HomeMy WebLinkAbout886911 · 0l N C , RECEIVE PURCIFA~i~P,,RIQ~E FOR ~ALTY ,.~.. ~, ' - STATE OF WYO~G ) ""~ ,... ,..:."-" "'-_ "....:' :'. '.'~ ~..::'~ ~ . ) ss. 4 7 COUNTY O~ LINCOLN ). . KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, EDWIN G. MCNEEL, of Alpine, Wyoming, am married and I do hereby make, constitute and appoint MERRILL L. MCNEEL, of Alpine, Wyoming, my true and lawful attorney in fact, for me, and in my name, place and stead, to grant, bargain, sell, convey or contract for the sale and conveyance of the following described property owned by me: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Said attorney in fact is authorized to grant, bargain, convey, sell, or to contract for the sale and conveyance of any or all of the above described property to any person for such price or prices, and on such terms and conditions, as said attorney in fact may deem proper, and in my name to make, execute, acknowledge, and deliver a good and sufficient deed or deeds of conveyance, or other instrument or instruments, necessary to effect such sale, conveyance or agreement. I grant to said attorney in fact full power and authority to perform all acts to be done in and about the premises as herein described, as I could do if personally present. I authorize said attorney in fact to request, demand, sue for, collect, recover and receive all monies which may become due and owning to me by reason of such sale and conveyance, whether by deed, contract or other instrument. I give to said attorney in fact full power and authority to appoint a substitute to perform any of the acts that said attorney in fact is by this instrument authorized to perform, with the right to revoke such appointment or substitute at pleasure. I hereby revoke all powers of attorney heretofore made by me authorizing any person to do. any act relative to the above described lands, or any part thereof, hereby ratifying and confirming whatsoever the herein appointed attorney in fact, or any of his substitutes appointed by him, may do in the premises by virtue hereof. All rights, powers, and authority of said attorney in fact to exercise any and all of the rights and powers herein granted shall commence and be in full force and effect on the 1 st day of January, 2003, and such rights, powers, and authority shall remain in full force and effect thereafter until the 31 st day of December, 2006. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have signed this power of attorney on the day of STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me, a Notary Public, this /t~'p' day of l temI ev ,201Q~__, by EDWIN G. MCNEEL. WITNESS my hand and official seal. co., yof s au, of 1 [_ ___l?_y___CQ_?__mi_?__l__on...__~E~__ ~ms_ 4____/~_...~_...~ $ N 0 T A RY P U B L [ C My Commission expires: EXHIBIT I)oscrJpflon, Tract 2 S1/2 30.067 A~res A portion of Lot 5 (I'~l/4SW1/4) aM tho NWI/4flEI/4 of,%cainn 4, T36N, RllgW, of tim 6ih. P.IvL, Linenln Cnunty, Wyoming, lning mor~ parlieularly described a~ fallowa: BEOINNINO ~t tho B,LM. ty~ Mam~ent tm,nd marking th~ U. 3. F~at 69~, 199~ lo~aflnn for fl~ CS 1/16 Com~ ~ ~aid 8~fl~ 4; fl~ N~9*l I'02"W (~co~ N89n54'07~, ~g ~ Souflt l~e nf~id ~t 5, 700.75 ~ (~cord 700.5~') tn B.L.~ ~ Moment l~md ~g th~ U. 8. Fo~t fl~c: ~S 698, 1993 l~on (renard N~03'44"E}, alnng tho W~t ~na of~d I~t 5, 1217.96 f~t to a po~ aaid point bring 100.65 fe~t 80~4~' 13"W (reanrd Nflo03'44"E), fl~g tim Wmt fi'am fl~a B.L.[~ ~ Mom~mt fnund m~g ~ U.S. Fore~ S~aa RLS 549, 1979 lo~afinn far fha 1/4 C~ Ba~e~ $~d 8aafinn 4 ~d a~d 8mta of I~n; 873°21'~1"E 984.83 feat (rno~d ~74°12'1~,E 9S4.~') ~ a p~t M ~a T~ho~ Nafi~al Famat Bmm~ ~; th~ SnufferS, a~ a~d Mafi~ folln~ng: S13~08'01~ (~amd fl12~19'34~) 583.g3 feat m ~s B.L.M, fmmd m~ng fha U.S. Fngst 8~ao ~ ~98, 1993 1~ f~ a Brad lina and 866~52'14"E 1~7.~ faot (~ord f167~5'34"E 1007.82'), to ~a PaMt of Beo~in~ a~m~g 29.802 Aa~a of land. 550 DESCRIPTION' FOR EXHIBIT GLYDr)EN ~[cNEEL ESTA. TI~. RE~'~I-AINI~ER LANDS WITHI'N NHNE'. SECTION 9, T36N, R119W To-win - - ~&ll or'the NV~.~qE'Y. of S~ction 9, T30q'q, R119W, Lincoln County. Vfyoming, EXCEPTING the following two ('2) ~raat.: ' Tract No. 1) Tr~a~ No. 2) Parodi A a.~ showll on tha£ plal of record in [hG OPfica ofth~ Cl~rk of Lincoln Cmm~ on'PlatNa. 102A ddt. "RECORD OF PARCEL DIVISION FOK 'i'J6N, Kllg~, 6~". P,M., Lin~o~ Count, Wyo.", dated 3-3-1998 ~d P~.o~ad by Lloyd B. B~c~ & A~aoaiatcs; Encompassing an ~a of 10 acres, mor~ or l~aa; A~ ~xat pa~ of &at trac~ No. 112 - Panel 2 of reco~ in said O~ce in' Book 11 of Phom~Iado R~cords on pase 277 lying and being situax~ within said and t no Icl aurvcy w co ~od nor any monumenta act. I!NCOIV[PASSIIqO a ~oml ~ea off1 acres, mare or l~ss; That this daa~ion ~ p~p~od fi'om r~ord~ hi ~00~a Of lh~ Clerk of Lincoln ~ounty