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THIS PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT OF OIL AND GAS RIGHTS (Wellbore Only); ..... :/': ":' :'; ~ '~ I:~'"'..~
hereinafter called the "Assignment" is made by and between CHEVRON U.S.A. INC., (successor in
interest to TEXACO EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION INC.), a Pennsylvania corporation,
with' a mailing address of 11111 S, Wilcrest, Houston, Texas 77099, ("ChevronTexaco"), and
CABOT OIL & GAS CORPORATION, with a mailing address of 1200 Enclave Parkway, Houston,
Texas 77077-1764, ("Cabot").
WHEREAS, Marathon Oil Company, ("Marathon"), as Farmor, and Cabot (successor in
interest to Cabot Oil & Gas Production Corporation), as Farmee, previously entered int° that certain
Wellbore Farmout Agreement ("Farmout Agreement") dated March 30, 1995; and
Whereas, ChevronTexaco succeeded to Marathon's rights and obligations under the Farmout
Agreement; and
Whereas Amoco Production Company ("Amoco") proposed to, and did drill the Whiskey
Buttes Unit #104 well (hereinafter called the "Well") located in the SE/4NE/4 of Section 4,
Township 21 North, Range 112 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and Cabot
participated in the Well pursuant to the Farmout Agreement; and
WHEREAS, ChevronTexaco states, but does not warrant, that due to ChcvronTexaco's
ownership of leasehold rights committed to that certain federal "Unit Agreement for the
Development and Operation of the Whiskey Buttes Unit Area, Counties of Lincoln and Sweetwater,
State of Wyoming, No. 14-08~0001-13880," dated December 12, 1973, as amended; and that certain
companion "Unit Operating Agreement, Whiskey Buttes Unit Area, Counties of Lincoln and
Sweetwater, State of Wyoming," dated December 12, 1973; (hereinafter collectively referred to as
the "Unit Agreements"), it is the owner of certain rights to production from the Frontier formation
underlying the following described lands, situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming:
Township 21 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M.
Section 4: SE/4; SE/4SW/4
WHEREAS, ChevronTexaco's rights to said production are held by virtue of its interest in oil
and gas leases committed to the Unit Agreements and located within the Consolidated Frontier
Formation Participating Area "A-B", certain of which lease interests having been acquired from
Marathon; and
WHEREAS, Amoco drilled and completed the Well as a producing Well and Cabot thereby
earned certain interests pursuant to the Farmout Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Well has not paid out as of the date of this Assignment; and
WHEREAS, for purposes of this Assignment, ChewonTexaco's "Pre-Farmout Working
Interest" shall mean the working interest derived from those leases committed to the Farmout
Agreement described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes (the
"Affected Leases"), by formation, in the Well that ChevronTexaco would be entitled to under the
Unit Agreements in an applicable participating area within the Unit under the Whiskey Buttes Unit
Agreement, or in the absence ora participating area, that ChevronTexaco would be entitled to in the
lands contributing to the Drilling Block assuming the absence of this Assignment or any assignment
or relinquishment of rights pursuant to this Assignment, and assuming ChevronTexaco participated
fully in its share of the costs to drill, equip, complete and operate the Well based upon its current
working interest in the Affected Leases.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good
and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,
ChevronTexaco does hereby assign, transfer, release, remise and quitclaim, without representation or
warranty of title, express or implied, unto Cabot, its successors and assigns, one hundred per cent
(100%) of ChevronTexaco's right, title and interest derived from the Affected Leases in and to the
wellbore of the Well, from the surface down to the stratigraphic equivalent of the total depth drilled
(being 11,372'), but in no event deeper than the base of the Frontier formation, as well as one
hundred per cent (100%) of ChevronTexaco's right, title and interest derived from the Affected
Leases in any production from the Well, as to the assigned depths, as such interests are derived from
ChevronTexaco's Pre-Farmout Working Interest, RESERVING AND EXCEPTING unto
ChevronTexaco an overriding royalty interest in and to all production from the Well, and the
proceeds therefrom, equal to six and twenty-five one-hundreths percent (6.25%) of all (8/8'h's) oil,
gas and other hydrocarbons produced and saved from the Well, reduced to be proportionate to
ChevronTexaco's Pre-Farmout Working Interest in the applicable producing horizon(s), until payout
of the Well. Upon payout of the Well, ChevronTexaco shall have the option to convert its reserved
overriding royalty into an undivided forty percent (40%) share of ChevronTexaco's Pre-Farmout
Working Interest in the Well.
THIS AS SIGNMENT IS SUBJECT TO, and Cabot accepts it subject to, the following terms,
covenants and conditions:
1. Insofar as the Affected Leases are concerned, the interests assigned to Cabot hereby
are subject to, and Cabot agrees to assume, its proportionate share, equal to the
interest so assigned, of all burdens, reservations, agreements and instruments of every
kind and nature (including, but not limited to, the Unit Agreements and the Farmout
Agreement) with respect to the Well or production therefrom existing as of March 30,
1995, or which may affect operations or burden production from the Well in the
future as a result of the Whiskey Buttes Unit or the expansion or contraction of the
participating area(s) which includes the Well.
2. Insofar as the Affected Leases fire concerned, Cabot agrees to and shall assume its
proportionate share of ChevronTexaco's obligation and liability for the costs and
expenses of operating and maintaining the Well and associated equipment and
facilities (including, but not ,limited to, tangible and intangible well adjustments
pursuant to the terms of the Unit Agreements), to promptly pay and discharge its
proportionate share oflessor's royalty burden and other payments out of production
(including, but not limited to overriding royalties and any other burdens on
production) burdening ChevronTexaco's Pre-Farmout Working Interest, and the costs
of plugging and abandonment and restoration of the surface, which are attributable to
the interests assigned hereunder.
It is expressly understood and agreed that the interests conveyed to Cabot may be
increased or decreased by the creation, expansion or contraction of participating areas
within the Whiskey Buttes Unit Area, and thereby Cabot's share of production from
the Well and its proportionate share of the costs and expenses of operating,
maintaining and developing the Well may increase or decrease.
This Assignment is made and accepted without any representation or warranty or
covenant of any kind, either express or implied.
ChevronTexaco and Cabot each expressly reserve the right, at any time and from time
to time, to take in kind or otherwise dispose of their proportionate shares of all oil, gas
or other hydrocarbons produced from the Well.
ChewonTexaco reserves all rights and interests not expressly assigned herein to
Cabot. The rights and interests transferred to Cabot hereunder are nonassignable and
nontransferable without the written consent of ChevronTexaco, and any such
assignment or transfer without such written consent shall be of no force and effect in
assigning or transferring to the assignee or transferee any of,such rights and interest or
vesting in such assignee or transferee any claim, right or cause of action against
ChevronTexaco. ChevronTexaco's consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
The terms, covenants and conditions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to
the benefit of ChevronTexaco and Cabot, and their respective successors and assigns,
and any such terms, covenants and conditions shall be covenants running with the
leasehold interests in the lands herein described and the interests in production from
the wellbore of the Well herein assigned and with each transfer or assignment of said
leasehold interests in the land or interests in production from the wellbore of the Well.
EXECUTED on the dates appearing with the respective signatures below, but effective for all
purposes, from June 13, 1995.
Name: // John S. Munro
u Attorney-In-Fact
The foregoing instmmen][.w, as by t e Attorney-in-Fact for
CHEVRON U.S.A. INC., this ~' . )/ ,2002.
Witness my hand and official seal.
COUNTY OF '¢ en ~, e ,-
The foregoing
day of 70er o ..~ $ e,~
Notary Bal~c ~-~
was acknowledged before me by
, as Attorney-in-Fact for Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, this
., 2002.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My Commission Expires:
T'~v~\~:' ~"' '~' -
KA H2::~ .: ,.,, "I...~.~GER
Co:nrrdss~or~ Expires 11ilN2003
! :'7:57 :i::
Attached to and made a part of that certain
Partial Assignment of Oil ahd Gas Rights (Wellbore Only)
Effective June 13,1995, by and between Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
And Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation
Chevron's interest in the Consolidated Fro: ~tier Formation Participating Area "A-B" is
derived from the following Oil and Gas Le ~ses ("Affected Leases"):
1) That certain Oil and Gas Lease dated September 1, 1964, by and between the United
States of America as Lessor and F.C. Grigsby as Lessee, Federal Serial No. WYW-
2) That certain Oil and Gas Lease dated October 2, 1967, by and between the State of
Wyoming as Lessor and Mary Ellen Winni as Lessee, State Serial No. St. Wy. 67-8942.
3) That certain Oil and Gas Lease dated September 1, 1965, by and between the United
States of America as Lessor and Betty J. Woodman as Lessee, Federal Serial No. WYW-
4) That certain Oil and Gas Lease dated August 1, 1965, by and between the United
States of America as Lessor and Shirley Birdsong as Lessee, Federal Serial No. WYW-
5) That certain Oil and Gas Lease dated September 1, 1964, by and between the United
States of'America as Lessor and ABKO Inc. as Lessee, Federal Serial No. WYW-