HomeMy WebLinkAbout887862BOOK_ ~J~-'~-"'PR PAGE_ o~ 1 ,..' STATE OF WYOMING TOWN/COUNTY: LINCOLN Loan No.0101010200144806 RECEIVED LINOOLbl OOLINTY CLERK PREPARED BY AND WqTEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1935 lAr,'a~'ICl%r~L ~ ~ FAnr.~, ID 83402 PH: (208)528-9895 REr,w. ASE OF DE D THE undersigned, being the present legal owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by that certain Deed of Trust described below, in acknowledgement of payment in full of all sums described in and secured by said Deed of Trust, does hereby release and reconvey to the persons lecjally entitled thereto, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the real estate described in said Deed of Trust, forever discharging the lien from said Deed of Trust. A PORTICtV OF TH~ W1/2NWi/4 OF SEL'TIC~V 35, T33N, RllgW OF ~ 6TH P.M., LllVCOLN COUNTY, ~ BEI2VG lvIgRE PARTICULARLY DF~~ AS FOLLOWS: BEGIARFI2VG AT ~ NORTHWEST 1/16 CORI~R OF SAID SEL'TIC~ 35 AND RUlqkrlA~ S 0'13' W, 54 FEET TO A FENCE Ll2q~; ~ WF~T LACIVG SAZD FENC~ L12~F~ AND ~ WESTERLY PROIX]VGATIdlV TI-iEREDF, 231 Ft~-T; TI{ENCE N 0'13' E, 219 FI~-T; TI{ENCE EAST 231 FEET TO THF~ EAST r, rt~ OF SAID W1/2NW1/4; ~ S 0'13' W, ALC~VG LAST SAID EAST L12~, 165. O0 FEET TO ~ POZNT OF Trustee: Recorded in Volume 452PR at Page 299 , Instrument No. 868439 Parcel ID No. of the record of Mortgages for LINCOLN County, WYOMING and more particularly described on said Deed of Trust referred to herein. Cert. #: Borrower: H~.ROLD D ANDRE?;s AArD DONNA M. ~.~rnv~.r, ro HUSBA~LD &ND r'r'rFE property Address: 497 TOMS CANYON ROA, AUBURN, WY 83111 Lender: MERS Lender's address: G-4318 MILLER RD, FLINT, MI 48507 Date of Mortgage: SEPTEMBER 14, 2000 (RD0%. F) STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE ) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on u~ 31, 2003 R UANA R3~NSOM ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT On this J~5.RY 31, 2003 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in said State, personally appeared CARLA ~ENEYCK and RUANA RANSOM personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within instrument as VICE PRESIDENT and A~S/b~ V/CE PR~/~ respectively, on behalf of IW3DRTGAGE Rr. FLTR6ArIC REGISTRATICN SYST~2T~, INC. G-4318 MILLER RD, FLINT, MI 48507 and acknowledged to me, that they, as such officers, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained and that such Corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. J N COOK (C01VI~ISSION EXP. 02-16-07) NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARy PUBLIC STA.'I;E OF IDAHO (RD02 .F) j=