HomeMy WebLinkAbout877877(In compliance wl~h ~heCO~R P~?Ui?ION ~D PIMND AC?, Wyoming S~u~es, 1997 Section 33-29-140 e~. seq., ~nd ~he Rules and
Regulations o? ~he Board of ProFessional Engineers and Pro~esslonal L~nd Surveyors)
Reverse side o? ~hls Form m~y be used I? more space Is needed,
Record oF original survey and citation oF source oF historical information (iF corner ts lost or obliterated),
9escrlptlon oF corner monumentatlon evidence Found and/or monument and accessories established to
perpetuate the location oF this corner, Sketch oF relative location oF monument, accessories, and reference
points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (iF determined in this survey), Method and rationale
For reestablishment oF lost or obliterated corner,
FBUND, 1 3/4' Steel pipe
1.15' Above ground
in a mound oF stones
16' North oF Northwest PipeLine Mainline
Date of Field Work: 11/01/01 Office Reference:
(,/,~?OSS ~ZliI(~'X;.[)]~{,_~,*~,. Firm/Agency, Address This cor~e-¢.¥ecord w6~ ~repared
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 2l ~ 23 2. ~ by ~e o~::Under My direction
'1''''''''~ ' / ' ' I ' ' I '" "]'"" '/' A Miller Associa~e~, Inc,
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Corner N.me ~as~ i/4 Corner Section a, T aZ N, R 119 W, ~th P.~. Cross-h~ex No.: C-iV
Couuly: ~ncoln ~yomin~
SBRP~PLS/PLSW: ~arch ~994; PLSW J,uu.ry 1998