HomeMy WebLinkAbout877893(In compllonce with the CORNffR Pff.I~EYT. MITON ~ .~JT.,~C, .~C'I', Wyoming Statutes, 1997 Section 55-29-140 et. seq., end the Rules end
Regulotione of the Boord of Professioncl Engineers end Professional Lend Surveyors)
Reverse side of this form mcy be used If more spoce is needed.
Record of original survey and citation of source of historical informotion (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of
corner monumentation evidence found end/or monument end eccessories esteblished to perpetuate the Iocotion of this
corner. Sketch of reletive Iocotion of monument, accessories, end reference points with course end distance to adjacent
corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and ro[ionele for reestoblishment of lost or obliteroted corner.
FOUND: Bross cop flush with the ground
T-post 2.0' Northerly
T-post 5.0' Westerly
Date of Field Work: 10/17/01 Office l~eference: ~
........ ~ ~;;ti Firm/Agency, Address This corne~L~ecord~wos[ Prepored
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Corner Name Southeast Comer Section 3~, T 2~ N, R 116 W, 6th P.M. Cross-~dex No.: Z-17
Co~ty: l.~ncoM Wyomfng
SBRPEPLS/P~W: M~ch 1994; P~W Janu~y 1998