HomeMy WebLinkAbout877875(In coMpU~nce with the¢O/~J~/l'R P~t~ION ~ PlMND ID?, Wyoming S~tu~es, 1997 Section 33-29-140 et, seq,, and ~he Rules ~nd
Regulations o~ ~he Board oF Pro~esslon~l Engineers ~nd ProFesslon~( L~nd ~urveyops)
Reverse side oF this 6or~ ~y be used IF ~ore sp~ce Is needed,
Record o? original survey and citation o? source o? historical In?ormation (i? corner is lost or obliterated),
Description o? corner monumentatlon evidence ?ound and/or monument and accessories established to
perpetuate the location o? this corner, Sketch o? relative location o? monument, accessories, and
re?erence points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (i? determined In this survey), Method and
rationale ?or reestablishment o? lost or obliterated corner,
FOUND, 6'x4'xg' Stone set in ground
with a mound oF stones 4' Easterly
and 3' Southwesterly
l i'on, ume: .iL tocai;ion
589'53'26'E 5254,77'
Date of Field Work: 11/01/01 Office Reference: __
C/tx}ss Imlex Plat, Firm/Agency, Address This cor~r ~eco~d
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ti 12 13 14 t5 16 17 18 19 20 21 = 23 2~ ~ by me o~'~nder~ ~:y d~ion
+ + $ + + + , + + + $ + ~ +t : I .i.. I..~,1 ] t~ + + + + + + + ~ .* Miller3060 ~,Ass°cia¢eS'caUPornia Iht.Ave, Suite A. and supe~:~i~ion
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+ + & + + +. + + + ~ + + + & + + + ~ + + + 4r (801)975-1083
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Co~Ly: ~col~ Wyoming