HomeMy WebLinkAbout817 AP 24 Vacation of Rocky Top Ranch Second Filing 817 AP 24 BCC LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT Subdivision Plat Vacation HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 a.m., December 4, 2024 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, Wyoming & Via Video Conference Afton Branch Office Building Conference Room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 817 AP 24 APPLICANTS: Philip Hyde Hall PROJECT NAME: Vacation of Rocky Top Ranch Second Filing ZONING: Rural COMMUNITY PLAN: Upper Valley SURVEYOR: Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. PLANNING STAFF: Katie Gipson PROPOSAL: This is a request for the Vacation of the Rocky Top Ranch Second Filing Subdivision Plat, including vacating the road easement to the southern property line. The project site is accessed off of Bison Ridge Road via Stump Creek Co. Rd. 133 and is within the Rural Zone. LOCATION: Located 5 miles northwest of the Town of Afton, Wyoming, in T33N, R119W, Section 34. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Copy of Affidavit of Vacation 2. Vicinity Map 3. Rocky Top Ranch Second Filing Recorded Subdivision Plat 4. Subdivision Plat After Vacation PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners APPROVE File #817 AP 24, Vacation of Rocky Top Ranch Second Filing, with: ● Findings of Approval A. thru B. ● A Resolution of Approval. 817 AP 24 BCC FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. The proposed amended subdivision plat is consistent with the Goals and Objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed subdivision plat vacation is consistent with the policies, procedures and standards of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations, specifically the policies found in Section 4.8 Vacation or Partial Vacation of Recorded Plats, and consistent with the provisions of W.S. 34- 12-106 through 110, providing for plat vacation and partial plat vacation where such vacating does not abridge or destroy any of the rights and privileges of other proprietors in said plat. AFFIDAVIT OF VACATION Comes now,Philip Hyde Hall,who being duly sworn on oath,according to law,does hereby make the following statement of facts and affirms: 1.That Philip Hyde Hall is the sole owner of the following described lands: Lots 3 and 4 of Rocky Top Ranch Second Filing,Lincoln County,Wyoming as describedontheofficialplatonDecember20,2017 as Instrument No.995934 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. 2.That in accordance with Wyoming Statutes,2023,as amended.Section 31-12-106,they do vacate said Plat. 3.That,in accordance with Wyoming Statutes,2023,as amended.Section 34-12-110,the Clerk ofLincolnCountyisrespectfullyrequestedtowritetheword"vacated"across face of above Plat andmakereferencetothesameintheBookandpagewhereitisrecordedinaccordancewith34-12- 110. 4.That such vacating does not abridge or destroy any of the rights and privileges of other proprietorsinsaidplat;and provided,further,that nothing contained in this action shall authorize the closing or obstruction of any public highways laid out according to law. 5.That the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County approved said vacation at its regular meeting on in accordance with Resolution No.,dated Witnessed this /1 day of September 2024. Philip Hyde Hall STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) )ss ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Philip Hyde Hall,this //day of September 2024.Witness my hand and official seal. [SEAL]IJENNIFERGUNTER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMINGCOMMISSIONID;167960MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRES:01/14/2029 mmission expires: UV237UV238 36 33 26 2527 28 34 35 16 2117 07 06 2019 08 09 18 0405 20 15 04 24 08 03 01 06 07 12 02 18 09 17 13 11 23 10 19 22 1416 05 21 353433 28 262930 31 32 2733N 119W 32N 118W32N 119W 33N 118W Wendy LaneBison Ridge Road HYDE, JUSTIN GAY, TROY& SHELLY STRICKLER WYOMING FARM LOAN BOARD STOLTENBERG, RONALD &MARILYN HURD, JESSB & ELLEN TRUSTEES HYDE, CLEALOND & ELAINE TRUSTEES HYDE, CLEALOND & ELAINE TRUSTEES HYDE, ROBERT G & KRISTI L TRUSTEES HENZI, MAX P & MARIA AERICKSON,KYLE L & WENDY D EDWARDS, DONALD V &AMY E OWENS, STEVEN V &LORI L KUJALA,LARRY W & LISA HALL, PHILIP H HALL, PHILIP H HALL, PHILIP H Maxar, Microsoft Subdivision Plat Vacation Roads Road_Type US Highways WY Highways Projects Public Noticing Township & Range Sections Municipalities File No. 817 AP 24 Vacation of Rocky Top Ranch Second Filing Philip H. Hall Prepared using available data by Katie Gipson on 20 November 2024. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land.