HomeMy WebLinkAbout103 PZ 24 LUR Storage Container BCC staff report no 2 103 PZ 24 BCC LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT Land Use Regulations Amendment - Shipping Containers as Storage Units HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 a.m., January 8, 2025 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, Wyoming & & Via Video Conference Afton Branch Office Building Conference Room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 103 PZ 24 APPLICANT: Lincoln County Planning & Development Office PROJECT: Land Use Regulations Amendment - Shipping Containers as Storage Units PLANNER: Stephen P. Allen ___________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: Proposal to amend the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations to require shipping containers used as Commercial Storage Units to permit through a Conditional Use Permit instead of a Zoning and Development Permit in both Rural and Mixed Zones. This will include adding specific requirements for this use to have foundation systems and anchoring of units as defined in the International Building Code (IBC). PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the BCC APPROVE File # 103 PZ 24 Land Use Regulations Amendment - Shipping Containers as Storage Units with: • Findings of Approval A. thru C. 103 PZ 24 BCC FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of W.S. 18-5-202 (b) for the adoption and amendment to a comprehensive plan, including zoning. B. The proposal is consistent with the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan, specifically: IV. Land Use, Goals: E. Identify and protect the scenic resources of the county. IV. Land Use, Objectives: 1. Create Land Use Regulations that promote the responsible and orderly development of Lincoln County. 2. Promote the conservation of open space in Lincoln County. C. The proposal is consistent with the procedures outlined in Lincoln County Land Use Regulations Chapter One for the adoption of amendments, specifically regarding the noticing of plan amendment and rezone proposals. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO REGULATIONS: Create a new line to the Land Use Regulations Chapter 7.3 Land Use Table as follows: Commercial Storage Units - Shipping Containers / Other: R = C, M = C, RC = Blank, I = P Create Definition in Chapter 7 for Shipping Containers as follows; INTERMODAL SHIPPING CONTAINER - As defined in the International Building Code; A six-sided steel unit originally constructed as a general cargo container used for the transport of goods and materials. Create Paragraph in Land Use Regulations Chapter 6.8 LAND USE SITING STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS as follows: J. Commercial Storage Units - Shipping Containers / Other Intermodal Shipping Containers that are designated as permanent shall have: 1. Foundations. Two or more Intermodal Shipping Containers repurposed for the use as a permanent building or structure, including but not limited to permanent storage, shall be supported on concrete foundation(s). A Wyoming Licensed stamped engineering drawing shall be provided, specific to the proposed site, and shall include a continuous load path for all applicable design and environmental loads in accordance with the IBC Code. 2. Anchorage. A single Intermodal Shipping Container shall be anchored to foundations or other supporting structures as necessary. A Wyoming Licensed stamped engineering drawing specific to the proposed site, shall be provided and shall include a continuous load path for all applicable design and environmental loads in accordance with the IBC Code. 3. Markings. 103 PZ 24 BCC a. Intermodal Shipping Containers shall retain their original data plate (CSC Safety Approval Placard) affixed. b. Intermodal Shipping Containers shall be painted with natural earth toned colors that blend and /or enhance the natural scenic vista of Lincoln County. Intermodal Shipping Containers used as commercial storage units that are 20’ or shorter may be designated as temporary/mobile storage containers (pods) and will require a compacted surface. When two or more mobile storage pods are stored side by side, the units will be required to be tied together while not in transit. Temporary/mobile structures shall be permitted for no more than 180 days with an additional one time 180-day extension. Other: Any non-traditional storage unit construction, mobile unit, box truck, semi-trailer, Quonset hut, or other creative storage unit or pod intended to be rented as a storage unit requires a Conditional Use Permit under this section. Intermodal Shipping Containers and other unit types used as commercial storage units may require a Plan Review from the Wyoming Department of Electrical Safety and Fire Prevention. BACKGROUND: It has been expressed to the Planning Office that the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners would like shipping containers used as commercial storage units to have a higher level of review during permitting. By changing the permitting process from a Zoning and Development Permit to a Conditional Use Permit, it accomplishes this goal. CORRESPONDENCE: Public Comments: No written public comments have been made at this time. From:esimpson@silverstar.com <esimpson@silverstar.com> Sent:Friday,December 27,2024 9:28 AM To:mwshumway@msn.com <mwshumway@msn.com> Subject:County approved Storage Units Hi Commissioner Shumway, I have attached a letter commenting on Storage Units.To maintain the esthetic value of our county,I strongly encourage you to adopt regulations where all future storage unit complexes have proper screening,either a block wall or berms and trees. Thank you for your service. Sincerely, Evan Simpson RE: Public Comment on Land Use Regulations, File #103 PZ 24 Dear Lincoln County Commissioners, This public comment opportunity has brought a lot of discussion in the community about storage units in general. May I make some comments about storage units in general, and then specifically about the use of cargo shipping vessels. We live in a beautiful valley. Highway 89A is a designated scenic byway. However, we continue to see what many of us consider unsightly steel structures being constructed along the major roadways with no effort to screen or conceal them. Here is the problem; metal storage unit structures are relatively inexpensive to construct. If you own the land, they can bring a high return on the investment. The demand for storage units is dictated, by in large, by residents of Teton County, Star Valley Ranch, Star Valley Ranch RV Park and the population at large. This produces strong demand and construction of storage units. While it is never a good idea for government to intervene in free enterprise, the private land rights of individuals must be balanced by the good of the community. There is a median solution to this situation of demand verses esthetic value of the valley. It is called proper screening! As you travel through other communities who place value on the appearance of their community, you do NOT see storage units. Why? Because they are concealed by landscaping and screening walls. An 8-foot split face block wall is typical and screens unsightly metal structures from sight of the roadways. Allow property owners to construct storage units but have regulations that require screening and landscaping to minimize the visual impact. I encourage you to take the following action NOW: 1. Place a moratorium on all proposed storage units until regulations can be adopted. 2. Require all future storage units to include the following: a. Asphalted site design b. Stormwater runoff retention facilities c. Split face block wall surrounding the site d. Landscaping with evergreen trees to minimize the wall visual impact Considering the issue at hand, I certainly think that cargo shipping vessels being proposed as permanent storage units should be handled under a special use permit. I would take it one step further by asking; “Why would any leader of this community ever allow cargo shipping vessels to be used as rental storage units?” Especially sitting out in an open field visible from the highway. Commissioners, it is time we start saying No to developers who want to install unsightly steel structures with little or no site improvements. Sincerely, Evan J. Simpson