HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 2024 PZC Minutes Draft DRAFT LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING NOTES Wednesday, November 20, 2024 6:00 P.M. Locations: Video Conference between the following locations: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom, 925 Sage Avenue 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY & Afton Planning & Engineering Office, Conference Room, 61 East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY I. CALL TO ORDER Karen Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. II. INTRODUCTION OF PZC MEMBERS Planning Commission Members: Karen Anderson, Chair Chad Jensen, Vice Chair Kevin Kilroy David Oates (Absent) Lincoln County Staff: Stephen Allen, Chief of Staff Austin Dunlap, Attorney (Absent) Ken Kuluski, Planning Director Elizabeth Williams, Planner II Katie Gipson, Planner I III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Kevin Kilroy made a motion to adopt the agenda with Other Planning Matters A and B. Chad Jensen seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chad Jensen motioned to accept the November minutes. Kevin Kilroy seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. V. DEVELOPMENT REPORT Katie Gipson presented the Development Report for September 23, 2024 to November 3, 2024. Chad Jensen questioned the three guest houses on a singular sewer system. Ken Kuluski clarified the other two septic systems will be coming in future seasons. Karen Anderson opened questions to the public. Marlowe Scherbel requested a report on the number of residential permits in comparison to the previous year. Katie Gipson answered that that report would come out about February, but development seems to be slightly lower than last year. VI. 707 MA 24 Star Valley Springs Subdivision Elizabeth Williams presented the project with a recommendation for the Planning and Zoning Commission to send a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners with Findings of Approval A through C and Conditions of Approval 1. through 8. Karen Anderson questioned the difference between the plat map and the site map. Elizabeth Williams answered that the site plan shows the fire hydrants, bus pull-out and the location of mailbox clusters. Elizabeth Williams explained the changes in the Development Agreement to the Board. Karen Anderson questioned the potential for a restriction on basements. Elizabeth Williams answered that there was not enough information provided in the Soil Conservation District report to make no basements a plat requirement. Page 1 of 4 DRAFT Brett Bennett, development representative, explained the background of both the developers and the project. Brett Bennett directed that all water and sewer questions should go to Kade Smith. Karen Anderson questioned the design of the sign. Brett Bennett explained that the signage lighting will meet the Lincoln County lighting standards. Chad Jensen questioned the water district line and the provision of irrigation water. Brett Bennett explained that in the preliminary stages, they cannot pursue a water distribution plan. Chad Jensen requested an example of a commercial / residential combo and questioned the entrance access points. Brett Bennett answered there are two access points, neither off of Muddy String Road. Elizabeth Williams answered with examples of commercial uses that would need a Conditional Use Permit or a Zoning and Development Permit in the Mixed Zone. Chad Jensen requested the anticipation of commercial uses on the Mixed Use lots. Brett Bennett clarified they are strictly considering the division of lots and that the county will be the ones to determine what will be permitted on the lots in question. Kevin Kilroy questioned the waterline alignment on the west portion of the project. Kade Smith from Sunrise Engineering answered that the 90 degree is not a waterline but a dimension label to demonstrate meeting the IFC code. Kevin Kilroy motioned to recommend approval of file 707 MA 24 with Findings of Approval A. through C. and Conditions of Approval 1. through 8. Chad Jensen questioned how to include 13 through 15 of the Development Agreement in the motion. Elizabeth Williams clarified that the Development Agreement is a draft that is subject to change until finalized at the Board of County Commissioners meeting. Karen Anderson made note that she would prefer to see a singular sign rather than multiple signs. Chad Jensen seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. VII. OTHER PLANNING MATTERS Ken Kuluski presented the proposed Planning and Zoning meeting dates for 2025. Chad Jensen questioned the importance of attending meetings in person rather than over zoom. Ken Kuluski answered that it is strongly recommended to attend in person rather than over zoom though zoom is occasionally allowed. Ken Kuluski presented the old fee schedule and the new proposed fee schedule. Chad Jensen questioned how the proposed fees were determined. Ken Kuluski clarified that the proposals are based on the costs associated with the county and the man hours required to process the permits. Chad Jensen and Karen Anderson mentioned the proposed fees still seemed low. Chad Jensen mentioned wanting to see a comparison with other counties in regards to the proposed fees. Kevin Kilroy questioned the difference of the raise in fees between different permits with some proposed to be raised by $50 and others significantly more. Karen Anderson wanted to make note that comparative data should be reviewed before actions are taken. Jennifer Scherbel raised the question that if fees are to be raised, would that raise be seen in employee salaries. Karen Anderson added that the Planning and Zoning Commission has requested to see the county employees be given due raises for training and quality. Karen Anderson requested an update on the vacant Planning and Zoning Commission position in Kemmerer. Stephen Allen answered that he and Commissioner Connelly will be meeting with the prospective candidate and hope to have them appointed by January 1st for the January meeting. VIII. SKETCH PLANS Marlowe Scherbel requested a copy of the proposed fee schedule and questioned the county’s collection of fees and if they are covering costs. Chad Jensen answered that when Robert Davis was Director he had mentioned the fee collections were not enough to cover county costs. Marlowe Scherbel presented the sketch plan for the Grover Meadows Subdivision. Marlowe Scherbel expressed concern over the connectivity proposed on the property to the east as well as the proposed 10’ gravel trail along the power lines. Chad Jensen commented that the gravel should be left open as an option to construct. Kevin Kilroy questioned the allowance of the easement without pairing it with a responsibility of a specific party to install the gravel. Karen Anderson questioned if there were a more logical location for the trail. Further discussion of trails occurred. Chad Jensen requested clarification on the surrounding boundary adjustments. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 4 DRAFT Chad Jensen motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kevin Kilroy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Page 3 of 4 DRAFT The minutes from the November 20, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting were approved on the _____ day of _________________ , 2024. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Chair Dated Director Dated Page 4 of 4