HomeMy WebLinkAbout887414 After Recording Return To: ' PEELLE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ASSIGNMENT JOB #90822 P.O. BOX 30014 RENO, NV. 89520-3014 (775) 827-9600 RECEIVED LlPtOOL. t'~ C0Ur',.!I'Y OLERK ! E: ~ i~ ~;~' B OOK SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE flECOflDER'S USE ' CORPORATION ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST FOR VALUE RECEIVED, tile undersigned grants, assigns and translers lo: ,~ all beneficial Inlerest under that certain Deed of Trust dated ! 2/20 / 99 0-RUSTOR) (TRUSTEE) Counly, tO'F~atthew D. Barber, and Marcy Barber and recorded el Olficlat Records tn the Olllce el the County Recorder of Linco in State of Wyoming , describillg land therein as: Legal description attached hereto and made a pa, rt hereof STATE OF CAL.~ORtiIA cou.rY OF +~ ' ' r ' ' (~ insed na~e a~ title of the officer) ~ ~ CHASE MANHA'fTAN BA~IK AS INDF..f',q'URE TRUSTEE, C/O RESIDENTIAL COFIPORAIiO~4, 1301 Oflice Center Drive, #200, Fort '_¢¢ashington, PA %~ 5. ~_ r a ~ ¢ ,.~ ¢- ~;/~ ~' TOGETHERwith the note or notes therein described or relerred to, lhe money due and ~o become due thereon said Deed of Trust. with Interest, and all rights accrue under Oatedthls 26 dayol January ,/1~ 200 -----~ : '~r Asstl V~ce P .... ri: eye resident WITNESS my olllclal hand and seal. Signature .... /? Printed on L~se[ by [] L~I"Je,,I/~.T~'.G/G/a:den Grove, CA 1~2641 PI::~/14) 895.95OI personally known to me ( or proved to me on tile basis of satisfactory evidence ) to be the person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the wilhln lnslrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(les), and lhat by his/her/their signature(s) on Ihe Instrument the person(s), or Ihe entity upon behall of which the person(s) acted, executed Ihe Instrument. (Seal) ,~ P~§e 1 ol t {tiP. t23 17./94 EXHIBIT "A" 68' All that certain land situated in tile State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: Part of Section 11, T35N R119W of tile Gill P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 862.12 feet East of lhe Northwest corner of the SW 1/4 of said Section 11 and running thence South 330 feet; ~ thence East 132 feet; thence North 300 feet; thence East 3 feet; thence North 30 feet; thence West 135 feet to the point of beginning.