HomeMy WebLinkAbout877861(In compliance witch theCOR~R P~R~..IA?ION JND FILINC AC?, WyoMing St(xtutes, 1997 Section 33-a9-140 e~, seq,, and ~che Rul. es (xnct Regukxtions oF t:he Boar-d oF ProFessional Engineers amd ProFessional Land Surveyors) Reverse side oi* ~chls i*orm may be used Il* more space Is needed, Record o? original survey and citation o? source oF historical In?orMatlon (17 corner Is Lost or obliterated). Description o? corner MonuMentatlon evidence ?ound and/or MOnuMent and accessories estabUshed to perpetuate the Location o? this corner. Sketch oF relative location oF MonuMent, accessories, and re?erence points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (i? determined in this survey). Method and rationate ?or reestablishment o? lost or obtiterated corner. FOUND, 2 1/2' Brass cap on a Iron post bent over T-post 5' Westerly Fence corner 15,8' SouthwesterLy }~t Date of Field Work: 10/11/01 Office Reference:__ (,~x:,ss ~[n,~Je?: '~::X~a.t. Firm/Agency, Address This corne~ :~cocd; ~ [~ ~ ~ T~ . Miller Associotes, Inc, + + ~ + + + ~ + + + ~ + + + ~ + + + $ + + + $0 3060 W, CaliFornia Ave, Suite A, ~ ~ :: ~ :::; ~ ~ ::::: ~ ~, ~ c + + 5 + + + ¢ + + + ~ + + + + + + ¢~ SE~ ~ SIGNATURE ;~"'+' "+'""'"""+'":· · · "'t" : '1' :"'f';' ~;'::::i~::: :,~ ~, ~ :::'i~ ::::::::::::::::::::: ': ~ ;::,',:'.~ ~ ~+++=+++~+++;+++;+++~+++=~ 't''''; ~+++¢+++¢+++~+++~+++2+++2~ ~::::::~:::::::,l : I :::::l : I ::;;I : ~::::l I ,:.~, '""',+'"'" "'~'""'""'""'"+. · ' ;"1'"' '1' 1' ;' ~+++&+++¢+++2+++ -+++. +++ ~ ======= = ======== = ========= = = == = ~ :::,~ ~ ::~ x , , , , , , z Corner Name West 1/4 Corner Section 2~, T I~ N, R t12 W, 6th P.M. Cross-~dex No.: T-5 County: ~ncoln Wyomin~ SBRPEPLS/PLSW: March 1994; PLSW January t998