HomeMy WebLinkAbout886405CLERK 8861405 CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED ALONZO H. MERRITT, a Single Person; LaGRANDE H. MERRITT AND CARLA S. MERRITT, Husband and Wife; JAMES W. SCOTT AND CLAU~_E~TTE SCOTT, Husband and Wife; J.H. MERRITT AND KENDRA ~I~.°~IERRiTT, Husband and Wife; AND MARK P. HODGES AND JoANN M. HODGES, Husband and Wife; "::'" '.: !::' i:-, :!i !:::, "' ;,ii':: ,:: grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO ALONZO H. MERRITT grantee, whose address is 1531 TUmbleweed. Drive, Henderson. 1~/ 89015 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: Beginning at the Northeast comer of Section 21, T34N Rll8W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming and running thence South along the East boundary line of said Section 21 (also being along the National Forest Boundary), 104 feet, thence west along a line parallel to the north boundary of said Section, 418.84 feet, thence North on a line parallel to the East boundary line of said Section, 104 feet, thence East along the North boundary line of said Section, 418.84 feet to the point of beginning. NOTE: This serves to correct the acknowledgement of that certain Warranty Deed recorded June 13, 1994 in Book 352PR on page 314 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. WITNESS our hands this ~day of ,2002. LaOrande H. Merritt J~Pa~s W. Scott Merritt Mar~' P. Hodges '~'~- - ~- Merritt Carla S. Merritt Claudette M. Scott Kendra Max~ Merritt ~ JoVan M. Hodges State of ")'~.x.r2/-~ ? ~ ~ County of_ ~.~~ 0~(~40~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Alonzo H. Merritt this 3 day of ./1~ t..e..-.'" _, 2002. ~ Witness my hand and official seal. t Notary Public 3 My Commission Expires: / 2_ -/~-- ~9 ~'-  REMLE S, GRIMBERG NOTARY PUBLIC  STATE OF NEVADA State of. ~,,/'~r~p~ APPT. No. 02'72499-1 County of {" ' MY APPT. EXPIRES DEC, 15, 2005 The foregoing instrument w~ ac~owledgcd before me by LaGrande H. Merritt and Carla S. Merritt this [~ day of ~~ ,2002. Witness my hand and official seal. MY Co~ission ~xpires: ~/~/C'~ Nota~lic ~ ~ ~m~ ~pg~ Mamh 25 20~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by James W. Scott and Claudette M. Scott this. ~.-~ day of ~-"~h~ffm~:,{' ,2002. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: ~oc[,Q~q - ' N~rY-pu"~lie/ J , ~~g~ uana Lavaugn Henrich ,, I [~ ~ ]~! ams, Utah 84118 . / ~,~ "'"y ~, ~uu~ I The foregoing instrument was ac~owledged before me by J.H. Merritt ~d Kendra ~erritt this /~ e~ day of ~m ~ er ' ,2002. Witness my hand and official seal. ~ Nota~ Public My Co~ission Expires: ~ ~ State of County of The foregoing instrument was ac~owledged before me by Mark P. Hodges and Jo~ M. Hodges this ~ day of ~Q~ ,2002. ' Witness my h~d and official seal. ~blic My Commission Expires: REMLE S. GRIMBERG NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEVADA APPT. No. 02-72499-1 MY APPT. EXPIRES DEC. 15, 200!