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Member # 479905
WO# 16924 & 16925
Section 35, T35N, RllgW
That I, ~ ~ma~rsi~ed, St~nl~y c. Iz~tk ("Grantor"), for a good ~d val~ble
receipt ofwhioh i~ h~r~by ~know~edg~a, do h~r~by gr~t, oonwy md w~t
Energy, a Coop~rativ~ Co~orafion, of A~on and J~k~on, Wyoming ~d to
aasi~s, ("Gr~l~s"), a p~=mal ~m~nt ~d fi~t of w~y for ~ ~ons~fion ~d eon.tinui:d
maintenance, repair, alteration ~d r~l~m~nt of ~ ~1~ &s~bufion oir~uits, lin,~ ~:td
~quipm~t ofth~ ~ant~ to be ~ns~t~ and m~intain~d under, upon ~d acro~ th~ pr~mi,~
Grater in LINCOLN Co.W, Stat~ of ~OMING ~long ~ lin~ d~s~fibed ~s follows, to wit
BEING ~ portion of the 8Wl/4SWl/4 ofS~Iion 1~, T3~N, ~19W, 6m P.M,, Liueoln Connty,
Wyoming, more p~rtieui~rly ~e~erlb~ a~ Iollow~:
COMMENCING at a point being the SW corner of the SWI/4SWI/4 of said Section 3.5;
Thence N 58° E, 72 feet to true point of beginning at an existing power pole on the Ea:~t
R-O-W of US Highway 89;
Thence S 87° E, 186 feet;
Thence N 11° E, 80 feet to a transformer location.
Easement to include 10 feet on each side of described line.
Together with all neceasaxy and reasonable rights of ingr~s and egress and to excavate an~ refill
ditches and trench for the location m~d repair of said facilities and to cut, trim, or remove: tre,~a,
sln'ubbery, undergrowth or other obstructions interfering with the repair and maintenance of the
facilities. The Grantor acknowledges that Electric and magnetic Fields (EMF) are natura[ly
occurring in the distribution of electricity, and the Grantee has here notified Grantor that ElVIF testi~g
and information is available upon request from the Grantee. The undersigned agrees that all wiras
and other facilities, installed on the above described lands at the Grantee's expense shall remain the
property of the Grantee, removable at the option of the Grante~. We hereby r¢leaa~ and w~dve idl
rights tmde~' and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the said State.
WITNESS the hand of the Grantor, this ,~ day of ~ * ,2002.
COUNTY OF {j~uq) [% )
T.he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Stanley C. Izatt, this
"l-. day of
Witness my hand and official seal
My Conunission Expires: