HomeMy WebLinkAbout877864 (In coMptlo, nce wi'th 'the¢O, RN£R P~RP~UA?/ON ANB ?IL~NQ AC?, WyoMing S.to..tu.tes, 1997 Sec'tmon 33-29-14-0 e't, seq,, ond 'the Rules o. nd
Reguto'tlons o? 'the Boo, rd oF' Pro?Fesslono, t Engineers cind Pro?Fesslono. t L~lnd Surveyors)
Reverse side o? 'this ?Form Mo, y be used IFF More spo. ce Is needed,
Record oF original survey and citation oF source oF historical InFormation (IF corner is Lost or obliterated),
gescrlption oF corner monumentatlon evidence Found and/or monument and accessories established to
perpetuate the Location oF this corner, Sketch oF relative location oF monument, accessories, and
reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (iF determined in this survey), Method and
rationale ?or reestablishment oF [ost or obliterated corner,
FBUNg~ 3 l/4' Brass Cap on a
Iron Pipe
Protrudln9 0,5' above 9round
Date of Field Work: 10/25./0t Office Reference:__
.[. (};'!~S ~.~l(~.{}];fJl Pla( Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared
A ~ I.j I -m [. I........ .m [ m ~ Ill : i[ i... i..jl ~, Hitler Associates, Inc, and supe~vlsion,l;%
o $ + + + $ + + + S + + + ~ + + + + + + + ~ + + + ~0 3060 W, CaliFornia Ave, Suite A,
i+ [+ $o S~It LFke City, UT 84104
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Cor~er ~ame Center t/~ Cor~et Seetio~ ~, T 2~ N, R tt8 ~, 6th P.M. Cross-~de~ ]o.: ~-~9
SBRPBPBS/PBS~: March ~99~; PB~ ~a~uary t998