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DEEED2 DFC 2h ~qI~; (0:25
Vernon and Chri~tine M. Veznon LiV~a True= f,'"':;~.,, ............
grantor of $&~& Yne2, County of ~-~r~..~' Sta~e of California
hereby CONVEY and WARRA~. TO,
MATT~r~w 3. HAIL, a sin~le mm~
hereby releasing and waiving all xigh=$ un,ar an~ by virtue
Linooln County, W~omln~, '&~rdir~ t~ th&~ pla~ file~ JUl~ 22, 19~4 in =hm
and ~o easmmencs and rich=s-of-way o~ reo~x~or in u~%.
To~ethez W~h all im~rovemen:~ end appurtenances tkarecn.
the hand of said grantor~,
On the ~ day o~ December, A.D. 300~, pe~aonally appnared before me,
Eugene ~. vernon, Truscee~ known ~ iden~if~ Co ~ to be ~ha person whos~
~ma is m~oc=~bed t~ the wi~h~ insC~=, a~ ac~owled~ed to, me =ha= he