasing the number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next to
this neighborhood. In addi on, the proposed re-grading and leveling of the plot to include a 20 drop does not seem well
thought-out, posing a poten al safety hazard and clear risk to the road and adjacent proper es.
This proposal’s single plan to mi gate every issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so dispropor onate to the
amount of harm the development would cause that it is laughable. The permit applicants have a history of flaun ng rules
and regula ons without considera on for how it will impact those of us who are adjacent neighbors to their projects. This
is evidenced by the fact that they have already done significant detrimental earth work to the property by opera ng an
illegal commercial gravel pit for the past 3 years, and have already completed 1/3 of a “proposed” storage unit.
Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any way. It is not building
homes to address rising housing prices pushing out long me community members. It is not building commercial space for
small businesses staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside of a year or more of construc on. Profits will
go to the permit applicants and most likely be reinvested in more storage units rather than the community. All this project
is doing is con nuing to eat away at the character of Star Valley, turning it into Store Valley. For all of the complaining about
Jackson creeping into Star Valley, building storage units to store the toys of Jackson’s rich seems the height of cynicism.
Based on these concerns, I would respec ully request that the Commission DENY IN FULL this project. I further request
that the Commission consider a moratorium on all storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star
Valley by not turning it into Store Valley.
Deny this proposal and others like it.
Thank you for your considera on.
Noah Christenson
Jackson Hole Based Ski Instructor
Founder and Owner
9/18/24, 12:24 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1810558602689481836&simpl=msg-f:1810558602689481836 1/2
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24.
1 message
'Nancy Calhoun' via Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 12:48 PM
Reply-To: Nancy Calhoun <nancycalhoun@yahoo.com>
To: Planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a member of this community, I am writing you today to express concern regarding the proposal for file number 111
CUP 24.
This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residential area where there is already an
established neighborhood with multiple homes.
This project would drastically impact the quality of life of those community members by increasing large truck and trailer
traffic on a private dirt road, creating noise and disturbance at all hours, and causing significant light pollution. It would
also increase the number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next to this neighborhood bordering Etna
Elementary, affecting the safety of everyone’s children. In addition, the proposed regrading and leveling of the plot to
include a 20 ft drop does not seem well thought-out, posing a potential safety hazard and clear risk to the road and
adjacent properties.
This proposal’s single plan to mitigate every issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so disproportionate to the
amount of harm the development would cause that it is almost insulting. The permit applicants have a history of flaunting
rules and regulations without consideration for how it will impact neighbors to their projects. This is evidenced by the fact
that they have already done significant detrimental earth work to the property by operating an illegal commercial gravel pit
for the past 3 years, and have already completed 1/3 of a “proposed” storage unit.
Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any way. It is not building
homes to address rising housing prices pushing out longtime community members. It is not building space for small
businesses run and staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside of a year or more of construction. Profits
will go to the permit applicants and most likely be reinvested in more storage units rather than the community. All this
project is doing is continuing to eat away at the character of Star Valley, turning it into Store Valley.
Based on these concerns, I would respectfully request to deny this project proposal in full and consider a moratorium on
storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning it into Store Valley. Deny this
proposal and others like it. Thank you for your consideration.
Roger and Nancy Calhoun
Etna, WY.
Sent from my iPhone
9/18/24, 12:49 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24.
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1810560768497217923&simpl=msg-f:1810560768497217923 1/1
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage
1 message
Scott & Lou Ann Henderson <swhlah@gmail.com>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 1:33 PM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a member of the Etna community, I am writing you today to express concern regarding the proposal for file
number 111 CUP 24.
This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residential area where there is already an
established neighborhood with multiple homes.
This project would drastically impact the quality of life of those community members by increasing large truck and
trailer traffic on a private dirt road, creating noise and disturbance at all hours, and causing significant light
pollution. It would also increase the number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next to this
neighborhood bordering Etna Elementary, affecting the safety of everyone’s children. In addition, the proposed
regrading and leveling of the plot to include a 20 ft drop does not seem well thought-out, posing a potential safety
hazard and clear risk to the road and adjacent properties.
This proposal’s single plan to mitigate every issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so disproportionate
to the amount of harm the development would cause that it is almost insulting. The permit applicants have a
history of flaunting rules and regulations without consideration for how it will impact neighbors to their projects.
This is evidenced by the fact that they have already done significant detrimental earth work to the property by
operating an illegal commercial gravel pit for the past 3 years, and have already completed 1/3 of a “proposed”
storage unit.
Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any way. It is not
building homes to address rising housing prices pushing out longtime community members. It is not building
space for small businesses run and staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside of a year or more
of construction. Profits will go to the permit applicants and most likely be reinvested in more storage units rather
than the community. All this project is doing is continuing to eat away at the character of Star Valley, turning it into
Store Valley.
Based on these concerns, I would respectfully request to deny this project proposal in full and consider a
moratorium on storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning it into
Store Valley. Deny this proposal and others like it.
Thank you for your consideration.
Scott & Lou Ann Henderson
Etna, Wyoming
9/18/24, 3:03 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - 111 CUP 24 Heiner Storage
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1810563642023061181&simpl=msg-f:1810563642023061181 1/1
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
1 message
Richard and Esther Landsverk <ricandest@gmail.com>Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 2:30 PM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a member of this community, I am writing you today to express concern regarding the proposal for file
number 111 CUP 24.
This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residential area where there is
already an established neighborhood with multiple homes.
This project would drastically impact the quality of life of those community members by increasing large
truck and trailer traffic on a private dirt road, creating noise and disturbance at all hours, and causing
significant light pollution. It would also increase the number of unknown individuals coming and going
directly next to this neighborhood bordering Etna Elementary, affecting the safety of everyone’s children.
In addition, the proposed regrading and leveling of the plot to include a 20 ft drop does not seem well
thought-out, posing a potential safety hazard and clear risk to the road and adjacent properties.
This proposal’s single plan to mitigate every issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so
disproportionate to the amount of harm the development would cause that it is almost insulting. The
permit applicants have a history of flaunting rules and regulations without consideration for how it will
impact neighbors to their projects. This is evidenced by the fact that they have already done significant
detrimental earth work to the property by operating an illegal commercial gravel pit for the past 3 years,
and have already completed 1/3 of a “proposed” storage unit.
Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any way. It
is not building homes to address rising housing prices pushing out longtime community members. It is
not building space for small businesses run and staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs
outside of a year or more of construction. Profits will go to the permit applicants and most likely be
reinvested in more storage units rather than the community. All this project is doing is continuing to eat
away at the character of Star Valley, turning it into Store Valley.
Based on these concerns, I would respectfully request to deny this project proposal in full and consider a
moratorium on storage units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning
it into Store Valley. Deny this proposal and others like it. Thank you for your consideration.
387 Pinto Lane
Etna, WY 83118
CELL: 520-336-7553
“Perfection is not attainable, but if you chase perfection, you will catch excellence!” - Vince Lombardi
9/18/24, 3:04 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1810567216347163442&simpl=msg-f:1810567216347163442 1/2
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
1 message
Kelly Fisher (Student) <kellyjanefisher@mines.edu>Thu, Sep 19, 2024 at 10:59 AM
To: "planning@lcwy.org" <planning@lcwy.org>
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a member of this community, I am writing to you today to express concern regarding the proposal for ile
number 111 CUP 24. This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residential area
where there is already an established neighborhood with multiple homes. I am genuinely concerned about the
impact that this will have on the various members of this community including the local school.
This project would drastically impact the quality of life of those community members by increasing large truck
and trailer traf ic on a private dirt road, creating noise and disturbance at all hours, and causing signi icant light
pollution. It would also increase the number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next to this
neighborhood bordering Etna Elementary, affecting the safety of everyone’s children. In addition, the proposed
regrading and leveling of the plot to include a 20 foot drop does not seem well thought-out, posing a potential
safety hazard and clear risk to the road and adjacent properties.
This proposal’s single plan to mitigate every issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so
disproportionate to the amount of harm the development would cause that it is almost insulting. The permit
applicants have a history of launting rules and regulations without consideration for how it will impact
neighbors to their projects. This is evidenced by the fact that they have already done signi icant detrimental
earth work to the property by operating an illegal commercial gravel pit for the past 3 years, and have already
completed 1/3 of a “proposed” storage unit.
Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any way. It is not
building homes to address rising housing prices pushing out longtime community members. It is not building
space for small businesses run and staffed by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside of a year or more
of construction. Pro its will go to the permit applicants and most likely be reinvested in more storage units
rather than the community. All this project is doing is continuing to eat away at the character of Star Valley,
turning it into Store Valley.
Based on these concerns, I would respectfully request to deny this project proposal in full and consider a
moratorium on storage units for the inde inite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning it into
Store Valley. Deny this proposal and others like it. Thank you for your consideration.
Kelly Fisher
9/20/24, 3:17 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1810644507251520136&simpl=msg-f:1810644507251520136 1/1
Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov>
Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
1 message
Tai Robinson <tai.robinson@gmail.com>Sun, Sep 22, 2024 at 4:33 PM
To: planning@lcwy.org
Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,
As a member of this community, I am wri ng you today to express concern regarding the proposal for file number 111 CUP 24.
This proposal seeks to create a large industrial facility in a zoned rural residen al area where there is already an established
neighborhood with mul ple homes.
This project would dras cally impact the quality of life of those community members by increasing large truck and trailer traffic on a
private dirt road, crea ng noise and disturbance at all hours, and causing significant light pollu on. It would also increase the
number of unknown individuals coming and going directly next to this neighborhood bordering Etna Elementary, affec ng the safety
of everyone’s children. In addi on, the proposed regrading and leveling of the plot to include a 20 drop does not seem well
thought-out, posing a poten al safety hazard and clear risk to the road and adjacent proper es.
This proposal’s single plan to mi gate every issue outlined above is to build a berm, which is so dispropor onate to the amount of
harm the development would cause that it is almost insul ng. The permit applicants have a history of flaun ng rules and regula ons
without considera on for how it will impact neighbors to their projects. This is evidenced by the fact that they have already done
significant detrimental earth work to the property by opera ng an illegal commercial gravel pit for the past 3 years, and have already
completed 1/3 of a “proposed” storage unit.
Moreover, as a community member, it is clear this project does not support the community in any way. It is not building homes to
address rising housing prices pushing out long me community members. It is not building space for small businesses run and staffed
by local residents. It will not create any jobs outside of a year or more of construc on. Profits will go to the permit applicants and
most likely be reinvested in more storage units rather than the community. All this project is doing is con nuing to eat away at the
character of Star Valley, turning it into Store Valley.
Based on these concerns, I would respec ully request to deny this project proposal in full and consider a moratorium on storage
units for the indefinite future. Preserve the character of Star Valley by not turning it into Store Valley. Deny this proposal and others
like it. Thank you for your considera on.
Tai Robinson
9/23/24, 7:57 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Opposition to File Number 111 CUP 24
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1810937326835753557&simpl=msg-f:1810937326835753557 1/1