HomeMy WebLinkAbout877882 (in compliance w|th the ~ORJ~/~ R~R~"f/I~/'O/V' ~r/} ~'//~rG t¢/', W~ming Statutes, 1997 Section 53-29-140 et. eeq., ond the Rules ond
Regulations of the Ooard of Profe**lonol Engineers ~ncl Profes.~lon~l Lond Surveyors)
Rever~e sfde of thls form may be used If more ~p~¢e ls needed.
Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (:if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of
corner monumentation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this
corner. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent
corner(s:) (if determined in this survey:). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner.
FOUND: Brass cap on a 1" iron post
8" high ,,
PK in 8 wood post 16.6' Westerly
8" wood post 0.95' Easterly
Date of Field l[ork: 10/17/01 Office Reference:__ :5::~,
~ '~ :~ ,~ .~::'~, ~rm/Agency, Address This cor~:)reco~.' wa~':~r~pared
~ "~'1 r., ~ F~ ~ I ~' ~ T''~'' ~ Miller Associates, Inc. and sup i~On.
++ ~+ + +~ + + + ++ + +~ + + + ~+ + + ~' ~060 W. California Ave. Suite A.
::, I I I I :: I I I I ,: I I ~ c
+ + +, Salt Lake Ciiy, UT 84104
+ + r Telephone Number: (801)975-108~
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Corner Name North 1/4 Corner 8action ], ? ~ ~, R 116 ~, 6th ~.~. ~o~-~{ez Jog ~-11
Oo~t[: l.ineob Jyoming
SBRPDP~/P~: ~eb 1994; P~ ~u~y 1998