HomeMy WebLinkAbout877845 EASEMENT Earl W. Kinslow, Grantor(s), of Thayne, Lincoln Countyl State of Wyoming, hereby convey, grant and release to the Town of Thayne, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, a 20 foot wide access easement for the operation, and continued maintenance of waterline(s), powerline(s), spring collection, and related facilities over, under, and through the premises of the Grantor(s) in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, is more particularity described to wit:. , A 20 foot strip of land being 10 feet each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point 10 feet east of the East 1/4 corner of Section 24, T. 34 N., R. 119 W., 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; And running thence south parallel to the section line 974.41 .feet; Thence following an existing gravel roadway more or less running S 48" 53' 59" W, 69.9 feet; S 29" 44' 41" W, 79.4.feet; S 14° 12' 10" W, 162.3 feet; S 64" 21' 33". W, 91.0 feet; N 77" 20' 51" W, 329.5 feet; S 56" 35' 32" W, 184.7 feet; S 11 ° 46' 07" W, 160.9 feet; S 35° 32' 15" W, 225.8 feet; S 23° 11' 55" W, 174.9 feet; S41° 38' 01" W, 118.5 feet; S 15° 42' 32" W, 109.1 feet; Thence S 54° 08' 28" W, 188 feet more or less to a point on the north line of the Town of Thayne Spring and Collection Site as described that Easement Document executed May 8, 2000 between the Earl W. Kinslow and the Town of Thayne, Wyoming, as recorded in Book 446 Page 246 in the office of the Lincoln County Recorder.; Grantor(s), for the consideration aforesaid, hereby agree not to construct or maintain any building or structure of a permanent nature upon the perpetual easement above described. Said easement and right-of-way is granted with the understandings and the conditions contained in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. WITNESS the hand(s) of the Grantor(s) this ,~,5" day of ~2001. STATE OF ,~ ' i" ) COUNTY OF On the o~6" day of ~_~.~?~..~ 2001, personally appeared before me the signers of the within instrument who duly acknowledge to me that they executeO the samo. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ~//~/~ pu~2~ NOTARY -- ~' - ....