HomeMy WebLinkAbout887400BOOK , RECEIVED LINOOLN 0OUr',IT'/ 0LERK · _~. l _lt_.pR PAGE__~ ~ O_ 8 8 7 ti 0 0 ();:'} FFR - ~ ['!!:'i f0:!4 AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING JOINT ' t .":' :.-! ,;. !-- .' :, I, BARBARA L. HOUSKEEPER, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon oath depose and say: 1. That WILLIAM RICHARD HOUSKEEPER and Affiant were Husband and Wife until William Richard Houskeeper's death on August 14, 2002; 2. That by certain Warranty Deed, dated March 1, 1988, and filed with the Lincoln County Clerk's Office on May 2, 1988, in book 261PR, Page 338, conveying and affirming possession of real property to William R. Houskeeper and Barbara L. Houskeeper, Husband and Wife, as Tenants by the Entireties, the following described real property, to-wit: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (SE1/4 NE1/4) of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Thirty-one (31) North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running North eight (8) rods; thence West twenty (20) rods; thence South eight (8) rods; thence East twenty (20) rods to Point of Beginning, contianing one (1) acre, more or less. 3. The Husband and Wife, as Tenants by the Entireties, reflects rights of survivorship, which by Wyoming law conveys rights of survivorship, title thereto vested in the property from the date of conveyance as described in the above deed to the date of death of the said William R. Houskeeper, which occurred on August 14, 2002, as aforesaid; 4. That by reason of and on the date of death of the said William R. Houskeeper, title to the above-described real property vested absolutely in the Affiant; and 5. A copy of the official Certificate of Death of the said William R. Houskeeper, having been certified by a public authority is hereby attached and made a part of hereof as Exhibit "A" and terminating his interest and title in the real property. FURTHER, Affiant saith not. DATED this ~5/ day of January, 2003. STATE OF {~gtN~ l }ss COUNTY OF ~,4~~/'~ ] BARBARA L. HOUSKEEPER The foregoing AFFDAVIT TERMINATING JOINT TENANCY was acknowledged before me by Barbara L. Houskeeper, this 9-~--/day of January, 2003. v, I t t~l~o~ lny' hand and official seal. My Co~ssion Expires: STATE oF.WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OF WYOMING ,~E.,.TM~.TOF.EALT. 7_ 0 0 7 --['! ~?:5 I · CERTIFICATE OF DEATH WILLIAM RICHARD !'HOUSKEEPER 'MALE:iIAUGUST~'14;: 2002 · I DECEMBER 30, -1~i943 ~9-~-.~: ii ' '::. ': · · 2485 COUNTY ROAD WYOMING .., ', ~ ' MARRIED BARBARA MC DOWELL ' ...... YEis ":'::~:.:.:.:':::: -: : M%NER ' :: ": ~..:'s: MINE FOR COAL 13b. CO~I?Y .,:~,5 ;, ~ 13~ ClTY, TOWN0eLflC~T}O~ ~3d. STREET ANONI. I, ItER TED .HOUSKEEPER ::.. _ LEAH ' ..>::: ST~PP B~RB : ! '" ::IDaHo. FALLS, IDAHO "i45.' 44 EAsT-FOuRTH AVE., AFTON  :. ;;~;i,* ;&',. -:./r/; .:. ,.. " ;'" M 24.14~ AI~D :: .. ,.. ~::.~.' ~'2 . X ALLEN D. CA~TER':~ ~;~, .:.: '~:~:'.::.. .::.:: .;:. ~:/~..~:~~:: ::':::: .'f::.:::: ..:f :. :: ~' .: ..... ~ ..................... ', /~ ~ ::::::: :.: ~Tq::~ ~.:~N~g~ ~: :~: : ~: ~: ;:~; :~:: "~; · ::~ ~::~::: :.;~:.;~:: , ......... .. ::. .::. ";:: 1 ~:~::::~:::;: ::~' ': ::~::~:..,:~;:: ~::~ ~: ~::~ ~::::~ '~;:. ::: :~:::::/ ;~:':::;:: ~::~:; ' ~:':::; ~; ~::~ ~;~l ::: :::~ ~; ::: -.- I ~l ~R ~l~l ~S-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~'~ L; ', 12~; ~ ~Jlg. ~ ~ ~ED ~ ~ER , : ~ .: :..: ' :: .:.':::::::~.:, '.~:?;.:-~;:::: '-;~:~f: ¢'. ? ' '~:.:' .::':h. '~f::' ":~ ..... ' .:,.:':-:':~ ,..':NO ":.:~' ::~: I:~ ::? : "~:[~ ''j?' NO'::' .... ?'.: :. .':: :: ~. %:: .... ~:. ~:" :.~:'" :~:. ?:;~" ?':'::~::. I ':'~ ,[:M:I :"' :: I :~: :~ "::: : ::~:: ""~ ' '; "' 5: :: wn~an I .1'1~ :. ~:H:~: :':[i:..,l:.::: a~.~.~:~l .:: '':~: ~:"' ~ ~:: ~.::..-' ::.::.. .::.::::~ :::L:.:: ::.:.:: _ :: .... :~:'' ' :~': ~ .";:;~:':"~ . "~:~; :::" '~:~ ':~:~:: :' ::~:~" ~:::,~ '.~:~,;:;.' ,:'?~: ' ..... '.: :' :~:~. : : ~ .:.[.~;:*r. :~..::. ~ .:::' ' z,::-., :::~ ;~ . ~ . ::i8:5 8:.41":: .:::::,?' :: '::' ~:....:::~: ::::. :7:: ' ::.:..' %.: .... ::::: ::::~- :': ?"' J::~ This is a true and exact reoroouction of the documenl on file in the office of Vital DATE ISSUED: Depu~ State Registrar :.:~:~'; copy i~ not valid ~nless prep'~ed:'on pi:per With ~ eO~aved:~er di*playlhg ~h¢ d~, si~ ~d ~isnatU¢~ 0F the Depmy S[~t~ RCgistr~ . . ..:.. _.: :,...,: - :}:~ , '~;: ,5~: '):: ~.. ' EXHIBIT "A"