HomeMy WebLinkAbout111 CUP 24 HEINER STORAGE APPEAL PUBLIC COMMENTS complete 3HEINER STORAGE, APPEAL PUBLIC COMMENTS (attached) From:Lou Ann Henderson <lou@louann.us> Date:Fri,Dec 27,2024 at 1:11 PM Subject:Heiner Storage Unit To:<kent.connelly@lincolncountywy.gov>,<teri.bowers@lincolncountywy.gov>, <jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov> Commissioners, Please stand by your decision on this proposal and deny the appeal. The proposed development File 111 CUP 24 -Heiner Storage is a very large storage unit proposal,specifically 138,140 square feet with a total of 246 storage units.The developer wants to put this in a rural zone,right in the middle of an established residential neighborhood,and in close proximity to our elementary school.This development will have a negative impact on the quality of life for the surrounding residents. As for our little town of Etna,we don’t need a large scale,commercial storage facility. We have enough storage facilities in the lower valley.For Etna,it would be nice to see responsible residential growth and small businesses that benefit our residents and bring our community together.Storage facilities do not contribute to our local community in terms of jobs,and they have a detrimental effect on property values.And aesthetically, they do not blend in with the surrounding neighborhood. Even more so when the applicants do not comply with the development standards of Chapter 6 of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations and did not have authorization from the Department of Environmental Quality on excavation and sale of gravel from the property. Thank you. Lou Ann Henderson Etna From:Noah Christenson <chri4160@gmail.com> Date:Thu,Dec 26,2024 at 9:51 PM Subject:Request to Deny 111-CUP-24 Appeal To:<kent.connelly@lincolncountywy.gov> Dear Commissioner Connelly, I am writing today in regards to the appeal of the decision to deny proposal 111-CUP-24 for the storage megacomplex in Etna.The Planning &Zoning Commission did not recommend this proposal on 10/23/24,and on 11/13/24 the Board of County Commissioners made the wise and correct decision to deny it. This proposal was denied for multiple reasons concerning the proposed megacomplex’s negative effects on the surrounding area.The Board denied the proposal due to the severe negative impacts it would have regarding traffic (creating a dangerous intersection on a 2-lane section of US-89 with no turn lane and drastically increasing use of a narrow private lane),the negative impacts it would have on neighbors’quality of life (increased traffic,noise pollution and light pollution at all hours, strangers coming and going,functionally turning a quiet rural neighborhood into an industrial park),concerns regarding its location directly next to Etna Elementary,and concerns regarding the permittee who was fined by both Lincoln County and WY-DEQ for violations – indicating that development was not being conducted in good faith. I ask you to deny this appeal,as none of the fundamental reasons the initial proposal was denied have changed.All of the impacts listed above,which were identified as detrimental to Etna community members and setting a dangerous precedent for future projects in Lincoln County,remain the same.Please reaffirm your commitment to growing the community of Star Valley and Lincoln County by denying this appeal. To be perfectly clear,as an immediate neighbor to this proposal,my concern is not the development of CR Lot 2.I do,however,take great issue with the conduct of the developers as to how they have proceeded without authorization and in blatant violation of local and state regulations thus far.And while I remain extremely concerned with how this project has already impacted my quality of life and property value,I am even more concerned with how it will detract from and harm the communities of Etna,Star Valley,and Lincoln County.Storage units do not create jobs and they do not provide housing.They are ugly,they are parasitic,and there are many sitting vacant here already. For these reasons among many,I again ask you to re-affirm your decision to deny 111-CUP-24,and require the developers to re-apply with a new proposal that better mitigates their impacts on neighbors and would provide better community-serving spaces. Thank you for your service to Lincoln County and for the excellent judgement displayed in rejecting proposal 111-CUP-24 on 11/23/24.I strongly urge you to deny this appeal for the same reasons on 01/08/25. -- Noah Christenson 719-232-6066 Jackson Hole Based Ski Instructor Founder and Owner From:Ray Peltz <raypeltz@yahoo.com> Date:Fri,Dec 27,2024 at 7:16 AM Subject:Etna Mega Storage Complex denial appeal To:jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov <jerry.hansen@lincolncountywy.gov>, kent.connelly@lincolncountywy.gov <kent.connelly@lincolncountywy.gov>, teri.bowers@lincolncountywy.gov <teri.bowers@lincolncountywy.gov> Hello As a property owner and future resident in the Star Valley,I urge you to stand by your decision denying the development of the Mega Storage complex in Etna.Please force the developers to design a more community friendly plan where the complex blends in and is unobtrusive to the neighbors.It would be really sad if the Star Valley became the Store Valley.I have storage unit complexes,some several stories high,being constructed in my area of Omaha,NE;and,they are not a pleasant sight.Worse than shopping malls. Thanks for your time and consideration. Ray Peltz _________raypeltz@yahoo.com