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BOOK PAGE 8869 9 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE r~ t' uE i v t_. L) 'LINCOLN COUI, ITY CLERK FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK-WEST,_a National Banking Corporation, organized and existing under THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the mortgagee named in that certain mortgage hereinafter described, does hereby transfer, assign, set over and convey all right, title and interest in and to said mortgage, which was given to said mortgagee by. DAffL BROWN & ANITA BROWN, HUSBAND & WIFE And appears recorded in Book 500 of mortgages, beginning on Page 174 , in the office of the County Clerk of -~tscot~l property described as follows: County, Wyoming, and which covers SEE ATTACHED "EXHIBIT A" ! Together with the note or notes secured thereby, to the COUNTRYWIDE ItOME LOANS ,'-tNC. Its successors and assigns, subject however, to all ~fthe agreements, conditions, covenants and stipulations therein contained~ as well as all rights of redemption provided by law. Dated this 26TH day of SEPTEMBER ,20 02. STATE OF W~O~N6 ) ) COUNTY OF LZNCOIaW ) SS ,~-T.)NATIONAL~ _ WEST The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by PENNY JONE~ this 26111 day of SEPTEMBER WHITNESS BY HAND AND OFFICI~ /. ,20 02 Notary Publ~,/ ' SEAL: M yCo rnmission E xp ires: WCDA FORM NUMBER20'3 ' 670 EXHIBIT A k portion of the property referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 42 on page 523, with the office of the within Not 1 of Sect' Clerk o ' Wyomln~ ion 7, ~T30N kl f L!ncoln Count .8PR follow ~ the metes and bound ~8W of the 6th p m T. Y~ Wyoming, " ~ escribed as Beginning at a aluminum c~p on the iron pipe set marking a point in the · ess easement ~ .... ~,,~ Une e~d o~ +~- in the De=d r~^= · with said Off/ce, said , an_ ?~uwn on Plat 1-F r~~= ua.uno 30 foot ' ~urUment ~o. 876734 feet S 6So==7~?~ ot said Secti~'~urn~r PE/LS 351~°27'08'' TM 1 .~, ~rom the ~ 3~ W from th= ~[7~ © said point PONT' -°catl°n for th~ "~ ~'~zlOwe A o_~ _~ .( ~ also being 1054.7~ for the Northeast COrner of said Lot 1; thence $ 74o13,43. E, 107.26 feet; .... unezmel PLS 5368 1997 location thence S 84032,02,, E, 207.92 feet; thence Southeasterly, along a 170.00 foot radius Curve to the right, through a central angle of 33o03,£1'' Ichord bears S 68000,06, E, 96.75 feet) an arc distance of 98 10 feet; thence S 5!o28,11. E, 170.09 feet~ thence sOUtheasterly, along a 60.00 foot curve to the right, through a central angle of s2o08,29,, (chord bears 25023.56,, 52.74 feet) an arc distance of 54.60 feet; thence s 0o40.,!8,, W, ~2.77 feet; thence E 11o20,01. W, 31.08 feet- thence West 443.76 feet; ' thence N 50o32.21. W. 138.37 feet to the Nebeker property; thence N 0°24,50,, E, along the East line 224.09 to the point of beginning. SOUtheast Corner of said of said Nebeker PrOperty