HomeMy WebLinkAbout886407~s documen~; .... :.4..~ reoor~ by Southwest Tu.;~ Comparff asa eo~sY only. ''~ QUIT CLAIM DEED ~OW ALL MEN BY THESE P~SENTS, that Derk Izatt, as Trustee of the Laylaun Dru Trust, dated April 25, 1981, and Trustee of the Palli Airde Trust, dated April 25, grantor of Freedom, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released and forever quit claimed unto the Atha Jackson, Trustee of the Jackson Family Trust dated February 17, 1999, of Freedom, Wyoming, grantee(s), their heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the following described property, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: Description attached hereto as Attachment A. TOGETHER with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record. WITNESS my hand this/__~_ day of~O~~? DERK IZ~TT-T ru Trust, dated April 25, 1981 and Trustec of the Palli Airde Trust, dated April 25, 1981. BOO--PR PAGE REC:EIVED LII,H, OLD,I ~"n, ;,l'rv ".I c~ 886h07 THE STATE OF WYOMING ) '~ ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by DERK IZATT, Trustee of the Laylaun Dru Trust, dated April 25, 1981 and as Trustee of the Palli Airde Trust, dated April 25, 1981. this ,~d_.~, day of OecaPoer, 2002. Witness my hand and official seal. N6TARY I(UBLIU - My Commission Expires: slratJofl ~'~o. ~089 Iow~ A. Sche~hel V~YOR SCI. IERB[I., LTD, Pb~ey, ~Vyomin~ 8311 J mn, Wyomh~8 8 IDOl n. Wj'omJn~ ~]110 DESCRIPTION FOR CHA1/LES LAVARD JACKSON JACKSON REMAINDER TRACT - SW¼SW¼ SECTION 35 788 To-wit: - - All ofthe SW¼SW¼ o1' Secti'or~ 35, T35N, RI 19W, Lin(~oln County, Wyoming; EXCEPTING the following ibm-(4) tracts: that tract of' record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 178 of Photostatic P,.ecords on page 775 and in Book 383 of Photostatic Records on page 2'58; AND that tract of record in said Office in Book 17 of Deeds on page 195; AND the attached Exhibit titled, "DESCRIPTION FOR LAYLAUN DRU TRUST, I)ATED 25 APRIL 1981 IZATT HOUSE TRACT", dated7 April 1999; AND the attached Exhibit titled, "DESCRIPTION FOR LAYLAU'N DRU TRUST, DATED 25 APRIL 1981 PALLI AIRDE TRUST, DATED 25 APRIL 1981 IZATT SAW MILL TRACT", dated 7 April 1999; all in accordance with tile plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lineoh~ County titled, "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT FOR LAYLAUN DRU TRUST DATED 25 APRIL 1981 PALLI AIRDE TRUST, DATED 25 APRIL 1981'CIIARLES LAVARD JACKSON WITHIN THE SW~SW~ SECTION 35 T35N RI 19W LINCOLN COU'NTY,~VYOMING", dated ~ ~qrch 1999 and revised 7 April 1999, cation in any way ol'lhe DESCRIPTION FOR LAYLAUN DRU TRUST, DATED 25 APRIL 1981 IZATT HOUSE 'I'ILatCT To-wit: OSSG40? That part of the SW¼SW'¼ of Section 35, T35N, R II9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe that tract of record in the OFfice .oF the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 175 of Photostati'c Records on page 501, as follows: COMMENCING at the southwest corner of said Section 35; thence N00°-05'-46"W, 335.61 feet, along the west line of said SW~SW~A, to a spike; thence N89°-54'-16"E, 55.38 Iket to the POINT OF BEGINNING on the easterly right-of- way line of U. S. Highway 89; thence N00°-12'-16"W, 180.26 feet, along said easterly right-of-way line, to a point at a fence corner; thence S89°-42'-1 ~": ~ E, 239.69 feet, along a line which approximates the existing l~nce line, to a point; thence S00°-25'-03"E, 178.63/~et, along an existing t~nce line, in part, to a point; thence S89°-54'-16"W, 240.35 'feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.99 acre, more or less; the BASE BEA~NG for tiffs survey is the south line of the SW~ of Section 35, T35N, Rll9W, being EAST; each "corner" fbund as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinfbrcing rod with a 2" alunfinUm cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; each "point" marked by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminun~ cap inscribed, ".SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the Plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT FOR LAYLAUN DRU TRUST, DATED 25 APRIL 1981 PALLI AIRDE TRUST, DATED 25 APRIL 1981 CHARLES LAVARD JACKSON WITHIN T~W%SW¼ SECTION 35 T35N R119W LINCOLN II C~ff~~MING]~datet~p~arch 1999 and revised 7 April 1999. ~1 N. Sche~bel :Howe A. Schetbel Illsltal}on No. 5368 EV£YOR SCHERSEL, LTD. ~ Piney, Wyomln8 83113 kson, Wyoming on. Wyot~in8 831 I0 ul N. Sch¢rbcl ~1~[~ Rcgis~n. ion alii A, Schrd~cl "Modification in any way of tl!,e, foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" I') I";S CRI PTI ON I?OR I~AYL,,\UN I)RU TI~.UST, I)ATI~I) 25 APRIL 1981, PAL, LI AIP,.I)IP. TRUST, DA'FIr. l) 25 APRIl.., 1981 I Z,;\'FT S A W 1¥11 L L, T R A CT 770 O L fi40? To-wit: - - . "":, T'~':,N RI lg\V. I..inccdn C.'~:~untv. That pnrt of Lhe S\.\;V.',S\V;4, o1' Section .~ ..... . being thc intent to mcu'c correctly describe thnt tract of record itl the C)l'lScc o1' thc C.'lcrk of l..incolll Country ir~ 13oolc 392 of l:'hotostatic I~.ecords on page 69(1 and 6t)2, tls I/E(;INNIN(; tit a .spike on thc easterly right-ol'-wa'c linc el' [..).S. 1 lighxvay Sg. l'{,.'\.5't'. 56.02 I'ect I'ron'~ thc sot. ithwcst corner o1" said Section o_ ~ thence L'./\SI. 616...~ feet. along said south line. to a.spike: thence N00°-15'-22''1'i, 334.07 feet, alortg an existing fence line. in part. to a F,,.~int itt t/ I'cnce C()l'llel", thence N89°-41'-34"\V..378.81'1 feet. along an existing fence linc. in part. to a l',t iht: 'thence $89°-54'-16"\V, 240.35 feet to a point on tile easterly right-of-xvay line Highway 89: thence S11()°~12' 16"[!. 335.70 feet, ulong said custcHy right-of-way linc. to thc .";1'I1(l:~ (.)F I:iNC'OMI'D\,qSINCi mi re'ca of 4.76 acres, rnore or less: thc I.'3:'\S1.'_, 131.?,/\I~.ING for ti'ds survey is tile south line o1' the,.~,v I?,. 1 I 9'vV, being SL..II~.II']CT to ntt ecmen'mnt 'l~7}J' Cedar Creek CaLl]ltv Road No. 12-I each "corner" lbund as described in the Corner Record lilcd I.incoln each "spike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spike ret'erenced by a 5/8- X 24" steel reinlbrcing rod with a 2" altul~ir~tfrn cap inscribed, "SLIRVEYOI./. ~.CHI-':R. BI-I. I.TD ,,\I'"TON \\.'Y 5368". with t pprOl3riatc clctails: eacll "point" n'mrkecl by a 5/8" X ~4" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" alttmintm~ cap inscribed. "S[.II{N[;h'OR SCI115R[3[([, LTD AI':'I'ON WY PEg ).~68 . with appropriate . details: all in accordance xvitll the plat prepared lo be liled in the Ollice o1' tile Clerk of Lincoln I.,'NV/XILD .I/XCKSON WI'FI lin TI llE SN.VV, SNV[4, SI~CTI()N 35 T35N ILl 10W I.INC()I COLINTY. ~VYOMINCi". dated l()}J~¢a Iggg and revised 7 .,M)ril 1090.