HomeMy WebLinkAbout877860(In co~pU~nce wl~h ~heCO~gR P~g~ATION ~D ?ILIN~ AC~, Wyo~ln9 S~u~e~, 1997 Section 33-89-140 e~, ~eq,, ~nd ~he Ru~es ~nd Regulations oF ~he Do.rd oF ProFessional Engineers ~nd ProFesslonc[ L~nd Surveyors) Reverse side oF this ?or~ ~y be used I? ~ore sp~ce ms needed, Record o? original survey and citation o? source oF historical in?ormatlon (17 corner Is Lost or obliterated). Description oF corner monumentatlon evidence ?ound and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location oF this corner, Sketch o? relative [oc~tion o? ~onument, accessories, and re?erence points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (iF determined in this survey), Method and r~tionale For reestablishment o? lost or obliterated corner, FOUND, 2 1/2' Brass cap on a Iron post T-post 3,2' ~esterly 5/8' Reb~r 5' SoutherLy Date of Field Work: 10/11/01 Office Reference: ~ Cr'oss kuiex .Pta~ Firm/Agency, Address This corn~p~r:ecord w~-~epcred 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 1, 12 13 14 15 ,6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~ by ae or ~nder my direction + + ~ + + + ~ + + + ~ + + + ! + + + ~ + + + ;" 3060 ~, CaliFornia Ave, $u{te T + ~ + T + ~ + T + ~ + T + ~ + T + 4 + T + ;° Sal~ L~ke City, UT 84104 + + $ + + + ! + + + 2 + + + ~ + + + - + + + 2 ~ Telephone Number: (801)975-1083 ~+++$+++~+++=+ + + +i+ +-~ SIGNATUR~ t::ll m 2; m I 2 m ~ m 321 m =1 I >:~ p .+ + ! + t + ++ + + ++ - + + + ,o $+++~+++~+++~+++~+++=+++-~ ~+++ ~+++ $+++L+++V+++ ~+ ++ &w Cot~et Name West 1./4 0or~et Section 2~, T l~ N, R li~ W, 6th P.~. Cr0ss-[Qdex N0.: T-9 County: Qucoln Wyomin~ SBRP~PLS/PLSW: ~areh 1994; PLSW January ~998