HomeMy WebLinkAbout887700 State of Wyoming Corner Record
On compliance with th~ CORNER PERPETUA TION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1997, Section 33-29-140, et ~q., and the Rules and Regulations
of the Board of Registration fro' Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors) '
Reverse side of this form may bc used if more space is needed.
Record of orig~fl s~vey and citation of so,ce of historical m~rmafion (if com~ is lost or oblit~med). Descr~tion of
comw monumenmtion evidence found an~or monument and access~ies established to perpetuate ~e locmion of ~is com~.
Sk~ch of relative location of monument, across,irs, and ref~ence po~ts wi~ course and distance to a~acent com~(s) (if
d~errn~ed ~ ~is s~vey). Method and r~ion~e for reeaablishment of lost or obl~emted com~.
Record:-- 1911 --- daeckel and ¥oigt.
80.00 Set a granite stone, 16xl0x8 ins., 11 ins. in the 9round~ for cot.
of sees. 13, 18, 19 and 24, marked with 3 grooves on N. and S.
faces; and raise a mound of stone 2 ft. base, 1½ ft. high:, W.
of cor.
1981 -- Wilson.
NOO°-IT'W bet. Secs. 19 and 24.
39.98 The cor. of secs. 13~ 18~ 19 and 24~ monumented by Lloyd B. Baker~
DateofFieldWork:. ? Aligu_qt 200.2`
Wyoming Registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor No.
698~ with an iron pipe, 1 in. diam.~ set flush with the surface
of U. S. Highway No. 89, at intersection with Lincoln County roads
Nos. 160 extending E. and 136 extending W. from which
A 5/8 ins. diam., steel reinforcement rod~, firmly set, pro-
jecting 2 ins. above the ground, bears S. 52½° E.~ 0.902 chs.
dist., with aluminum cap mkd. Sl3 S18 S19 S24 WC 59.55 FT
RLS 595.
An iron post~ 2½ ins. diam.> firmly set, projecting 8 ins.
above the ground~ bears S. 58½'; W.,0.,895 chs. dist.~ with
brass cap inscribed RICHARD A. MORLEY AUBURN WYO. and mkd. T32N
Rll8W Rlll9W Sl3 S18 Sl9 WC 59.06 FT 1980 RLS 595.
This position is accepted as the best available evidence of the
original corner position.
Corner Record of Paul N. Scherbel dated 14 dan. 1982~26 Jan. !983,
and 11June198~,..Corner Record of Marlowe A. Scherbel dated
23 Feb~ 2000. ~ ,
A 3/8x12 ins.. steel spike with reference monuments as per Corner
cc' BLM
County Office -.. Alton
SSLTD-.. Afton
Om~e~e~ence:; Book ZQ-,,46:i~page 57~
Firm/Agency, Address
Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd.
P.O. Box 725
46 West Third Avenue
Afton, WY 8311 o
This corner record was prepared
by me or under my direction
and supervision.
Telephone Number; 307-885-9319
Telefax Number: 30%885-9809
County of LINCOLN
Comer Name: 1 3/18/1 9/2 4 Section:.],, 3/24
SBRPEPLS/PL,qW: M~rch 1994 (SSLTD 10/! 8/2000 version)
T32N Rll9W · 6th P.M. Cross-lndexNo. N-25 --