HomeMy WebLinkAbout877840 .... ..,,',..!'.! :'T)ii"~""' ~ .... PA6 _. DEED ~OWN ~L ~N TI~E P~S~NTS~ RUS~LL E. ~IN~T ~ C~LOTTE B. ~~~T, of ~he CounW of Lincoln, Sta~e of Wyo~ng In consideration of T~n ~d 00/l~'s ($10.~) ~d o~r go~ ~d valuable co~idera~on to them ~ h~d paid by, D~e~e N. ~ohnson whose address is P.O, Box 481, ~aync, ~ 83127 ~ receipt whereof ~ hereby con~ssed ~d ~ow!~gcd, have remisS, rcl~as~, convey ~d forever quitd~ed ~d by thcse pr~ents do for my heir, ex~uto~ ~d adn~is~ators, rc~se, rel~s~ ~d forever quitda~ unto thc said DA~E N. JO~SON, heirs ~d assi~z, forever, ~1 such right, ~fle, ~mest, prope~, possession, claim ~d de~d as wc have, ought to have in or to ~ ~v following descried pre~ses, to-~t: Lot 124 Nordic R~hes D~ision No. 9, Ltnco~ C~W, Wyo~ng ~ d~cribed ~ ~e offici~ pla~ ~crco5 H~cby releas~ and waiv~g ~ rights undvr ~d by vkme of ~e he.stead exe~on laws of ~e State of Wyo~g. TO ~ ~D TO HOLD ~ ~d pre~ses unto ~e said D~e~e N. heirs ~d ~signs, to his ~d ~eir own prope~ use ~d behoof forever. So ~at nei~er we nor ~y o~r person ~ our n~cs or b~f shall or will hereaher claim or d~d any ~ght to title to ~e pre~ses or ~y pa~ ~ereof, but ~ey ~d eye. one of ~em shall by ~ese presents b~ excluded ~d forever STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Russell E. Reinhart and Charlotte B. N~l-Reinhart this .~' day of ~ ......... ,2001. Witness my hand add official seal. N~tary Public My Commission Expires: ~ -~_.% 0' (-.)_~ L H. LARSON-NOTARV PUBLIC of ~ State of Commission Ex[~lreu Jun~ 20, 2003