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HomeMy WebLinkAbout886703 State of rfyoming Corner Record (In com~o~ia~e ~tlt t~ ~ P~A~IO~ A~D FI~ A~, W~m~ng ~*s, ~977, S~ 36-11-10L ~. ~q.. a~ t~ ~s a~ P~w~ ~i~ of tais ~ may bg P, ecord o! original sur~ey and citation o! source o~ hi~o~cal in~t~n (if co~r is Zo~ or obZ~te~ted). ~sc~n o~ co~ ~nu~at~on ev~e~e ~ a~/or ~nu~ a~ accesso~s estabZ~d to ~t~te t~ Z~at~n o~ this corr. E~etc~ o/ ~J~t~ [oc~tio~ o~ ~nu~nt. accesso~es, e~ ~e ~nts ~it~ co~e a~ d~e to ~e~ co~s) (~/ dete~d in th~ s~ey). Meted e~ ~t~ie ~ me~ebJ~h~t o~ iost or obi~te~ted corr. RECORD: 69,85 chs,: 'In"cepsec"c tine 1-4 of' pr'ivc"ce [cnd c~cim No, 39 a"c a poin"c 6,56 ohs, S89°7'W of' cop, No, 1 and se"c a sands~cone 16x14x3 ins,, 11 ins, in the 9hound, f'op cLosin9 cop, of' sees, PO and ;~1, manked C,C, on N,; with 4 9r-ooves on E, f'ace; and raised a mound of' stone 2 f'"c, base 1~ f'"c, high N, of' cop, Pits, impnac"cicab[e," -- G,L,FI, Supvey (1903) FOUND: BRASS NEAR TOP MARKED NOT H I N C CAP MONUMENT ATOP A 2" DIA. PIPE, ON STEEP HILL, OF BLUFF, FLAGGED, PAINTED, "T" POST ALONGSIDE AS SHOWN. -POST FOUND 0,5' MONUMENT ~ PLS-P097 J ARriVE LLjj/ GROUND SURFACE NWLY. o~.~=.:JOB 5858 BK 249 PC 45 CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM I 5 4 6 7 9 1011 121~141516171819 20 2122 2~ 24 2 I I I I I I ---6 5 4 5 2 1--- I I I I I I -- -7 8 9 10 11 12- -- -- -18 17 16 15 14 15- -- I I I I I I ; I -- -19 20 21 22 23 2~ -- ~0 2g 28 27 2~ 2~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- -31 32 55 54 55 55 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 g 1011 1215141516171819 20 2122 25 24 2~ co.~,~..~: Closinq Cor. Lot 59 Crank Companies, Inc. P.O. Box 651 Kemmerer, Wyominq 8.3101 ~'~tephone Number: (3071877-gog3 /'hL~ corner record ~s pre;oared blt me or under my directaon a;nd s~pertr~s~ SEAL & SIGIgATURE s,t~o,,,20,21 r 21N ,~115W. 6th~,.u. crc,_zn,~,~o.:N,O-9