HomeMy WebLinkAbout887735 "State of Wyoming Comer Record (Ia complimc~ wi~h the CORN,ER P£RPRTtJ.,ITIOI~I.,I,alD IeIL,J~IG,dCT. Wyoming ~t~ut,'-, 1977, Section 33-29-140,et seg.md the Rules md RcguJatlons of thc Board ot Regisb'ati~ for Ptof,~4onai 'F. agiacc~.md Profc~ieaal Lind Su~cyor~) Revcrs~ side o£ this £on~ may be used it' more space is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of comer monumeniation evidence found and/or monument 'and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this comer. Sketch of relative location of monumenL -coessories, ,,nd reference points with course and distance to adjacent comer(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated comer· Record:-- North between Secti6ns 1 and 2 for north one-sixteenth corner. Found:-- No evidence of prior monumentation. Set:-- A 2 ins. magnetic nail in approximate center-line of East Etna County Road No. 12-110, from which two 2 ins. galvanized steel pipes 30 ins. long (BLM type) with brass caps inscribed as shown, as reference monuments. RM No. I is SWly. 56.38 ft. of monument by an old fence post.' RM No. 2 is NWly. 61.25 ft. of monument. Old T-shaped fence post .alongside. 0+00 ¼ S.2/S.1 ~ / ~~RSI CO. S.l/S. Xl ~ Magnetic Nail ~o RMI#1 I ~1 RD. NO. 12-178 13+11.03 N 1/16 25+25.70 NW S.1 BLM County Office SSLTD - Afton - Afton Dat¢otFicldWork: 16 April 2001 Book Z0-38. paqe 15; Book ZQ-36, page 50. CROSS INDEX DIAGIU~I Firm/Agency, Address This comer record was prepared by me or ruder my direction : : 'J i --i-- : --:~-- : ;J ' i [4 Surveyor Scherbel., Ltd. '~" .... "',". q!.,.~ .... :.~ :l .... .-' :~ .... ~:- .... :~'~':'~'"~' Box 725 ..L .... : ....J' .....L .... : .J' L ..... : : : : : .... , , ----1-- o .........O~ ; :!'?: 46 West Third ....... : ......... '~ : ~' '~"r-: .... .... .... .... '~" 1.-- Y Avenue 7- i : '"- --~ .... ; ....4 ....... -~'i":~ "+'[ i -~-- :: : ~i :.. Afton, W omin~ ...... , ' 83110 i;l; i !i 71 :i i 'i ,"i 'i' ! 4-v-~,'}'-k-~ 733-5903 .... : , . FAX 733-5903 ": .... ' ....~-': "~ .... , ....', .... ~-]--;-- -4 .... ;-- --I .... 4--, o · 19'-*"-- .--.--~'3~ ' ~1-L- : 2Z~--,' ;gq-;-- ~,1 , , , /: : : ; J : ; : --~-30~--- --~£9'-----1-' 2 '--- : ,?.7'-L--,---L-' C,---~-~215 ! ', 'l"'." ': .... F .... : ......... ~ ...... , .... ~ ....... ~-- "?'t-':" 'i .... 7 .... : ..................... '- --"-- -'-- '' .... %' -4_~ : : : : 2 3,1 : : 3,,.: , c,.,: : 3]I: ,--F, 3w~ · 36-~, .... - ......... l ................... ~ ..... : .... l..L.-;..L-:-- '*; :1: : ; :1: : I: : { : : ~ , :. ~ , o , ,o ,, ,~ ,, ,, ,~ ,~ ,, ,, ,, :o .., =.. ~ =, ~ County of LINCOLN Co,,~,~.~,~: N 1/16 s~ion:.l/2 T35N Rll9W: 6th I'.M.C~o,,-i, acxNo.: B-21 · ": B R I )I]H' L .WI '1.."; W: M :~r ch 199,1