HomeMy WebLinkAbout877868(in co.ptlance with theeOltti£R PEI~P£HIA?IOiK ~IKD RILZNff. tC?, V/yoalno Statutes, 1997 Section 33-89-140 et, seq,, and the Rutes and
ReouL~tlons oF the Board oF ProFesslon=L En§lneers and ProFesslona~ Land Sueveyors)
Reverse side oF this For..ay be used IF .ope space Is needed,
Record o? original survey and citation o? source oF historical InForMation (i? corner is lost or obliterated),
Description oF corner MOnuMentatlon evidence Found and/or MOnuMent and accessories established to
perpetuate the location o? this corner, Sketch oF relative location oP MOnuMent, accessories, and
reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (17 deterMined in this survey), Method and
rationale For reestabUshMent oF lost or obliterated corner,
FOUND, 8 1/8' Brass Cap on a
1' Iron Pipe
Protruding 1,7' above ground
Found tire with a Mound oF stones
along side to the north
Date of Field l~ork: 10/25./01 Office Reference:__
3 4 6 7 8 9 10 ~1 12 13 ~ 15 16 17 18 le 20 21 ~ 2~ ~4 ~ by Me or=On~r ,My di~e~on
~ +~ ' + + + 4 + + +' ~ I~' :' I ~'":'"""l t"~+++ + + + + ~ + + + 40' Miller 3060 ~,Ass°ciateS'Catl?ornla Inc, Ave, Suite A, and supervision,'_
~ + ' + t + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~" Sat~ Lake
'.7 I I :::!, I II I : :: I : I : I I ~ 0
: : : 'l ' :l: ' I: ~ sE~ ~ SIgNaTURE
¢+++¢+++¢++.~+++ + + +
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Corner Name North 1/4 Corner Section ~, T a~ N, R 118 W, 6th P.M. Cross-~dex No.: A-15
County: Nncoln Wyoming
SBRPEPLS/PLSW: March 1994; PLSW aanuary 1998