HomeMy WebLinkAbout877902 (in compliance with the COMER PffRPEf'r~rON .4,YD ]~[I. JE~. AC'f, Wyoming Statutes, 1997 Section 55-29-140 et. seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors) Reverse side of this form may be used if more space is needed. Record of originol survey ond citotion of source of historicol informotion (if corner is lost or obliteroted). Description of corner monumentotion evidence found ond/or monument ond occessories estoblished to perpetuote the Iocotion of this corner. Sketch of relotive Iocotion of monument, occessories, ond reference points with course ond distonce to odjocent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method ond rotionole for reestoblishment of lost or obliteroted corner. FOUND: Brass cop on o 2" iron post 12" above ground Fence corner 1.6' Northeasterly PK in fence post 8.4' Northeasterly Date of l~eld Work: 10/16/01 Office Reference: '"~: -- - ' ' .......... ~.~.~.~6..~ ~' i,"!.,. Firm/Agency, Address This corher record was-iP~epared t 2 3 4 5 . 7 8 $ 10 11 12 13 1. 15 16 17 1. 1. 20 21 22 2~ 24 25 by me or._ ,-under. ,.mY d~ectJon ^ +~ J~+_+++' ' / ' ~. Jr+' +J~+-+++~+~+~,' ' ' I'' ' '^ Miller Associates, Inc. and sup~.rVison.-_-, ~ - .:3060 W. California Ave. Suite A. c ---F I I I I I I I I , I I '~ c o __+t+__+t+__+++__+t +__ +t+__+.l.+__~ Salt Lake City, UT 84104 ,''-+'I' '/'®'/' ' ' + +- + + + + + + +- + + +- + +-r Telephone Number: (801)975-1085 · -~F I I I I I I I I I I -I~ o K -- + +-- + + + +-- + ++-- ++ +-- + I -~-- I L ~ I I I I 'l I ':1 I I " "l' 'l' ' ' 'I' 'I' 'l'-" o -J- + + + - + + + -- - + + + - + + + - + + + -o P ---I- I I I I ~ I I " "/' '/' ' ' '/"'-'/' '1'-" S --+ ++--+++-- --+++'+++--+++--S · --I-" I I I I : I I I I i -I---T ~ :'/' 'I' ' ':'/' '/' '/'-~ w -- + + +-- + + +-- --+++-- + ++--+ ++--W x ---F I I I I -I I I I ~ X --+ +--+ +--+t I I t+--+t+--Y Y ,ti it+-+ z I I. t I I '1 I ~ I z Corner Name Northeast Corner Section 1~0, T 20 N, R 116 W, 6th P.M. Cross-Index No.: E-17 County: Lincoln Wyomin~ SBRPEPLS/PLSW: March 1994; PLSW January 1998