HomeMy WebLinkAbout602 PZ 25 Road Standards LUR Staff Report Workshop PZC complete106 PZ 25 LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Land Use Regulation Amendment Proposal Road Standards Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. LOCATION: Afton Planning & Development Office, 61 E. 5th Ave., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 106 PZ 25 APPLICANT: Lincoln County Planning & Development Office PROJECT NAME: Land Use Regulations Amendment Road Standards PLANNER: Elizabeth Williams ____________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: A Proposed Amendment to the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations to modify Road Standards in Chapter 6.16-6.19, 6.11.D.3. and Chapter 7.1, which will address recent development issue and promote safer road design. Proposal A. Modify language in Chapter 6.16 Road Standards (No changes) Proposal B. Replace Standard Grading Sections Chapter 6.16, Pages 20-21 with Typical Section drawing (See change) Proposal C. Add Cul-de-Sac drawing to follow Typical Section drawing in 6.16 (Clarify) Proposal D. Modify language in Chapter 6.17 General Road Design Requirements (See change) Proposal E. Amend language and Road Type Table in 6.18 Subdivision Road Design Specifications (See change) Proposal F. Add definitions to Chapter 7.1 (No changes) Proposal G. Change “Office of Planning & Engineering” to “Office of Planning & Development” throughout the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations (No changes) Proposal H. Modify Lot Design Specifications, layout to clarify flag lot limitations (No changes) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: 1. Current Standard Grading Sections Chapter 6 2. Current 6.18 Road Type Table3.Fire Apparatus Access Roads___________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommend that the Planning and Zoning Commission send a recommendation of APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners for File # 102 PZ 24 Proposals A. through H. with: •Findings of Approval A. thru C. 106 PZ 25 FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A.The proposal is consistent with the provisions of W.S. 18-5-202 (b) for the adoption and amendment to a comprehensive plan, including zoning.B.The proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County ComprehensivePlan Goals and Objectives IV Land Use, specifically:Goals: C. Reduce the impacts new development has on county and community services. Objectives: 1. Create Land Use Regulations that promote the responsible and orderly development of Lincoln County. C. The proposal is consistent with the procedures outlined in Lincoln County Land Use RegulationsChapter One for the adoption of amendments, specifically regarding the noticing of planamendment and rezone proposals. PROPOSAL A: Modify language in Chapter 6.16 Road Construction Standards PROPOSED CHANGES ARE UNDERLINED AND RED, DELETED TEXT IS STRUCK OUT. 6.16 ROAD CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS A.Surface Specification All Subdivision Roads are required to be either graveled or paved. Gravel-- For gravel roads, the minimum acceptable sub-base is eight (8) inches of pit run coarse aggregate; the minimum surface is four (4) inches of crushed coarse aggregate, Wyoming Department of Transportation Grading W or GR. Paved-- For paved roads, the minimum acceptable sub-base is four (4) inches of crushed coarse aggregate; is eight (8) inches of pit run coarse aggregate; the minimum surface is four (4) inches of crushed aggregate; and a the minimum acceptable base is two (2) inches ofbituminous pavement. A chip seal or sand and gravel seal-wearing course shall be applied. 106 PZ 25 Gradation/Specification Requirements: Subbase and Base Grading Sieve J GR L K W % Passing 2 in [50 mm] 100 1 ½ in [37.5 mm] 90 to 100 100 100 100 1 in [25 mm] 100 90 to 100 90 to 100 90 to 100 ¾ in [19 mm] 90 to 100 ½ in [12.5 mm] 65 to 85 60 to 85 60 to 85 No. 4 [4.75 mm] 35 to 75 50 to 78 35 to 55 40 to 65 45 to 65 No. 8 [2.36 mm] 30 to 55 33 to 53 No. 200 [75 µm] 0 to 15 4 to 15 3 to 15 3 to 15 3 to 12 Aggregate Properties: Subbase and Base Properties Subbase Base Crushed Base Shouldering (Gravel Roads) LA abrasion loss, max., % 50 50 50 Liquid limit, max. 25 25 30 Plasticity index 0 to 6 0 to 3 4 to 12 R-Value, min.60 75 60 Soundness (MgSO4) loss, max. 18 18 calculated for the combined material, % B.Design, Construction Layout and Survey 1. Structural Section may need additional Engineering based on soil reports. PlanningAdministration may require the Structural Section be stamped by a Licensed Engineer in theState of Wyoming. 2.Alignment stakes will only may be set for blade and cast sections. 3.Grade stakes will may be set for grade sections. Grade given will may be for finished gradeon center-line of roadway. 4.Transitions from crowned sections to curved sections to be made in fifty (50) foot sections on the tangents preceding and following a curve. 5.Temporary monuments of 3/8 inch x 12 inch steel re-bar may be used during construction. 106 PZ 25 6.Roadways shall be constructed to profiles and cross sections, grade and surfaced in accordance with the standards, rules, and regulations of Lincoln County. Planning Staff may require plan, profile and cross sections be submitted prior to construction. Planning Staff mayalso require plans to be stamped by a Licensed Engineer in the State of Wyoming. 106 PZ 25 PROPOSAL B: Replace Standard Grading Sections Chapter 6.16, Pages 20-21 with Typical Section drawing (follows) Revisions are indicated in blue. *3% SLOPE FOR GRAVEL ROADS2% SLOPE FOR PAVED ROADS**::c 1-z a.. _w ~o -::c N (.) I-C BACKS LOPE 2:1 OR FLATTER 6' MINIMUM j 26' ROADWAY WIDTH t 6' MINIMUM 1· SHOULDER r.12' TRAVEL WAY I 12' TRAVEL WAYI ,. SHOULDER ~% SLOPE (TYP.) 3% SLOPE (TYP.) I FORESLOPE 3:1 OR FLATTER 6" MOISTURE CONDITION AND COMPACT CUT FILL SECTIONS TYPICAL SECTION ASPHALT &/OR BASE PER COUNTY STANDARD 8" THICK, SUB BASE FILL SLOPE 3:1 OR FLATTER VARIABLE SLOPE 2:1 OR FLATTER 106 PZ 25 PROPOSAL C: Add Cul-de-Sac drawing to follow Typical Section drawing in 6.16 (follows) No revisions, 2% slope applies to both paved and gravel cul-de-sacs. / I I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ / IGHT OF \JAY . -_ _ _ ·/DGE OF SURFACE _,,,,,.. ......... / . . ----............ / " \ \ 2% SLOPE I >o .. I \ ~ I I I I 13 1-30' I I 30'-I " \ \ \ \ \ I ~ I ~o I ~ I CUL-DE-SAC I I 106 PZ 25 PROPOSAL D: Modify language in Chapter 6.17 General Road Design Requirements PROPOSED CHANGES ARE UNDERLINED AND RED, DELETED TEXT IS STRUCK OUT. 6.17 GENERAL ROAD DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A.Subdivision roads should have a loop road for a turnaround point rather than a cul-de-sac unlessit is determined by the Office of Planning and Development and Engineering and/or the CountyEngineer that the physical characteristics of the site prohibit its construction. B.The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions are encouraged to provide for the continuation of streets in adjoining subdivisions and other areas. Road rights-of-way shall be provided from theproposed subdivision roads or streets to adjacent or adjoining lands if such easements or rights-of-way would improve access to the potentially developable lands or potentially landlockedlands and would facilitate the development of a coordinated road system developing within the area. Roads shall be designed and aligned to join with planned or existing roads. C.If the Planning Office approves a subdivision proposes to have an interior road ending in a cul-de-sac (dead end) because of physical characteristics of the site, the road shall have:a.A minimum radius of 60 70 feet (60’ surface radius). b. A maximum length of one thousand (1,000) feet. c.Adequate snow storage shall be provided to keep turnarounds clear. Dead end roads which do not have turnarounds are not allowed. Road design proposals may be reviewed by the County Engineer and/or local fire chief to assist in review for safety and adequacy. D.The Board of County Commissioners shall require, prior to approving a subdivision plat, therearrangement, deletion or addition of streets, lots and entrances if significant traffic, safety orother hazardous problems exist in a proposed subdivision. E.No lot, of a newly created subdivision, shall be designed to have direct access to a County Road.The construction of a subdivision road is necessary for access for multiple lots. F.Half streets within a subdivision, or along a subdivision boundary, are not permitted. G.All bridges/culverts, serving drainage basins over 200 acres, shall be designed by an registeredEngineer licensed in the State of Wyoming. Additionally, all bridges/culverts serving drainagebasins under 200 acres may require a licensed Engineer in the State of Wyoming at the discretionof the Planning Administrator. All disturbed areas shall be graded appropriately and re-seeded after construction and prior to Final Plat inspection for subdivisions. 106 PZ 25 H.Access to subdivisions shall be from roads constructed within dedicated public rights-of-way,private road rights-of-way or recorded perpetual easements. Two (2) points of access into the subdivision shall be provided if the proposed subdivision contains 15 or more lots. I.Road design proposals may be reviewed by the County Engineer and/or local Fire Chief to assistin review for safety and adequacy. J.Pedestrian way/bicycle path requirements a. Pedestrian ways and bicycle paths shall have a right-of-way width of ten feet (10’) wherein the opinion of the County Commissioners they are necessary for pedestrian circulationwithin the subdivision or to provide access to common elements. The extent ofimprovements required for pedestrian ways or bicycle paths shall be considered on an individual basis. Pedestrian ways or bicycle paths of greater or lesser width may be required by the Board of County Commissioners. K. One-way roads: One-way roads will not be allowed.L.Hammerheads and Y turnarounds will not be allowed on dead end roads. M.Dead end roads over 1000 feet will require approval by the Fire Advisory Panel prior to Preliminary Plat application submittal. 106 PZ 25 PROPOSAL E: Amend language and Road Type Table in 6.18 Subdivision Road Design Specifications 6.18 SUBDIVISION ROAD AND BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS A.Subdivision Roads All proposed subdivision roads shall be built to the specifications outlined below. The roaddesign standards are designed to accommodate different volumes of traffic. The standards forroads carrying heavier traffic loads are more stringent than for roads carrying fewer automobiles.Each subdivision road shall be designed with the assumption that the subdivision will be fully developed and that each lot will create average daily traffic (ADT) of 11.25 trips. Unit of Average Daily Traffic TYPE UNIT PER UNIT ADT Dwelling, Single Family Per dwelling unit 10 Dwelling, Two Family Dwelling, Multiple-Family Per dwelling unit Per dwelling unit 7 7 Guest House Mobile Home Park Per dwelling unit Per mobile home 5 5 Hotel Storage Units Per room Per unit 9 0.25 Restaurant Per 1,000 S.F. gross 90 Commercial Per 1,000 S.F. gross 115 Office Per 1,000 S.F. gross 11 RV Park Per space 7 Super Market Per 1,000 S.F. gross 102 When per unit average daily traffic (ADT) counts are not listed for a type of development, or an ADT has not been established for a particular category or location by the County Engineer, the design engineer shall use an acceptable reference approved by the County Engineer such as the ITE “Trip Generation Handbook,” current edition, to obtain the appropriate ADT count. Each road shall be designed with the assumption that the subdivision will be fully developed and that each lot will create average daily traffic. 106 PZ 25 Road Type Road type A Private – Collector B Private – Local C Private - Local Number of lots served by road 40 and more 20 to 39 25 to 39 3 to 19 3 to 24 ADT TYP ADT 400+ TYP ADT > 300 to 400 TYP ADT < 300 Minimum Right-of-Way Width (Ft) 60 Travel Way Roadway Width (Ft) 24, 20, 20 26 Shoulder 0,1’ 0,1’2’ 0,1’2’ Surface Type Paved Gravel or Paved Gravel or Paved Design Speed (mph) 45 30 30 Intersections Not less than 84 degrees Not less than 84 degrees Not less than 84 degrees Intersection offset, min. (Ft) *660 330 125 150 Grades, max. 6%, 8%, 10% ** Grades, min. 0.3 % Crown, min. 0.3% 3% Gravel or 2% Paved Max. Grade 100 ft. before intersection 3 % 4 % Min Horizontal Curve Radius (Ft) 300, 300 500 250, 250, 100 300 250, 250, 100 300 Visibility at Intersection 415 310 210 Min. Stopping Sight Distance (Ft) *** 400 200 200 Signs at intersection Stop Street name Yield or Stop Street name Yield or Stop Street name *Measured from inside edge of ROW **MOUNTAIN TERRAIN – Topography determined by Planning Staff may allow exceptions: •Road shall be designed by a Licensed Engineer in the State of Wyoming •Fewer than 10 lots and shall be less than 99 ADT 106 PZ 25 •GRADE EXCEPTIONS: Exceptions to maximum grades: may have sections with a grade above eight (8) percent and a maximum grade up to ten (10) percent, provided all of the following conditions are met:1. The section shall be no longer than five hundred (500) feet;2. The section shall have a horizontal radius of fifteen hundred (1,500) feet or greater;3. Grades shall not exceed six (6) percent for one hundred and fifty (150) feet on either end of the section; 4. Curves with a horizontal radius of less than three hundred (300) feet shall not be withinfive hundred (500) feet on either end of the section. •HORIZONTAL CURVE: To be designed no less than a 15-mph curve. Minimum Curve Radius shall not be less than100 feet. Warning Curve Signs shall be posted in both travel directions a minimum of 100feet prior to the beginning of a curve with a radius less than 250 feet. (Placement location isdependent on the site conditions) ***Site Distance and Driver’s View Lot Lot .,, I~ I Twenty-five (25) fo~ 'i:::> agricultural buffer 0 ci .., ----Road - --- b 0 ci .., Stopping Site Lot Distance Lot The driver's view of the roadway shall be free of vegetation or other obstructions which may impair the view of on-coming traffic. Visibility shall be: 200' in either direction at heights of 30 inches for roads with speed limits up to 30 mph. 106 PZ 25 If the subdivision is on relatively level terrain (slope not more than 6%) the road design may resemble that of lots and blocks generally found in municipalities. Signs are required to be installed by the applicant prior to final plat at the applicant's expense. The locations of signs are at the discretion of the county staff to promote safe traffic flow and clear communication of information to visitors and emergency service personnel. Signs shall be sturdy, readable and set in concrete. The Planning Office will order signs and posts. They can be picked up at the Planning Office. All signs, striping, markers, delineators, and other traffic control devices shall conform to the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition, hereinafter referred to as the MUTCD, published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. B. Bridges General Design Information All structures shall conform to the following: ●AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (most current edition and interims) ●WYDOT Bridge Design Manual ●AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation ●WYDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS for Road & Bridge Construction All bridges to be constructed shall be designed by a Professional Engineer who holds a valid license granted by the Wyoming Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors. Submittals ●Design calculations, plans, and specifications shall be submitted ●Load rating for all WYDOT Load Rating Trucks and Emergency Vehicles ●Geotechnical report ●Hydraulic report (if new structure spans a waterway). The report will need to include scourelevations for the design, 100 years, and 500-year events ●Ensure all submittals are stamped by a Wyoming licensed Professional Engineer Design Criteria All structures shall conform to the following design standards: ●Each bridge shall have a minimum freeboard clearance of 18 inches between lowest part ofbridge structure and top of existing bank ●Minimum Design Truck: HL-93 ●Minimum clear roadway width between parapets: 26 feet ●Minimum Bridge parapet height: 32 inches ●Minimum Bridge parapet test level: TL-3 ●Minimum Frost Depth to Bottom of Footing: 48 inches 106 PZ 25 Material Properties See material requirements in WYDOT Bridge Design Manual. Utilities Where utility conflicts exist; water, power, telephone, cable TV and gas lines will be relocated as required for construction of the project. Where it is feasible and reasonable to locate utility lines elsewhere, attachment to structures will not be permitted. PROPOSAL F: Add definitions to Chapter 7.1 7.1 DEFINITIONS ADT – Average Daily Traffic Guest House - A detached dwelling, accessory to a principal dwelling unit, located on the same lot or parcel, and smaller in floor area of living space, which may be used as temporary housing for nonpaying visitors or guests or for rental units of the owners or occupants of the main dwelling on the site. Guest Houses as rental units will be allowed a maximum of 800 square feet of living space on lots up to one (1) acre; a maximum of 1,000 square feet of living space for lots between one (1) and five (5) acres; and a maximum of 1,200 square feet of living space for lots greater than five (5) acres. Only one (1) guest house shall be permitted on a parcel or lot. Loop Road – a road with both terminal points on the same street of origin. PROPOSAL G: Change “Office of Planning & Engineering” to “Office of Planning & Development” throughout the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations. PROPOSAL H: 6.11 Lot Design Specifications A.All lots shall be designed to conform to the existing topography in such a way as to avoid futureproblems of access, construction and drainage. B.Lots shall function efficiently and safely without overcrowding, given the lot's topography,location, hazards and development's: 1.Utilities 2.Vehicular, pedestrian, and emergency access 3. Parking4.Small wastewater systems5. Storage of trash, snow and other items6.Structures 106 PZ 25 7. Open space C.A Subdivision development shall be required, as reasonably possible, to be compatible with adjoining and/or surrounding densities and uses in terms of the design, bulk and height of anyproposed structures. D.Layout. A single lot shall not be divided by a public road, alley, or another lot. 1. Side lot lines shall be at approximate right angles or radial to road right-of-way lines orcenter-lines.2.Each lot shall abut a private street, or private access right-of-way, or dedicated street, andhave a minimum of 38 feet of frontage. 3.Flag lot design is discouraged. In no case shall a subdivision have more than 2 flag lots and in no case shall they abut each other. In no case shall the leg (or length) of a flag lot exceed 3 times its width. The leg shall be defined as a narrow section of land that leads to the larger body of a lot. The length of the leg shall be defined as the shortest dimension perpendicular or nearly perpendicular to the width. E.Each lot, which is not served by central sewer systems shall contain within its boundaries abuild-able area of at least 15,000 square feet. Build-able area is defined as area free of: slope over 30 percent, avalanche hazard, mine subsidence hazard, stream/river channels, 100- year flood plains, and/or road easements. See Table 6.1 Residential Density Table for minimum lotsizes for new residential subdivision lots. C: g r. n s..; ::T ::s a. I» c:: "2 Q rn ~ C (I °' :I :ii, ~~J: I» ~ C ~ -c:; ;r '< :=. ~~g -· c,, o=: Table 8.2 (Plge 1 ol 3) ., ........ f t I f STANOARO GRADING. SECTIONS + 20°ROAOWAT- A.L SECTIONS) L~EVEL SECrtO~.::=~DE AMj_'D CAST l '• ID' c' + ••--1 OR IN\.AL_•_...-"':"':""_ .... •· •. ::~:~----~ ~ -----= -~ -•••-~ &"Cl'll9fttAIIIC-IIClll .... -s. Sletet5 -----L •ua•IOlllt la' ,1111111C111ter~ -----.J,j,. G'M"""9Clhes1" . 2· rHROtJGH Fll.L -GRADED SECTION I HAUL ll!OVIIIED) ., -c ....... , • .,.....,C9lltldl,_,.ctM1f_..,..,..,_," ..., 11111111ttc-..1'111ttt""--"...,ll!d• dlr"'='M .. I ~ I -: -• --------• --•. ~-j --·-----· -------:-----1.IM: I 'It )E )( M H H i ; ; a I I f() b --~ I r I ~ ~ ~ ! " ' ~ ' § ... .,, ~ ~ ,q .... Q 'Ill( ~ I ~ I i I "'T'W'-z ~ ! I D i:: & i. ~ " .,, "' ;:! :'t: lu ~ c,; Land Use Regulations Lincoln County, Wyoming Chapter 6, Page 21 X W l . -Nf'l ""''° ,- Land Use Regulations Lincoln County, Wyoming Chapter 6, Page 22 6.18 SUBDIVISION ROAD DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS All proposed subdivision roads shall be built to the specifications outlined below. The road design standards are designed to accommodate different volumes of traffic. The standards for roads carrying heavier traffic loads are more stringent than for roads carrying fewer automobiles. Each subdivision road shall be designed with the assumption that the subdivision will be fully developed and that each lot will create average daily traffic (ADT) of 11.25 trips. Roa d type Road type A B C Number of Lots served 40 and more 25 to 39 24 to 3 by road Minimum Right of 60 feet 60 feet 60 feet Way Width Intersections Not less than Not less than 84 Not less than 84 84 degrees degrees degrees Visibility at 415 feet 310 feet 210 feet Intersection Intersection offset, min 660 feet 330 feet 125 feet Grades, max* 6%, 8% 6%, 8%, 10% 6%, 8%, 10% Travel Way 24 20 20 Shoulder 0, 1 ', 0, 1 ', 2' 0, 1 ', 2' Minimum Curve 300,300 250,250,100 250,250,100 Radius (ft) Crown, min 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% Max Grade 100 ft. 3% 3% 4% before intersection *Max 8% with 20 ft. travelway with I ft shoulders, 2: I Slope *Max I 0% for no more than 500 feet straightaway with 20 ft. travelway with 2 ft shoulders, 2: I Slope, Section shall have a horizontal radius of 1500 feet or greater, grades shall not exceed 6% for 500 feet on either end of the section, curves with a horizontal radius of less than 600 feet shall not be within 500 feet on either end of the section. Land Use Regulations Lincoln County, Wyoming Chapter 6, Page 24 APPENDIX D FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS The provisions contained in this appendix are not mandatory unless specifically referenced in the adopting ordinance. SECTION 0101 GENERAL D101.1 Scope. Fire apparatus access roads shall be in accor- dance with this appendix and all other applicable requirements of the Intematioruil Fire Code. SECTION 0102 REQUIRED ACCESS D102.1 Access and loading. Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable of supporting the imposed load of fire appara- tus weighing at least 75,000 pounds (34 050 kg). SECTION 0103 MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS D103.1 Access road width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet (7925 mm). See Figure D103.1. D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed 10 percent in grade. Exception: Grades steeper than 10 percent as approved by the fire chief. For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm. 22B'R TYP.' 26' 96' DIAMETER CUL-DE-SAC 60·1 T tr 2B'R TYP.' ,_::] ' 120' HAMMERHEAD 60'"Y" D103.3 Turning radius. The minimum turning radius shall be determined by the fire code official. D103.4 Dead ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet (45 720 mm) shall be provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table DJ03.4. LENGTH (feet) 0---150 151-500 501-750 Over750 TABLE D103.4 REQUIREMENTS FOR DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS WIDTH (feel) TURNAROUNDS REQUIRED 20 None required 120-foot Hammerhead, 60-foot "Y" or 20 96-foot-diameter cul-de-sac in accordance with Figure D103.1 120-foot Hammerhead, 60-foot "Y'' or 26 96-foot-diameter cul-de-sac in accordance with Figure D103.1 Special approval required For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm. D103.5 Fire apparatus access road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply with all of the follow- ing criteria: 1. The minimum gate width shall be 20 feet (6096 mm). 20' 2B'R TYP.' 26' 20' MINIMUM CLEARANCE AROUND A FIRE HYDRANT 20' ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120' HAMMERHEAD FIGURE D103.1 DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUND 2006 INTERNATIONAL FIRE coot:® 397 - I APPENDIXD 2. Gates shall be of the swinging or sliding type. 3. Construction of gates shall be of materials that allow manual operation by one person. 4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times and replaced or repaired when defective. 5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices shall be approved by the fire code official. 6. Manual opening gates shall not be Jocked with a padlock or chain and padlock unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or when a key box containing the key(s) to the lock is installed at the gate location. 7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code official. D103.6 Signs. Where required by the fire code official, fire apparatus access roads shall be marked with permanent NO PARKING-FIRE LANE signs complying with Figure D103.6. Signs shall have a minimum dimension of 12 inches (305 mm) wide by 18 inches (457 mm) high and have red let- ters on a white reflective background. Signs shall be posted on one or both sides of the fire apparatus road as required by Sec- tion D 103.6.1 or D 103.6.2. SIGN TYPE "A" NO PARKING FIRE LANE ... I--12" ---1 SIGN TYPE "C" NO PARKING FIRE LANE +- I--12· ---1 FIGURE 0103.6 FIRE LANE SIGNS SIGN TYPE "D" NO PARKING FIRE LANE I--12" ---1 T 18" 1 D103.6.1 Roads 20 to 26 feet in width. Fire apparatus access roads 20 to 26 feet wide (6096 to 7925 mm) shall be posted on both sides as a fire Jane. D103.6.2 Roads more than 26 feet in width. Fire appara- tus access roads more than 26 feet wide (7925 mm) to 32 feet wide (9754 mm) shall be posted on one side of the road as a fire lane. SECTION D104 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height. Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet (9144 mm) or three stories in height shall have at least three means of fire apparatus access for each structure. 398 D104.2 Buildings exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet (5760 m2) shall be provided with two sepa- rate and approved fire apparatus access roads. Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square feet ( 11 520 m2) that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems. D104.3 Remoteness. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses. SECTION D105 AERIAL FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS D105.1 Where required. Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet (9144 mm) in height above the low- est level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire apparatus access roads capable of accom- modating fire department aerial apparatus. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire appa- ratus access roadway. D105.2 Width. Fire apparatus access roads shall have a mini- mum unobstructed width of 26 feet (7925 mm) in the immedi- ate vicinity of any building or portion of building more than 30 feet (9144 mm) in height. D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet (4572 mm) and a maximum of 30 feet (9144 mm) from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building. SECTION D106 MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS D106.1 Projects having more than 100 dwelling units. Mul- tiple-family residential projects having more than 100 dwell- ing units shall be equipped throughout with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads. Exception: Projects having up to 200 dwelling units may have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings, including nonresidential occupancies, are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. D106.2 Projects having more than 200 dwelling units. Mul- tiple-family residential projects having more than 200 dwell- ing units shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads regardless of whether they are equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system. 2006 INTERNATIONAL FIRE cool:4" I SECTION D107 ONE-OR TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS D107.1 One-or two-family dwelling residential develop- ments. Developments of one-or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30 shall be provided with separate and approved fire apparatus access roads and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3. Exceptions: I. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a sin- gle public or private fire apparatus access road and all dwelling units are equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903., access from two directions shall not be required. 2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire appara- tus access road shall not be increased unless fire appa- ratus access roads will connect with future development, as determined by the fire code official. 2006 INTERNATIONAL FIRE cool:® APPENDIXD 399