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County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming
LYNN L. SMITH, a single man
Grantor of Thayne,
WILLIAM M. TERRELL and APRIL SHELLIE TERRELL, husband and wife, as tenants
by the entireties
Grantees of 34 Cielo Vista, Anthony, NM 88021
for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration
the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming,
hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the
homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit:
See Attached Exhibit "A"
Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States
Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use.
Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon.
WITNESS, the hand of said grantor, this
day of January, A.D. 2003
r,l Sm W -
County of Linco~n-T-1~5~
On the I~CD day of January, A.D. 2003, personally appeared before me,
Lynn L. Smith, known or identified to me to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he
executed the same.
My commission expires on ~- i3-~_~
Oescrip t/on - A d/us ted Boundary -
A portion of the NE?/4NE1/4 of Sect/on 26, T.~4N, RIIgW. of the 6th. PM., located Southeasterly from Thoyne,
Linco~ County, Wyoming and being more p~ticularly described as fo~ows:
The True Point of Beginning being an Yon Pipe set at, o point in the Ai~rth line of said NEI/44VEI/4. said point
being 65/.64 feet N89'O2'35"W (Record S$9'56'09"W) from the BJ.J~ type Mor~'nent found marking the Northeast
corner of said NE1/4NEI/4; thence South ?02.45 feet to an i'on Pipe set; thence S,.T4'57~LS"W 55.00 feet to an
J-on Pipe set at a point in the Center P-Line of the 30-foot Access Easement j¢2; thence S,~4'57'15'W, dong said
Center Line 121.46 feet to an ~'on P~e set; thence S6J'.T7'I7"W, leaving said Center Line 262.62 feet fo an
Yon Pipe found at (7 p. oint in the Center P-Line of the 30-foot Access Easement ~tI,. thence N82'J6'25"W, dong said
P-Line 254.08 feet (Record N89',30'O4"W 254.102'~ to an ALrninum Cap'an Rebor f. pund at a point in the East Right-
of-Way line of U.S. Highway 89; thence N82'.~6'25"W 8Z15 feet (Record NS.~'$Ol~4-W 8Z~29'.) to a Magnetic PK.
N.a¢l found at a point in the West #ne of said NE1/4NE1/4; thence NO'26128"E, along said West line, 950.96 fee. t _
(Record NO'50'OS'~W 950866') fo the BJ_M. type Monument found markin~ the Northwest corner of said NEI/4NEI/4;
thence 589'02LT5'~, dong said North line, 66Z77 feet (Record N89°56'09'~), to the True Point of Beg¢~ing,
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A l.~$-foot Right-of-Way for U.S. Highway 89 along the Westerly bound~y line as
shown on this mop.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 50-foot wide Easement Right-of-Way for the East Side Canal through the Southerly,
Westerly and Northern portions of this property as shown on th~s map.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A .~O-foot Access Easement ~¢I from U.S. ~'ghway $9 to Rayco Drive, the Center P-Line
being more particlarly described as fo~ows:
The True Point of Beginning being an A~rninum Cap on Rebor found afa po~t in the East Right-of-Way f~ne of
said U.S. Highway 89. said p~.int being 87.15 feet $82',~6'2§"E from the Southwest corner of the above described
property; thence S89'~6'25'~ 254.08 feet to an ~'on P~ fot~. thence S58'.~4'59"E 17Z34 feet to an ~'on Pipe
found: thence S,~4'40'12"E 166.7,~ feet to an Yon Pipe found; thence 514'47'~6"E 5[42 feet to an Yon Pipe found:
thence $5'11',~5"W 62.99 feet to ~ Yon P~e found;, thence 554'12'§0~E ,~8.20 feet to an Yon P~e found at the
htersect/on of Access Easernent Jif and Access Easement ii2; thence S,~4'05',~2"E 100.65 feet to an Yon Pipe found:
thence 549',~4'02'~ 162.,JI feet to an Yon Pipe found; thence 568'50'12"E 142,67 feet to an Yon Pipe found: thence
544'~73'4 7"~ ,~46.5~ feet to an Yon Pipe found marking the Center of the Culdesac at the intersection of Rayco Circle
and the end of Royco Drive.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A ,~O-foot Access Easement iii2 from the Access ~/I to the above described property.
the Center P-Line more particularly described as folows:
The True Point of Beg/nn~g being an Yon Pipe found at the htersect/on w/th the above described Access Easement
J/l; thence Ng',~7',,z6'"~108.29 feet to a Spike set; thence NIY~6'49"E 58.08 feet to a Spike set: thence
70.,~I feet to o Sp~e sec thence NIS'59',,~5"W 237.01 feet to an J'on Pipe set at a point in the Southeasterly
boundary line of the above described property; thence N54'§7'15"~. dong said Southeasterly line, 176.46 feet to
an ~-on Pipe set at a the Southeasterly corner of the above described property.
TOGETHER WITH: A 60-foot Access Easement to /~iverview Ronchettes County Rood 12-17,.~. being Rayco Drive Right-of-Way
as shown on this map.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A Deeded Conservation Easement os described in Deed No. 751746. hied with the
L/ncok~ County Clerk '~ office in ~ook ,.~I,~R. pages 246 through 252.
TOGETHER WIWH and SUBJECT TO: A1 Easements. Exceptions, Restrictions, Reservations. Rights-of-Way and k~provements
of sight and/or record.
Deed No. 851655
Book 414PR
Page 142
14.016 ACh
Deed No. 851654
Book 414PR
Page 140
~ Pd~ Fence
HBr ,
554 '57'15 "W
i, g2°}6'25"W
$0~5'2 4 "E
~6 ~9'48~W
N54 '05'52"W
N~'4 7'56"W
N5 '45 '2O
H D/st
$Z15° (Record N83'.~O'O4"W 8Z129'.)
93.4J' (Record N67'36'15"
35.24' (Record N42'26'O4"W
lO0.65' (Record N~4'59'25'~4/ I00.624')
58.20 (Recocd N65'Ir41"W 58.762')
62.99' (Record N4'~2'.38"~ 63.049')
5142' (Recocd N15'44'52"W 5[299')
JO-Foot Access ~qsement //1 R//W