HomeMy WebLinkAbout886336 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In conptlance with theCOPJtr~R P~J~PJ~E4~O~' ~ ?~ AC~, ~/yonlng Statutes, 1977 Section 36-11-10L et. seq., and the Rules and Regutatlons o? the Board o? ProCesslonat Engineers and Pro?esslona[ Land Supveyops) Reverse side o? this ?orm may be used I~ nope space Is needed, Record oF original survey and citation o? source o? historical InFormation (1? corner Is lost or obliterated), Description o? corner monumenta~clon evidence ?ound and/or monument and accessories established to perpetua~ce the location o? this corner, Ske~cch o? relative location o? monument, accessories, and re?erence points with course and distance to ~dUacent corner~(~) (17 determined In this survey), Method and rationale ~or reestmbllshment o? lost or obliterated c~irner, FOUNDI STANDARD GLO I.P. & B.C. CAIRN 5' ~E~T R~CEIVED L ,:~ ,~.. ~, i;O!,l!q ,,LEna Monument location Monument Inscription Date of Yield ~ork: 11/27/02 Office ~eference: 8858-7 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 + + + + + + + + + + + --~61 151 14 I I 5 I I 2 I I l~-- +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ : : : ', ', : : : : I IJr +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ + + ---~-7 I I 8 I ~ 9 I I10~ Illl 112",-- +t+ +~+ +~+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +~+ +~+ + + +~+ +~+ +~+ ~18~ ~17~ ~16~ ~15~ ~14~ ~ 15-~ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ ; : ; : ; : : ; : ; IJ¢ +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ + + -+191 1201 ~211 1221 1251 124~ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ ~50 ~ ~ 29 ~ ~ 28 ~ ~ 27 ~ ~ 26 ~ ~ 254-- +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ +~+ -~-511 1521 1331 1341 1551 136+- +~+ +t+ +~+ +~+ +t+ +t+ c D J K L N 0 U ¥ X Y Z D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE Z02 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: This corner record was prepared by ne or under my direction and supervision, Corner Name Southeast Corner Section 1, T 20 N, R 113 W, 6th P.~. County: Lincoln Wyoming Cross-Index No.: E-25