HomeMy WebLinkAbout101 CUP 25 Blue Ribbon Barn PZC Staff Report 3-19-25 complete 105 CUP 25 PZC LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit Application HEARING TIME AND DATE: LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, Wyoming & Afton Planning & Development Office, 61 E. 5th Ave., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 101 CUP 25 APPLICANTS: Creation Land Company, LP PROJECT NAME: Blue Ribbon Barn COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Star Valley Ranch ZONING: Recreational REPRESENTATIVE: Greg and Jan Berdar PLANNER: Ken Kuluski PARCEL ID: 3419-02-1-00-046 _____________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: A Conditional Use Permit Application proposal to allow a 500 sq ft retail space and a 1500 sq ft event venue in the Recreational Zone. Access is existing off of Cedar Creek (Co Rd 118). The Applicant plans to use the existing barn for a retail store approximately 15’ X 20’ and indoor event hall that is 30’X 50’. The retail store and the indoor event venue from May 1st to November 15th. LOCATION: Located less than a mile west of the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming in T34N, R119W, Section 2. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Applicant Statement of Details 4. Agency Correspondence 5. Public Correspondence PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission send a recommendation of APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners for File #101 CUP 25, a Conditional Use Permit, with: • Findings of Approval A. through D. • Conditions of Approval 1. through 13. 105 CUP 25 PZC FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. The proposed use, with conditions is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed use, with conditions is consistent with the provisions of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations, specifically: Chapter 3, Section 3.1 Conditional Use Permit Procedures. C. The proposal, with conditions is consistent with the provisions of Wyoming Statute 18-5-203 providing for Board of County Commissioners authority for zoning regulation of buildings and uses of land. D. The proposed use, with conditions, will not substantially impair the appropriate use of neighboring property; and will serve the public need, convenience and welfare. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The developer/owner shall comply with all of the County, State and Federal laws and regulations. 2. Compliance with agency requirements: The developer/owner shall obtain any and all County, State, and Federal permits, licenses, and other approvals for the construction and/or operation of the project. This may include: Local Fire District, Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety (State Fire Marshal), Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (SEO), Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), Wyoming Game and Fish, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and/or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 3. The developer/owner shall provide certificate of max occupancy. 4. The developer/owner shall obtain authorization for an Assembly Space from Wyoming. Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety (State Fire Marshal) prior to any operation. 5. The developer/owner shall provide adequate access to in accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act 6. The developer/owner shall provide a centralized water system permitted through WDEQ to include fire flows for fire hydrants 7. The developer/owner shall provide centralized treatment of wastewater 8. The developer/owner shall provide a site plan that includes the location of utilities, water and sewer systems, and hydrants to ensure health safety and welfare of the participants. 9. As built plans prepared by a Wyoming licensed engineer for water and sewer shall be provided to the Planning office prior to occupancy. 10. The developer/owner shall provide a traffic impact study that evaluates event traffic impact on Cedar Creek (County Road 118). 11. The developer/owner shall comply specifically with Land Use Regulations 6.10 Lighting (including exterior lighting and glare), 6.14 Parking by providing dedicated parking to accommodate max occupancy plus staff, 6.24 Solid Waste Disposal. Solid Waste shall be screened and designed to prevent trash from being scattered by wind or animal. 12. No alcohol is allowed on the premises without a Wyoming liquor license 13. Any modification / deficiency of this Conditional Use Permit renders it void and subject to fine. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE: Attached 105 CUP 25 PZC PUBLIC CORRESPONDENCE: Attached £¤89 Star Valley Ranch 363435 11 03 10 02 12 0134N 119W 35N 119W ³±118 Yosemite Drive B ridgerDriveTeton Way Yellowstone Dr i veBridger DriveCaribou Loop CREATION LANDCOMPANY LP CROOK, STANFORD & JOLENE W CROOK, STANFORD & JOLENE W CROOK, STANFORD & JOLENE CRETAL,ROXANE WHITE, GORDON C & DONNA S TRUSTEES WHITE, GORDONCLARK & DONNA CROOK, SHANE R & MICHELLE L LEISURE VALLEY,INC. LOWERVALLEY ENERGY INC. CROOK, MARY E TRUSTEE CROOK, SHANE R & MICHELLE L SIMPSON, DARNELL & AMY L STATE OF WYOMING NELSON, OSCAR R & LIBBIE T TRUSTEES JESKE, DANIEL D& ANGELA D EVERSOLE, JEANNEETALSCHULTZ, DAVID & DAWNTRUSTEES KOLSTAD, KIMBERLY D& ADAM P STOUT TOUCHSTONE-LANE, DAWN HAGER, RONALD J JR &CYNTHIA C KINNES, GREGG A &KAREN L STEWART, MICHAEL J & JOANN TRUSTEES ECKERT, ROBERT M & KAREN L TRUSTEES DEJONG,CONNIE JEAN BRUNDAGE, THOMAS W & JUDY TRUSTEES DANIEL, JEREMIAHO & SARAH SKAJEM, MICHEL D& DEANN R NARMI, MICHAEL L &TAMARA L TRUSTEES MITCHELL, EDWINM JR TRUSTEE ROBBINS,ADAM D & KAROLYN W KUNKLE, RICHARD L & MARIA SIMENTAL TRUSTEES BOICE, WILLIAM L & JANICE LTRUSTEES TIMMONS, EDWIN S & PHYLLIS J TRUSTEES TIMMONS, EDWIN S & PHYLLIS JTRUSTEES WHITE, CHARLES R JR & CLAIRE L BANNING, DOUGLAS W & KAREN P MILLER, JILLIAN L TRUSTEE JONES, DAFNE V & RILEY BROOKS, LAWRENCE P& DEBRA D TRUSTEESCROOKS, DAVIN MLINFORD,KURT & TIFFANY GRESS,GREGORY M FLINDERS, TRACY & ALYSSATRUSTEESBUEHLER, ERIC P & EVA L LEISURE VALLEY, INC.MEYER, DAVIDT & KORY TRUSTEES CROOKS, DAVE DEWOLF, CHRISTOPHER & BONNIE SEBASTIAN, JOSEPHG & MICHELLE T BOLE, DESMOND J & KAYE MCO-TRUSTEES CLARK, JEFF &SHANTAY M RHODE, PATRICK B & CHERYL M TRUSTEES STAMPER, JARED &JAMIE O'BRIEN,JOHN PBRUNDAGE,THOMAS W & JUDY TRUSTEES SIMPSON, DARNELL & AMY LLUTHI, MARK R& LISA WHITE, KALEB& KENNEDY TRUSTEES MCKEE, ROSS E &DEBORAH MAHFOOD,JASON R & AMY C TRUSTEES LOPEZ, ANGELICA A STEINECKER,HARALD R MERRITT, JASON & VANESSA FREEDOM HILLS, LLCORTMAN,KEVIN B & KAREN SROLLINGACRES HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC Maxar, Microsoft Conditional Use Permit Application Roads Road_Type US Highways WY Highways Projects Township & Range Sections Municipalities Public Noticing File No 101 CUP 25 Blue Ribbon Barn Conditional Use Permit Creation Land Co., LP Prepared using available data by Elizabeth Williams on 26 December 2024. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land. Creation Land Company, LPPO Box 889Thayne, Wyoming 83127JOB: CB&S Enterprises, Inc.dba Star Valley Farms.PO Box 889Thayne, Wy. 83127Scale: 1" = 128' Inspection Type:Maintenance Inspection Date:5/29/2024 By:Adams, Alan Time In:11:00 Time Out:11:30 Authorized Date:05/31/2024 By:Adams, Alan Next Inspection Date: No Inspection Scheduled Occupancy:Blue Ribbon Barn Occupancy ID:100944 Address:750 Cedar Creek RD Thayne WY 83127 Additional Time Spent on Inspection: Category Start Date / Time End Date / Time No Additional time recordedNotes: Total Additional Time: 0 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes Inspection Time: 30 minutes Inspection Topics: Summary: Overall Result:Passed Maintenance and plan review projects when no corrections are needed and all inspections are completed. Inspector Notes: Wyoming State Fire Marshal Form: Maintenance M. General Comments No violations noted at time of inspection. Status: General Site Comments Notes: No violations observed at this time Passed Fire Protection Systems 901.6, Table; Inspection, testing and maintenance- fire extinguishers-annually w/tags attached Status: PASS Notes: Fire protection systems shall be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the referenced standards listed in Table 901.6.1. Inspection Description: Mercantile Group M: display and sale of merchandise, stocks of goods, wares or merchandise incidental and accessible to the public. Page 1 of 2Printed on 05/31/24 at 09:21:55 Inspector: Name: Adams, Alan Rank: Fire Inspector Mobile Phone(s): 307-389-2376 Email(s): alan.adams@wyo.gov Adams, Alan: Signature Date Signed on: 05/31/2024 09:21 Representative Signature: Signature Date Page 2 of 2Printed on 05/31/24 at 09:21:55 Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Blue Ribbon Barn 1 message Annette Eggleston <annette.eggleston3@gmail.com>Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 11:53 AM To: ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov I would just like to let you know that I am in favor of the rezoning of the Blue Robbin Barn. They are so wonderful to allow a place for small cottage based vendors to promote our products. It is a great place to go and have a great time. I have enjoyed a lot of their events over the last few years. Please consider allowing this zoning to pass. Thank you, Annette Eggleston Annette's Kitchen Creation Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Support for Blue Ribbon Barn Rezoming 1 message Kate Gessford <kate.gessford@gmail.com>Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 12:31 PM To: ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov Dear Ken Kuluski, I am writing in strong support of Blue Ribbon Barn’s rezoning application. As a small producer at Old Dog Farm in Etna and an active advocate for our local food movement, I have seen the vital role Blue Ribbon Barn plays in preserving and enhancing our local food infrastructure. Partnering with Blue Ribbon Barn this summer will allow us to provide more people with superior quality, locally grown fruits and vegetables, which is largely lacking in our lower valley community. As a small-scale farmer, I urge you to support Blue Ribbon Barn. Their ability to remain operational and continue providing access to locally sourced food directly supports local agriculture and strengthens the economic and social fabric of our area. Thank you for considering this critical step toward supporting community-driven agriculture and small businesses in our region. Warmly, Kate Gessford Owner, Old Dog Farm Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Blue ribbon barn 1 message John Gullo <gepetto44@gmail.com>Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 8:12 AM To: ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov, janberdar@gmail.com This is a tremendous asset to this community, which has very little retail customer activity. It should be approved to stay in business. Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Blue Ribbon Barn 1 message kip4jc@yahoo.com <kip4jc@yahoo.com>Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 6:16 PM To: ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov Dear Mr. Ken, From my understanding you are wanting customers who visit Blue Ribbon Barn to buy fresh chicken eggs, duck eggs, honey and many other products from this local company trying to make something and build their business. I love going to this local place in the summer when open. I was introduced to fresh eggs here and love buying eggs, coffee etc from this local business. I do not know all the facts but from my understanding they are trying to refine their property, privately owned property at that do they can stay in business. If it’s private property and it’s tiny business why such a fuss to make a simple rezone section so they can continue to bring business into the local area? The state I’m sure collects taxes and etc for their business to be on their own property. Are you or the state wanting to close this business down? I hope not. The family who owns this business and runs this business is a huge asset to the community and is a simple mom and pop shop to bless us locals. I pray you guys do not hurt this business in any way or the community. It’s not hurting anything and is such a blessing. Thank you for doing what is morally right. Sincerely, Happy Customer Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Blue Ribbon Barn 1 message Ally <allyheimark@yahoo.com>Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 9:27 AM Reply-To: Ally <allyheimark@yahoo.com> To: "ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov" <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> I support Blue Ribbon Barn and would like them to recieve whatever permanent permits they need to allow them to remain open for business, and continue to be a beautiful part of this community. Thank you Allyson Heimark Alpine Wyoming Yahoo Mail - Email Simplified Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Blue ribbon barn 1 message nortonjlnk@gmail.com <nortonjlnk@gmail.com>Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 11:04 AM To: ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov Please allow the re-zoning of the Blue Ribbon Barn which is a great place to gather socially and provides such a great service for the local community. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Judi Norton Sent from my iPhone Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Blue Ribbon Barn in Thayne 1 message rsand14592@aol.com <rsand14592@aol.com>Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 1:14 PM To: "ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov" <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Dear Sir: I understand the Blue Ribbon Barn is under threat of destruction due to government action. My wife and I would be very disappointed if that should come to pass. We live in Utah but enjoy summers at the Star Valley RV Resort. We have come to love going to the Blue Ribbon Barn once or twice a week for coffee and pastries and the occasional concert. Jan and the staff have always been very welcoming. Please consider how the Blue Ribbon Barn benefits the community when making your decisions. Richard Sandvig/Lauren Hughes Washington, UT Please con Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Blue Ribbon Barn 1 message RICHARD SANDVIG <rsand14592@aol.com>Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 10:42 AM To: ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov We really enjoy having that “store” near us when we are in the Star Valley Resort Rv Park. Please keep it open since it is the only close “event center and cafe” near us Thanks. Laura Hughes 619.994.6886 Area code is not where I reside :) Sent from my iPhone Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> The Blue Ribbon Barn 1 message astraea.libra9 <astraea.libra9@gmail.com>Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 6:55 PM To: ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov Dear Ken Kuluski, I'm sending this on the behalf of Jan and Greg Berdar. I think that the Blue Ribbon Barn is a great addition to our town and our community. I started working there last year as my first job and it was a great experience. Jan and Greg are very good bosses and are very responsible business owners. I got to learn how to work a coffee machine and gained some good customer service skills. So many people came in, during the summer, that had explained how they had been there the year before and how they loved our inventory and were exited to come in again. During the fall lots of people came in to get pumkins and pumpkin lattes with there kids, and they loved it. All summer, Jan and Greg had monthly events where bands would come, like the Linfords for example, and they would have a dinner for the guests. Doing this she was not only supporting the town of thayne but there were also supporting and giving money to local food truck business and catering business. I got too help host some of theas dinners a few times and I had a blast. I know several regular customers of the Blue Ribbon Barn that would be very disappointed to see it go, including me and my family. I hope you will take my words into consideration. Thank you, Joyah Schreiber Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Blue Ribbon Barn Support 1 message Duke Dance <duked@svinews.com>Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 11:34 AM To: Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Mr. Kuluski, This is Duke Dance at SVI Media in Afton. I'm writing to express my support for the Blue Ribbon Barn north of Thayne. I understand there are some commercial zoning issues that need to be worked out. While I admit I do not understand all the specific details with the situation and the process, I did want to express my appreciation for what Jan and her family and staff have done at the barn and the positive impact it has had in the community. I've taken my kids and family there for some of their events, and in our community with limited things to do, these types of businesses are just what we need. I hope something can be worked out. Thank you for your time. -- Duke Dance General Manager SVI Media KRSV, KDWY, KMER, KVSI 307-887-5726 Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Blue Ribbon Barn - 101 CUP 25 David Warn <davidwarn1@gmail.com>Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 4:10 PM To: planning@lincolncountywy.gov To: Planning and Zoning Commission Re: Conditional Use Permit for Blue Ribbon Barn I am writing in support of the permit application for the Blue Ribbon Barn. We are year round residents of Star Valley Ranch. The Blue Ribbon Barn has been a nice addition to the local community. We enjoy their coffee shop and the interesting events that are offered around various holidays. Having a place to enjoy live music and interact with the community is also a huge plus. I hope this business will be allowed to continue providing their services to the community. Regards, David and Daniela Warn 130 Evergreen Dr Star Valley Ranch