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103 CUP 25 Tjai Training and Boarding,PZC Staff report 3-19-25 Complete
103 CUP 25 PZC LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit Application HEARING TIME AND DATE: LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, Wyoming & Afton Planning & Development Office, 61 E. 5th Ave., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 103 CUP 25 APPLICANTS: ERIC TJAI & SHEENA AIELLO PROJECT NAME: Tjai Dog Training and Boarding COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Etna ZONING: Rural REPRESENTATIVE: Alpine Architectural Studio PLANNER: Ken Kuluski PARCEL ID: 3619-261-00-112 __________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: A Conditional Use Permit Application proposal to add dog training and boarding on 15 acres in the Rural Zone. Access will be shared with the residence and is located off East Etna County Road 110. The applicants plan to use up to two 14'W x 60'L x 11'H engineered kennel buildings (840 sq ft each). The max capacity will be 12 dogs per building (24 total for property). Kennels have a concrete foundation, a polyurea run floor, 4-inch dividers and stainless-steel drains. Buffering will be achieved by trees/vegetation. LOCATION: Located 5.5 miles north of the Town of Star Valley Ranch Wyoming, T36N, R119W, Section 26. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Applicant Statement 4. Agency Correspondence 5. Public Correspondence PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission send a recommendation of APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners for File # 103 CUP 25, a Conditional Use Permit, with: • Findings of Approval A. through D. Conditions of Approval 1. through 7. 103 CUP 25 PZC FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. The proposed use, with conditions is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed use, with conditions is consistent with the provisions of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations, specifically: Chapter 3, Section 3.1 Conditional Use Permit Procedures. C. The proposal, with conditions is consistent with the provisions of Wyoming Statute 18-5-203 providing for Board of County Commissioners authority for zoning regulation of buildings and uses of land. D. The proposed use, with conditions, will not substantially impair the appropriate use of neighboring property; and will serve the public need, convenience and welfare. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The Applicants shall comply with all of the County, State and Federal laws and regulations. 2. Compliance with agency requirements: Applicants shall obtain any and all County, State, and Federal permits, licenses, and other approvals for the construction and/or operation of the project. This may include: Local Fire District, Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety (State Fire Marshal), Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (SEO), Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), Wyoming Game and Fish, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and/or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 3. Prior to construction the Applicants shall submit an animal waste storage and disposal plan, including a revised site plan that depicts septic tank and leach field locations for residence and facility. 4. The Applicants shall be allowed one (1) shared access perpendicular to the County Road. The access must be at least 24 feet wide to accommodate traffic. 5. Applicants shall control dogs to prevent excessive, continuous or untimely barking or howling while ensuring public and animal safety. 6. All animals must be under restraint by means of a fence, lead, or leash and under control of a responsible person when not kenneled. 7. Any changes or modifications to this Conditional Use Permit render it void. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE: None PUBLIC CORRESPONDENCE: Attached £¤89 23 2422 27 2526 36N 119W³±421 ³±414³±110East Etna RoadSpike Loop CROOK, VERN & LEONE TRUSTEES TAYLOR, DARLA K & ROSS JTRUSTEES GREENE, RICK A & RHONDA F DOBBEN, BRENDA JTRUSTEE MINER, JONATHAN& SUSAN GORDON, JONATHAN R ROMAGNOLI,MARY D & MAURIZIO GHIOTTO TJAI, ERIC & SHEENA AIELLO MURRELL,THOMAS L. & JULIE A. HILL, SEAN M MONTIEL, YOSELIN ETAL NELSON,JACOB K RAVER, CHAD A MARTINEZ,LIBRADO M DELONG, DON C JR & ANITA K TRUSTEESFAIRBANKS,BUCKLEY D & SHELLEY D RAVER, JEFFREY ATRUSTEE SAKAI, LINDAS TRUSTEE RAVER,JEFFREY 734 SADDLEDRIVE, LLC GAVIN, ROBERT B & YOLANDA HTRUSTEESBISON RANCH, LLC MCINTYRE, LUCINDA JKWALLEK, ROBERT J& KELLY L GRISAMER, WADE E & JENNI L GATES, RONALDW & KATHRYN A TRUSTEES RAVER, JEFFREYA & MARILYNN J TILLOTSON, DOUGLAS L & ROBIN KRAFFELSON, DOUGBOB RAVER, JEFFREY A & MARILYNN J SCHRADER, MICHAEL E & CINDY J HATTER, CHERYL AMILES, TROY ETAL GREENE, RICK A & RHONDA F TAYLOR LIVINGTRUST CUNNINGHAM,SHAWN G CROOK, SPENCER C TRUSTEE TYE, SCOTTM & NICOLE M YOX TRUSTEES MORRISON, DARWIN & SHELLEY SCHRADER,MICHAEL E & CINDY J SCHRADER, MICHAELE & CINDY J CHAPMAN, JOHN &CATHERINE SCHRADER,MICHAEL & CINDY SCHRADER,MICHAEL E & CINDY J Maxar, Microsoft Conditional Use Permit Application Roads Road_Type US Highways WY Highways Projects Township & Range Sections Municipalities Public Noticing File No 103 CUP 25 Tjai Training and Boarding Eric Tjai and Sheena Aiello Prepared using available data by Katie Gipson on 22 January 2025. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land. PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DOG TRAINING FACILITY INCLUDING (2) 14'W X 60'L KENNEL BUILDINGS, GRAVEL DRIVE/PARKING/WALKWAY, & LANDSCAPING (BUFFERING) PIN: 3619-261-00-112: THE NORTH 495 FEET OF THE NE1/4NE1/4 OF SECTION 26, T 36 N, R 119 W, 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING LINCOLN COUNTY ZONING: RURAL GROSS LOT AREA: 15 ACRES EXISTING LAND USE: RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED LAND USE: RESIDENTIAL/CONDITIONAL USE LAND USE 6.20 SETBACKS: SIDE AND REAR: MIN 10 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE FRONT: 20 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE OR RIGHT OF WAY, WHICH EVER IS MOST RESTRICTIVE. AGRICULTURAL SETBACK:25' FROM NEIGHBORING AGRICULTURAL LANDS PROJECT LOCATION: VICINITY MAP: NTS NORTH REF REFERENCES: LINCOLN COUNTY GIS & BOOK 1096 PAGE 28 DEED(BOUNDARY AND/OR CONSTRUCTION STAKING BY LICENSED SURVEYOR REQUIRED) 90° 00' 00" 1314.00' NW 90° 00' 00" 1314.00' NE0° 06' 49"495.00'SW0° 04' 30"495.00'NEPIN: 3619-234-00-002 AGRICULTURAL NORDIC RANCH 4 PIN: 3619-261-00-124RESIDENTIAL PIN: 3619-261-00-125RESIDENTIAL EAST ETNA ROAD 110PIN: 3619-261-00-112 14.93 ACRES +/-HWY-89CO-107 CO-110EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGAPPROX 30'x50' EXISTING SHEDAPPROX 19'x19' EXISTING SHED/STABLEAPPROX 840 SQFT PROPERTY LINE SETBACK: AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY LINESETBACKPROPERTY LINE SETBACK PROPERTY LINESETBACKR.O.W.30'-0"20'-0"25'-0"10'-0"10'-0"EXISTING RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: 40'W x 50'L APPROX 2000 SQFT EXISTING FENCING PROPOSED GRAVEL DRIVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER EXISTING BURIED POWER EXISTING BURIEDPOWER ALL ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY A WYOMING LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. ELECTRICIAN TO VERIFY IF ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL SERVICE IS REQUIRED. EXISTING DOMESTIC WELL LOCATION EXISTING BURIED WATER LINE EXISTING BURIED WATER LINE PROPOSED TRAINING STRUCTURES UP TO (2) 14'W x 60'L x 11'H KENNELS840 SQFT EA (1,512 SQFT TOTAL)100 LB PSF ROOF LOAD REQUIREDMANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING PROPOSED BURIED POWER GRAVEL PARKING AREA(5) 10'x20' SPACES(DROP OFF/PICKUP) SNOW REMOVAL AREASNOW REMOVAL AREAPROPOSED GRAVEL FOOT PATH 30'40'20' *CONTOURS BASED ON USGS NATIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: REFER TO "EXHIBIT A" IN CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION. *R4SBC INDICATED ON NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY: REFER TO "EXHIBIT B" IN CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION. 6040* 6080*6120* R4SBC* R4SBC* 16CSPICA PUNGENSCOLORADO SPRUCE8'-10' B&B QUANTITYKEYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZE 7QAPOPULUS TREMULOIDESQUAKING ASPEN3'-4' CAL. PLANT LIST PLANTING NOTES: 1)DESIGN-BUILD PERMANENT DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED AT TREES AND SHRUBS. 2)PROVIDE PLANTING BEDS AT ALL TREES AND SHRUBS. PLANTING BEDS MULCHED WITH GROUND AND SHREDDED BARK OVER COMMERCIAL GRADE WEED LINER. SITE LEGEND VERIFY ALL BURIED UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. PROPOSED STRUCTURE EXISTING STRUCTURE/DRIVE BUFFERING: LAND USE 6.4 61'60'63'PROPOSED DRIVEWAY/FOOTPATH 1 5 MIN10' MIN12' 1044'14'16'14'175'50'374'REVISIONS 051015202530 051015202530 A F K P U A F K P U 12/16/2024 11:55:33 AM SITE PLAN SP102TRAINING STRUCTURES3417 CO RD 110, ETNA, WY 8311812.16.2024 CHECKED BY | BENNETT © 2024 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDCONDITIONAL USE PERMITDRAWN BY | BENNETT CUP APPLICATION | AAS # E.T. SITE STUDY | NORTH REF 100500 SCALE IN FEET SCALE: 1" = 50'-0" 1" = 50'-0"SP102 1SITE PLAN Alpine Architectural Studio PO Box 3975 Alpine, WY 83128 December 16th, 2024 Lincoln County Planning Department Afton Office 61 E 5th Ave. (Mailing: 421 Jefferson St. Suite 701) Afton, WY 83110 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION AT 3417 COUNTY ROAD 110 PIN: 3619-261-00-112 OWNERSHIP: ERIC TJAI & SHEENA AIELLO DEED BOOK PAGE: 1096-28 LEGAL: 15 AC.(PT.NE4NE4) PARCEL NO: 36192610011200 ACCOUNT NO: R0015150 NARRATIVE Eric Tjai & Sheena Aiello own a 15-acre parcel of land located on the west side of county road 110 and approximately 1 mile north of county road 107. Existing structures and improvements include one single family dwelling, three outbuildings, a gravel drive and fencing. Water is provided with an existing domestic well and a power transformer is located south of the existing single-family dwelling. Refer to Site Plan SP102 Eric and Sheena are experienced dog trainers and are applying for a conditional use permit to operate their dog training business at 3417 County Road 110. Up to two 14-foot-wide by 60-foot-long kennels (approx. 840 square feet each) are proposed with power and water provided from an existing electrical transformer and an existing domestic well. A pre-application conference for this project was held on October 21st in Afton, WY with the primary discussion items listed below: 1) Buffering 2) Gravel road standards 3) Gravel access path 4) Foundations 5) Snow storage 6) Parking 7) Utilities 8) Setbacks 9) Snow loads 10) Community benefits 11) Emergency plan 12) Color scheme 13) Lighting WRITTEN RESPONSES 1) Total lot size of area proposed for use, including number of lots applicable; Lot Size is 15 Acres. Refer to Surveyor Scherbel memorandum dated November 13th, 2024 2) Current zoning and use of property; Rural/Residential 3) Current zoning and land uses within a three-hundred-foot (300’) radius of the property; SOUTH PIN: 3619-261-00-125: Residential PIN: 3619-261-00-124: Res Vacant Land SOUTHWEST PIN: 3619-261-00-048: Res Vacant Land WEST PIN: 3619-261-00-050: Residential PIN: 3619-261-00-051: Residential NORTHWEST PIN: 3619-234-00-134: Agricultural NORTH PIN: 3619-234-00-002: Agricultural NORTHEAST PIN: 3619-243-00-297: Residential EAST PIN: 3619-252-00-040: Res Vacant Land PIN: 3619-252-00-523: Residential 4) Purpose for which the property is to be used, including the size of the building or buildings, number of occupants and or employees, and number of office spaces; This is a family run business including up to 3 employees consisting of owners and/or family members. Eric Tjai is the primary trainer, and his daughter will be the secondary trainer once she graduates college in December. Office spaces are not proposed. Hours of operation: Monday - Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 5) Area and height of buildings and other structures; Existing Dwelling: Approx 1,200 SQFT / Approx 14 Feet High Existing Shed: Approx 350 SQFT / Approx 12 Feet High Existing Shed/Stable: Approx 865 SQFT Approx 12 Feet High Existing Residential Auxiliary Building/Shop: Approx 2000 SQFT / Approx 16 Feet High Proposed Kennel Structures: approx. 12 feet high. 6) Density for the proposed use in terms of units per acre and the number of offices, employees, occupants, or all three; Existing: 15-acre property with one single family dwelling, two sheds, and one residential auxiliary building Proposed Additional Structures: Up to two kennel buildings. Initially, one kennel building is proposed with a second future kennel building proposed. Each kennel building is 14’W x 60’L and contains 12 Kennels for a total of 24 kennel spaces. 3-Kennels per building will be reserved for family emergencies and other needs for local residents. A gravel driveway and walkway are proposed. Gravel drive will be constructed to LUR Chapter 6, page 20 road sections. Color Scheme of Proposed Structures: Black roofing and trim with grey siding. EXAMPLE A: EXAMPLE B: EXAMPLE C: FROST PROTECTED SHALLOW FOUNDATION REQUIRED. Typical Frost Protected Shallow Foundation Details: A or A+B = min 4 feet polyiso rigid insulation w/min 10 R-Value. 7) VOLUME IN TERMS OF THE NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS AND/OR DELIVERIES PER DAY; Customers/Clients: Up to 3 clients per day (Private training on the facility will not exceed 3 clients per day.) Each kennel has a 12-dog capacity. Some of the kennel space will be utilized by personal dogs. Personal dogs have been fully trained in various methods of dogs training (obedience, behavioral, agility, scent work, tracking, etc.) and are used in the business. Three of our dogs are used as demo dogs, to show clients what can be achieved by the training they are seeking. Building 1 Kennel Total: 12 Building 2 Kennel Total: 12 Deliveries: Up to 1 delivery per weekday for parcels. Comments: Pick-up and drop-offs will be offered to clients to minimize the number of additional cars. Not all training will occur at our facility, some clients prefer to have training at their own home. 8) Location of use with respect to the same or similar uses within three-hundred-foot (300’) radius of the perimeter of the described property; No known same or similar uses within three-hundred-foot (300') radius of the perimeter of the described property. Access Drive Per County Road Construction Standards: Land Use 6.3.B: Agricultural lands exist to the north. Applicant will adhere to the 25’ non-building buffer. Land Use 6.4 Buffering: To mitigate noise, we intend on utilizing landscaping around the perimeter of the project area. Kennels will include acoustic insulation. Acoustic panels are to be installed in the walls and ceilings. This is a structured facility, and dogs will not be free to roam in the field; during training they will be working on a focused training plan. During play sessions and other exercises, the dogs are never left unattended, they will always be monitored and played with by a trainer. Land Use 6.10 Lighting: Applicant will adhere to section 6.10; see attached. Land Use 6.20 Setbacks: Side and Rear Setbacks are 10 feet. Front setback is 20 feet. Agricultural land setback is 25 feet to the North. National Wetlands Map and USGS Map Comments. There is a water feature listed on the USGS map and a R4SBC wet land indicated on the National Map. Refer to Exhibit A, Exhibit B, & 7.5 Minute USGS Topo Map. Lincoln County GIS indicates that this water feature runs east-west through County Road 110, through the south portion of the existing dwelling at 3417 Co Rd 110, and then through several existing homes in Nordic Rances Subdivision No. 4 to the West (see attached plat). Since this feature runs through multiple existing structures in the area and is not immediately adjacent to our proposed structures, we are not clear if any further action is required. The proposed driveway will cross this water feature and may be exempt based on the following: Activities Exempt under the Clean Water Act, Section 404(f)(1) Reference: https://www.epa.gov/cwa-404/exemptions-permit-requirements-under-cwa-section-404 • Established (ongoing) farming, ranching, and silviculture activities such as plowing, seeding, cultivating, minor drainage, harvesting for the production of food, fiber, and forest products, or upland soil and water conservation practices • Maintenance (but not construction) of drainage ditches • Construction and maintenance of irrigation ditches • Construction and maintenance of farm or stock ponds • Construction and maintenance of farm and forest roads, in accordance with best management practices • Maintenance of structures such as dams, dikes, and levees Images: Thank you for reviewing our application. Sincerely, Brett Bennett/Alpine Architectural Studio, LLC Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Tjai Training and Boarding Chad Raver <chadaraver@gmail.com>Sun, Mar 9, 2025 at 11:42 AM To: planning@lincolncountywy.gov To whom it may concern, I am writing to formally express my opposition to the proposed conditional use permit for a dog boarding and training facility in Nordic Ranches. As a resident of this community, I, along with many of my neighbors, have significant concerns about the impact this facility will have on our rural environment, quality of life, and overall safety. One of our primary concerns is the inevitable noise from barking dogs. The rural character of Nordic Ranches provides a peaceful setting for residents and local wildlife. A facility housing multiple dogs—many of whom may be stressed or excited —would create a continuous noise disturbance, affecting property enjoyment and potentially lowering property values. Additionally, safety is a major issue. No containment system is foolproof, and the possibility of a dog escaping raises concerns for wildlife, livestock, pets, and children in the neighborhood. Many of us chose to live in this area for its quiet, open spaces, and introducing a high-density canine facility poses risks that conflict with the intent of our rural zoning. Furthermore, the proposed facility does not align with the zoning regulations for this area. According to the R Rural Zone definition set by Lincoln County’s Planning and Development Department: “The purpose of the Rural Zone is to maintain the essential rural character of the great majority of the private lands in the county. The zone will provide for agricultural uses combined with low-density (typically 5 or more acres average per lot) residential uses, including residential subdivisions where three or more lots are created. The zone will allow home occupation businesses as well as a few other commercial uses which will have a low impact for the neighbors and which are best suited for rural areas.” A dog boarding and training facility does not fit within the intended low-impact commercial uses described in this definition. Such a facility would introduce persistent noise, increased traffic, and potential safety risks—none of which align with maintaining the essential rural character of Nordic Ranches. Approving this permit would set a precedent for commercial activities that could further disrupt the balance between residential and agricultural use in our community. We ask that these concerns be taken seriously and incorporated into the report for county commissioners. Nordic Ranches is a unique and special place, and we urge decision-makers to preserve its integrity by denying this conditional use permit. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Chad Raver (307) -413-1705 Subject: Support for the New Boarding Facility and Training Center in Etna, WY Dear Representative of Lincoln County, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Jon Graham, and I am the owner of Element Plumbing and Wyoming Gunfighter, located in Etna and Alpine, Wyoming. I am writing to express my full support for the upcoming boarding facility and training center in Etna that will be run by Eric Tjai and Sheena Aiello. Having had the pleasure of working with Eric, who has taken exceptional care of our dogs and provided them with outstanding training, I can confidently say that his expertise is unparalleled. The training techniques and personalized attention he offers have been some of the best experiences we have had for our dogs. This area is in desperate need of someone with Eric's level of skill and dedication. The opening of this facility will not only benefit pet owners but will also enhance the community as a whole by providing a valuable resource for dog training and boarding. I wholeheartedly support the establishment of this location and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on our community. Thank you for considering my thoughts. Best regards, Jon Graham Owner, Element Plumbing and Wyoming Gunfighter Etna, Wyoming (307) 690-5534 Jon@atomic-strategies.com TR: CRXQW\ CRPPLVVLRQHUV FURP: SKHUU\ PRLQVHWW RH: UQLW\ K9 CRQGLWLRQaO UVH PHUPLW DaWH: MaUFK 6, 2025 TR WKRP IW Ma\ CRQFHUQ, M\ QaPH LV SKHUU\ PRLQVHWW aQG I UHVLGH RII RI SWHZaUW TUaLO YHU\ FORVH WR EULF TMaL¶V ORFaWLRQ. I PHW EULF VHYHUaO PRQWKV aJR aQG ZaV IRUWXQaWH HQRXJK WR EH aEOH WR HPSOR\ KLP IRU 8 ZHHNV WR GR LQWHQVLYH WUaLQLQJ ZLWK RXU GRJ ZKLOH ERaUGLQJ KLP. I KaYH EHHQ YHU\ LPSUHVVHG ZLWK KLP aV a SHUVRQ aQG a WUaLQHU WR RXU GRJ. HH LV H[WUHPHO\ SURIHVVLRQaO, NQRZOHGJHaEOH, WKRURXJK, aQG SURYLGHG H[FHOOHQW FaUH IRU ³RaQJHU´ ZKLOH KRXVHG aW KLV ORFaWLRQ. HLV FRPPXQLFaWLRQ VNLOOV PaWFK KLV KLJK OHYHO RI WUaLQLQJ VNLOOV. FRU PH, ZKHUH RXU SHW LV ERaUGHG GHWHUPLQHV P\ OHYHO RI FRPIRUW ZKLOH I¶P JRQH ZKHQ I GR KaYH WR OHaYH WKHP. TKH FXUUHQW RSWLRQV LQ RXU YaOOH\ aUH VRUHO\ OaFNLQJ LQ QXPEHUV aQG LQ WKH OHYHO RI FaUH I aP ORRNLQJ IRU. HLV SURSHUW\ aQG ORFaWLRQ aUH QRW RQO\ LGHaO aQG ZHOO FaUHG IRU EXW ZLOO EH PRUH WKaQ aPSOH WR KRXVH a IXWXUH ERaUGLQJ IaFLOLW\. A WRS QRWFK ERaUGLQJ IaFLOLW\ LV a GLUH QHHG LQ WKH AIWRQ/EWQa/TKa\QH/SWaU VaOOH\ UHJLRQ. EULF I aVVXUH \RX FaQ PHHW WKaW QHHG! I aP YHU\ FRQILGHQW, WKH OHYHO RI TXaOLW\ EULF WKURXJK UQLW\ K9 ZLOO RIIHU RXU FRPPXQLW\ ZLOO EH QRWKLQJ EXW a KXJH ERQXV. HH LV NHHQO\ aZaUH RI WKH SRWHQWLaO FRQFHUQV QHaUE\ QHLJKERUV Pa\ KaYH aQG I EHOLHYH aQ\ RI WKRVH FRQFHUQV ZLOO EH aOOHYLaWHG ZKHQ WKH\ ZLWQHVV ILUVW KaQG KLV OHYHO RI UHVSHFW aQG FRQVFLHQWLRXVQHVV WRZaUGV RWKHUV. I FaQQRW UHFRPPHQG HQRXJK WKaW UQLW\ K9 EH JUaQWHG a FRQGLWLRQaO XVH SHUPLW WR RSHUaWH ZKaW ZLOO EH a YHU\ ELJ aVVHW WR RXU FRPPXQLW\ aQG RQH FOLHQWV ZLOO XQGRXEWHGO\ EH JUaWHIXO IRU. TKaQN \RX. SKHUU\ PRLQVHWW 1546 SWHZaUW TUaLO EWQa, WY Ken Kuluski <ken.kuluski@lincolncountywy.gov> Dog training /boarding facility near Nordic Ranch 1 message raverjeffrey@silverstar.com <raverjeffrey@silverstar.com>Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 1:54 PM To: planning@lincolncountywy.gov I JEFFREY A RAVER, As owner of lots 42,46,&47and a 20 acre parcel near the proposed facility, I Am opposed to a dog training/boarding facility . I feel that the noise from dogs and the safety factor of possibly loose dogs in a neighborhood is a concern for everyone that has livestock and small children. I feel that it could also devalue the property. Thank You for your time. Sincerely Jeffery Raver 307-654-7278 P.O.Box 3125 Alpine,Wy.83128 Sent from my iPhone