HomeMy WebLinkAbout877867 (In compU~nce with the~OJ~/£R P£RPE?UA?IOJV ~hV~)?I~/NG AC?, Wyoming Statutes, 1997 Section 33-29-140 et. seq., ~nd the Rules and
Regulations oF the ]3oard oF ProFessional Engineers and ProFessional Land Surveyors)
Reverse side oF this Form Mcy be used IF More space Is needed,
Record o? original survey and citation o? source o? historical In?or~ation (17 corner is lost or obliterated),
Description o? corner ~onumentatlon evidence ?ound and/or ~onu~ent and accessories established to
perpetuate the location o? this corner, Sketch o? relative location o? monument, accessories, and
re?erence points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (i? determined in this survey), Method and
rationale ?or reestabUshment o? lost or obliterated corner,
FOUND: 3' Brass Cap on a
2,5' Iron Pipe
Protruding 1,9' above ground
\dith a tire and a mound o? stones
along side to the west
Date of Field Work: 10/26/01 Office Reference:
(¢.F(A..S t]td6X P].~f{.., Firm/Agency, Address This
1'''56789101112 "1415 '6171819 'O" = 2' 24 ~ by me o~j~:Under~ my d~ction
+ + ~ + + + = + + + ~ + + + ~ + + + ~ + + + ~" 3060 ~, CatiForni~ Ave, Suite A,
t +; + t +; + t +; + t +: + t +; + t + i o SaLe Lake CiCy, UT 84104
h"' 't'' 1'''''4~ ,~: .....
+ + $ + + + ~ + + + $ + + + $ + + + $ + + + S* Telephone Number: (80D975-~083
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Cot~et Name Northeast Corner Section ~, T 8~ N, R 118 W, 6th P.M. ~toss-~dez Ho.: ~-~
County: ~ncoln Wyoming
SB~PLS/PLSW: March 1994; PLSW January 1998