HomeMy WebLinkAbout887642 State of Wyoming Corner Record Cm compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1997, Section 33-29-140, et seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors) Reverse side of this form may be used if more space is needed. Record of or~ s~vey and citation of so,ce of historical information (if com~ is lost or oblit~med). Descr~tion of corn~ monumenmtion evidence found ancot monument and acmss~ies eaablished to perpetuate ~e locmion of ~is com~. Sk~ch of relative location of monumen~ ac~ssories, and ref~en~ po~ts wi~ co, se and distance to a~acmt com~(s) (if determhed h ~is s~vey). Me. od and rationale ~r reestablishment of lost or obliterated ~m~. Record:-- 1962 -- Eaves. NOO°-O3'E bet. Secs. 10 and ll. 40.11 The ¼ Sec. Cor. of Secs. l0 and ll, a granite stone, lOxlOx8 ins. firmly set, mkd. ¼ on W. face. Set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2½ ins. diam., 18 ins. in ground, with brass cap mkd. as shown. Bury orig. cor. stone alongside the iron post. Raise a mound of stone, 3 ft. base, l½ ft. high, W. of corner. Corner Record of Cloey C. Wall dated 25 November 2002. Found:-- A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe with brass cap inscribed as shown. Set:-- A steel T-shaped fence post alongside. Tire casing around. CC: BLM ...... County 0ffice/~- SSLTD- Afton,=~ ..... Date ofField Work: 8 June 2001 Book ZQ-39, page 15. CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM .... ~ .... , .... ~ .... ~ .... : .... ~___i__,' __~ ....... ,,__. c--~3-i [ L_ , , , , ',_ ; ; , : ' - .... t .... i .... :-'- :--;-q--l--i- --: ~'~ r i i = , , ', : : , ! ',_ ' , f T - ? .... 7- --T .... ~--- ~-' -'-- ~ r ', , , t ~ .... ? ....t ..................... P I t3 I I 2~ 2'~' 22M '-23~ u --~--~_, .... ~ .... ,_ , I , ~ ~u ~ l-I- T .... ~ .... ?-q--t ~ ..... r ....... ~ L_ __I .... ~ _ Firm/Agency, Address Surveyor Scherbel, LtcL P.O. Box 725 46 West Third Avenue ARon, WY 8311 o This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction and supervision. SEAL & S1GN4TURE Telephone Number: 307-885-9319 Telefax Number: 307-885-9809 County of LINCOLN Comer Name: ! '* Section: 10/11 SRRPEPLS/PLSW: March 1994 (SSLTD 10/18/2000 version) T 28N Rll9W .6th __ __ P.M. Cross-Index No.: G- 17