HomeMy WebLinkAbout887615[{ELEASE OF flEA. L EST,ATE MORTGAGIt(ByCorpoF~|Ion) KNOW' ALL MEN BY THESE P/:/F. SENTS, Th~ WELLS FARGO BANK NORTHWEST, N~A.. a corporatlon, of the County of. WEBER and State 0[ UTAH c,,~rtify that a corc~u mo~a~e, hearing date ~u~7TH day o[ JULY m~da and e.xecu~ by__VAL 'E; HARRIS AND DEBRA G. HARRIS does hor~bl -, ^. D.X~ 2002 as mortgBgor__ to.. WELLS FARGO BANK NORTHWEST~ N.A. as mortgagee, conveying certain real onrute the-r,in montion0d as 2ecurity for t. he payment, of t 185,000.00 ~ therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the offioe o! the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register o! Deeds of_ LINCOLN .Counff~,,,State of Wyoming, on the 1ST __day of AUGUST XFa 2002 2[69 o~o - in Book_ of Mortgages. at page , and mortgagirtg the following de~cribed real ~stato in said County. to-wit.. LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 OF BLOCK 2 OF THE SMOOT TOWNSITE, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. /,ESS AND EXCEPT THE LAND CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 4, 1927 IN BOOK 15 OF DEEDS ON PAGE 149 OF THE RECORDS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. LESS AND EXCEPT THE LAND CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED JUNE 2, 1977 IN ~OOK 136PR ON PAGE 441 OF THE RECORDS OF LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. 887615 BOOK S~I-2_PRPAGE :-; "i ~ RECEIVED L NC,O[~, OOUr',JTy CLERK j,. with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt. tully paid, satXsfi0d, released, and discharged and in considuruoon t.h~oof the said marts'asea doe~ hereby rMease and quitdM,n unto the said mortgagor the premis05 thereby conveyed and mort- gaged. IN WITNESS WHE~OF, Oxo~ELLS FARGO BANK NORTHWEST, N.A. has caused these Preach5 to be si~d by ica. VICE-PRESIDENT _~ day oI~AN~I A.n. ~20~ and ic~ cmporate s~l [o be affixed, this_ 3_(LTH Sighted, 5ealad nnd Ddivered in tho prosence of At,est -goal: WELLS FARGO BANK NORTHWEST, N.A. D'otu: It it is nor. desir~.l to describe lands in rpact theorefor, insert tho following: "All hnds described in ~uid mortgage." TIlE STATE O~ ~I~ UTAH C~unty o[~ SALT LAKE On this 30TH day of JANUARY }~3 bef~o me p~rsona[ly appearad GARY HAVENS t. onaaparsonal]yknown who. being by me dui)' sworn, didsay that he is WELLS FARGO' BANK NORTHWEST, N.A. VICE-PRESIDENT and that th, sea] affixed to s~id instalment is the c~nr, te sam of amd co~oration, and that smd instrument was signed and sohledonbohalfofsaidco~oradunbyauthorityofitsBoardofD~octorsand~d GARY HAVENS acknowledged s~d in~mtcent to bo lhe fr~ ~ct and d~ed of ~Md co~oration. G~ven' ' under my Ilion ~1 ~8~PUB ..... n~ ~[,~~_dy~NUARJ ~~,A D. ~ 3 '1'1{I5 STATE OF WYONIING. County of S~. This inatru[n~C was fil~ for r~rd A. D. l~ and d~y recorded in B~k on No. Fees, By Ootmty Clerk tu~d E×-Ofllc.lo l/0gi$ter o! D~d~ J'Dtputy Clerk