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(In compliance with ~BeCO~R P~UA~ION ~D ~I~N~ AC~, Wyoming /~a~u~es, 1997 Section 33-a9-140 et. seq., and ~he Rules and Regulations o~ ~he ~o~rd oF ProFessional Engineers and ProFe~loncl L~nd Supveyop~) Reverse side oF this ~orm m~y be uzed IF more zp~ce Is needed. Record o? original survey and citation o? source oF historical in?ormatlon (I? corner Is Lost or obliterated). Description o? corner monumentation evidence ?ound and/or monument and accessories estabUshed to perpetuate the Location o? this corner. Sketch o? relative Location o¢ monument, accessories, and rePerence points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (I? determined in this survey). Method and rationale ?or reestabtishment o? Lost or obliterated corner. FOUND, 2 1/2' Brass cap on a Iron post 10' Above ground T-post 5' Wester(y 5/8' Rebar 5' Southerly ~&}nunieliL 10ca'~:i0n S88°23'50'E 2631.61' Date of Field Work: 10/11/01 Office Reference:__ (i'2'O;tf{~ ~lf~i,(!}% '~'~'I8~: Firm/Agency, Address This corci~r.'-reco~d w~.~ prepared 3 4 ~ 6 ? a 9 10 I1 12 13 14, 15 16 17 1" 19 20 21 22 23 2* 25 Ioy me or}:::;Ur~der :~y direction | ~ , .T I, I | , ^ Miller Associat;es, Inc. and super:viSion. + + $ + + + ~ + + + $ + + + 2 + + + ~ + + + ±, 3060 W, Cati¢ornia Ave. Suit;e A, :: : i' + ~ + 1' +; + 1' + :- + i' + ~ + 1' +: + 1' + '° sat'c Lake City, UT 84104 '1'" 'l+ ' 1' ' /' ' ~ + + + ~ + + + ~ + + + - + + + 2 + + + ' + + + -r .£; . :: ~ ~ :::: ~ ~ , I .:, I ;:, J G Telephone Number: (801)975-1083 ; + 1- + '- + + ; + + ' + 1' 1' I" :F';, ::'~, Fq ;'"1' "1' ' 1' '/' '/' '1 ' ,, l.,..i.,.l , l..,.:,t, ...,f.,~. ++t+++t+,+t+,+t+++t+++t+,o / , f,..i.,~, 'l';"'""f'~'"4'"'""'l'~' ¢+++~+++¢+++;+++¢+++~+++;, Corner Name North 1/4 Corner SeetAo~ 33, ? 19 N, R 112 W, 6th P.M. Cross-Index ~o.: V-it CounLy: f,incotn Wyo~in~ SBRPEPLS/PLSW: March 1994; PLSW January 1998