HomeMy WebLinkAbout886919Q.UITCLA~I~ ~1~I~ Consisting of Fo~iF(~)q~ges REO£1V£D /'~1 I ?,I~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that:,i~OHN,')i:':',)."'.:':i RUSSELL THORNOCK, SR. and EMMA LUCY THORNOCK, husband and wife, and ERNEST ADEN THORNOCK and KAREN THORNOCK, husband and wife, whose address is P. O. Box 369, Cokeville, Wyoming 83114, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of TEN AND. NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND QUITCLAIM to THOMPSON LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY, A General Partnership, whose address is P. O. Box 130, Cokeville, Wyoming, 83114, GRANTEE, the following described real estate situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and · waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: All of Lot 17 and Lot 25 of Section 6, T 24 N, R 118 W, Lincoln County, Wyoming; and that part of Lot 14 and Lot 24 of said Section 6 lying and being situated southerly of the following described existing fence line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 24, N 00° 28' 15" E, 578.54 feet of Comer No. 2 of said Tract 97, found as described in the Comer Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; thence S 89° 01' 12" E, 583.41 feet along said fence to a point; thence S 88° 45' 49" E, 457.47 feet along said fence to a point; thence S 88° 50' 51" E, 421.64 feet along said fence and an easterly protraction of said fence to the east line of said Lot 14; and That part of Tract 97-H, Tract 97-I, Tract 97-J, Tract 97-K, and Lot 46 in Section 1 and Lot 38 in Section 2, T 24 N, R 119 W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying and being situated southerly of the following described existing fence line: QuitClaim Deed John Russell Thornock, St: & Emma Lucy Thornock & Ernest Aden Thornock & Karen 7hornock To Thompson Land & Lh, estock Co., a General PartnershtP 580 Beginning at a point on the east line of Section 1, N 00° 14' 38" E, 583.78 feet of the closing corner between said Section 1 and Section 6, T 24 N, R 118 W, on the south line of said Tract 97; thence N 88° 53' 04" W, 881.38 feet along said fence to a point; thence N 88° 50' 13" W, 1070.76 feet along said fence to a point; thence N 88° 47' 59" W, 690.86 feet along said fence to a point; thence N 88° 47' ~13" W, 1011.30 feet along said fence to a point; thence N 88° 42' 26" W, 934.30 feet along said fence to a point; thence N 88° 41' 49" W, 457.76 feet along said fence to a point; thence N 88° 20' 37" W, 5.60.07 feet, more or less, along said fence and a westerly protraction of said fence to the west line of said Lot 38. Reserving to the Grantors all mineral and oil and gas rights to the Grantors, in the above described property. The above tract and parts of tracts combined encompassing an area of 178.2 acres, more or less. That the acreage stated above is based upon nominal acreages returned on the Official Resurvey Plats of the General Land Office approved on 9 August 1913 and upon an actual survey of said fence; that no warranty is expressed or implied that said acreage is more accurate than the General Land OffiCe Survey. All in accordance with a plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled: PLAT OF SURVEY FOR JOHN RUSSELL THORNOCK AND EMMA LUCY THORNOCK AND THOMPSON LAND AND LIVESTOCK COMPANY OF FENCE LINE DIVIDING LANDS IN SECTION 6, T 24 N, R 118 W AND SECTION i AND 2, T 24 N, R 119 W, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, dated 11 June 2002, as revised WITNESS our hands this ~-- day of /~/zt~~/ ,2002. RUSSELL THORNOCK, SR. QuitClalm Deed John Russell Thornock, Sr. & Emma Lucy Thornock & Ernest Aden Thornock & Karen Thornock ~lb Thompson Land & Livestock Co., a General Partnership 2 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF c~~ ) by 2002. ,,- Wl~NE~S~m¥:ha~,d:~nd,~fficial seal. ~ pmuene uana - ~lotary ~'UDIIC My Commission Expires: STATE OF WYOM~G ) ) co vv ) SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me John Russell Thomock, Sr. this .;q ~ day of ~ , i Naber, e Dana ?otary Public t c°urIty °[ ~;,t, ~% State of ~ tir, cot. ~ Wyoming ~ My Com,nission Expires ~.'~ q_b'~:~--~ My Commission Expires: SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me by Emma Lucy Thornock this ~9 ~ day of ~~.~ ,2002. WITNESS, my,,hg~d and official seal. Notabj Public STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF c7~~ ) QuitClaim Deed John Russell Thornock, Sr. & Emma Lucy Thornock & Ernest Aden ?hornock & Karen Thornock To Thompson Land & Livestock Co., a General PartnersMp 3 SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me by Ernest Aden Thomock this ~ day of ~ ,2002. ,.' .:~?~ITNESS my--hand and official seal. ~at)ene L~J~na: i,:otary I~DllC ~( Lincoln ~ Wv0m~,~ ~ N '~--~~ ~&' Pubii My Commission Expires: STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SSo COUNTY OF v/~-~-~g~ ) SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me by Karen Thornock this ~q ¢~[ day of ~ ,2002. .W!TNEfiS~..my.hogO.and official seal. · N¢~D,~i'ie f~,~~ Notary Public ~ ~,co,, ~ w,0ming t Not~ Public My Cornm ssi0n Exi ms P~5~- ~'~Q~' My Commission Expires: ~ ~ ~ ~ v~ ~ QuitClaim Deed John Russell Thornock, Sr. & Emma Lucy Thornock & Ernest Aden Thornock & Karen Thornock To Thompson Land & Livestock Co., a General Partnership 4