HomeMy WebLinkAbout886739AFFIDAVIT
Frank Hess, President of 1031 Exchange, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, being
first duly sworn upon oath, dePoses and says as follows:
1. This affidavit is made pursuant to Wyoming Statute 34-11-101 for
the purpose of affecting title as more particularly set forth' below to that real
property described on the attached Exhibit A.
2. Affiant has actual and direct knowledge of the facts recited below and
is competent to testify concerning them in open court.
3. The property described on the attached Exhibit A was conveyed by
1031 Exchange, Inc. to Glenn G. Baxley and Mary Bono Baxley, Trustees of the
Bono/Baxley Living Trust dated 11/16/01 by that Special Warranty Deed filed in
the office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 502, page.
307 as Document Number 884926 and by that Corrective Special Warranty Deed
filed in Book 504, page 311 as Document Number 885491.
4. The above-described Special Warranty Deed and Corrective Special
Warranty Deed both contained an error in the name of the Grantee.
5. The correct name of the Grantee is Glenn G. Baxley and Mary Bono
Baxley, Trustees of the Bono/Baxley Living Trust dated 11/16/01.
WITNESS my hand this b2~day of January, 2003.
1031 Exchange, Inc., a
Wyomin rporation:
Frank Hess, President
The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to before me this
~ day of January, 2003 by Frank Hess as President of 1031 Exchange, Inc., who
does verify that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of his
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Teton ~ Wyoming
Notary Public
My Commission expires:
Description - NEll4NWll4SEll4 .Plus
A portion of the SEI/4NEll4 and the Nl/2SEII4 of Section 8, T34N, R118W, of
the 6th. P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more padicularly described as
BEGINNING at the B.L.M. type MOnument marking the' Baker Engineers PFJLS
698, 2000 location for the Southwest Comer of said SE114NE114; thence
NI°00'4~"E, along the West line of said SEI/4NEll4, 1,329.34 feet to the B.L.M.
type Monument marking the Northwest Comer of said SEll4NEll4; thence
S89°07'59"E, along the North line of said SEll4NEll4, 1,254.61 feet to the
Rebar marking the Northeast comer of Lost Creek Ranchettes Subdivision;
thence. N89°37'52'~V, along the North line of said Subdivision, 1,154.14 feet to
the Rebar marking the Northwest comer of said Subdivision; thence
S0,16'$8'~/V, along the West line of said Subdivision, 1,981.29 feet to the Iron
Pipe marking a point in the South line of said N1/2SE114; thence N89°39'13'~/V,
along said South line, 760.93 feet to an iron Pipe; thence Nl'°04'06"E 662.98
feet to an Pipe marking a point in the North line of said N1/2~El/4; thGi~ce
S89°39'31'1~ 634.53 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 14,969 Ac, res of