HomeMy WebLinkAbout887936 State of Wyoming Corner Record In comptia_nce with the CORNER ?ERPETUA TION AND FILING ACT, .W)[oming Statutes, f 977, Section 36-1 I-101, el seg., and the Rules end Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Lano ~urveyors RECORD: Fi~d Notes. (Origin.al) 16-156 Subdivisions T33N, R 118W - Frank H. Jones - Contract: June 19, 1889. orth bem/een :~ecs. 16 & 17 - Va. 17°38. E ascend 3.00 Top of Ascent - Along top ^ . . 35.00 Descend 300 ft. toward~W, illow (.;reek - En~er young Aspens 40.00 Set apost 31/2 ft. long ;~ ins. sq. 24 ins. in Ground-for fl4 cor. marked I/4 S. on W. face, dug of post, 5 1/2 ft. dist. and-raised a mound of earth, 11/2 ft. high 4 ft. base around post. 50.00 Steep_ decent and leave Aspens. 57. 71 Red Pine 24 ins. diam. 60.00 Foot of descent at edg. e of Willow Cr. Valley and enter dense willows 66.50 Willow Creek, course N.W., 45 Iks. wiae. 73.00 Leave Willow and ascend 300 ft. 80.00 Set a Sandstone 24 x S x 6 ins18 ins in ground for Cor. to Secs. 6-9-16-17 mark.ed .with 4 notches on S. & E. edges, I. raised a mound of stone 2 1/2 ft. high., 4 1/2 bas. e alongside -pits impracticable Lands High Rolling & Valley- Soil i.n valley ,Aluvial -bal. an? ~,ravelly- /~,sp~n 15 cns. Wilrow 13.00 dhs. Map of P-ortion ofT33N, R118W snowing srraight line ror.~ miles through (.;or 8, 9, 17 & 16. d al Field Notes Page 35.176.Frank H. Jones. Contract June 19 1889 visions, T33N, Rl-18W- Va. 17038, East on a Random line between Secs. 8 & 17 - This line is entirely along bluffs on N. side of Willow Creek valley. 40. O0 Set a temp. I/4 sec. Cor. 80. 57 Intersect N. & S. line 22 Iks. North - of the Cor to Secs. 8 - g - 16 & 17. - Thence I run N89°51'W on a true line bet. Secs 8 & 17 with the same Va. 4.57 Descend 75 ft. 16.27 Draw, Course, S.E. and ascend 23. 57 Ridge, and descend 50 ft. 31.57 Draw, Course S.W. 40.29 Set a Sandstone 16x 7 x 5 ins. 12ins. in the ground for l/4 Sec. Cor. marked 1/4 on N. face dug pits 18x 18x 12ins. E. & W. of cor, 51/2 ft. dist, and raised a mound of earth 11/2 ft. high 31/2 base alongside. 49. 79 Ascend 75 ft. 51.50 Top of Ridge and descend over rolling_ lands. 80. 57 The Cor. to Secs. 7- 8 - 17 - 18. Lands along bluffs - enclosing valley. Soil gravelly- 3rd Rate. No Timber. FOUND: Found nothing at true point of Section Comer. pits 18x 18x 12ins. N. & S. SET: BLM TYPE MONUMENT AS SHOWN BELOW Due to the fact that both the field notes and the original map of the survey indicate a straig.h.t line between the Comer for 7, 8, 17 & 18 of and the Comer for 10, 11, 15 & 14 (3 miles) of N8D°51'W and both of the stones for 7, 8, 17 & 18 and the 1/4 Comer between 8 and 17 are found, I took a single proportion distance from the last named 1/4 Comer directly toward the Corner for 10, 11, 15 & 14, where we found the remains of a pile of stones and hole partially filled with loose material and sera BLM type Aluminum Cap for the Comer for ~ections 8, 9,, 17& 16:] did not remove, the BLM Cap or the Stone to the new position but found ~he remains of a pile of stones surrounding t.h. e ne.W.and I ~n .s. urerr]e o~gin, al Cap iocatior]; We cer. rie~l. ;a h. eavy bar u. p the .steep hill to d/~ the hole, wh..~ch was hacdly needed, even mougn, it w. as..wim, in. a few re.e.t, from th..e top or.a. spur. ~..n.cid. enra..!ly, the.~one when (oo. seneg from this p_os~..i.on, I~ke others Were along this s. ame, ~..o~. n-~ourn, lin, e, copla nave .ro#..eo.o.r. slid_ ~.orr~ mis location ana p. een partially purled in the Shale slide, wnere the 1966 BLM surveyors rouna it. ,~rgumen[s nave Deen maae mar me I~#..M ~urve. yors can set me comers of BLM Prop _ep'y but the Manual clearly defines and covers the prote~ion of the Bonified Rights of other la.n.d owne~ when making resurveYs in it's.S~ctions 6-12 thru 6-18. Accepting the 1966 location in lieu of the location clearly defined by me map, field notes andour replacamem of this comer would cost our client, Howard Woods, several acres of land, clearly a violation of the Sections of the Manual referred. Photographs taken by Mr. Ross Turner, Lincoln County Su~..eyor, of and from the location for our Comer before the Cap was placed, show the remains of th_~ pile of stones, views to the South, lining with the old fence lines, a view to the West from about a cham West showing distant bre~/{~l~v~i~.[~roperties in line with our location of the Comer. ' .......... i~TY CLERK The Elivation of the B.L.M. lg66 location is 6, 511 feet and the Elevation of my new location is 8~Qe~. rd. ~ '~ i ~ , Oa~e of Field Work 88793,5 17 March 2001 C~ice Re~rence CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM A I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 19 21 22 23 24 25A '-1' 'l' '1' '1' '1-' '1' O : -'- - ~- 2 -'- '_ 2 .... L 2 -'- D ~ --~7 ' 8 ' ' 9 ' ' 10' ' 11' ' 12~- ~ ,"'1 .... ...... I",:'-l, , .... , ,1, ;-l,,, I , .......... '-1' '1' -I'-I-' L '~18, , 17, , 16, , 15, , 14, , 13~-- ~ M. ~ ........... l-'- -'- r ' -'-I-'- ' -1-'- ' ~ t ' -'-I- ~~ o ...... L, -;-I- .,4 ..... [ ..... I-,- o ~ I ~20 ' 21 ' ' ' 23 , 19 22 ' '24-- ~ r ~30' '29' '28' '27' '26' '25'- T V ' ' ~ ~ t ~ I ' I ' V ~-~ ' -'- l ' -'-I ~- 2--' ' -' '- W W , , , ; ~ -~ , , ,- , x -r31, ,32, ,33, ,34, ,35, ',36; x Th~s comer reco~ was l~oared by me or under my drecSon and supervision. SEAL & SIGNATURE STATE OF WYOMING Office of Clerk and Recorder County of Uncoln This "corner record" was filed at on the day of Firm/Agency, Address Uoyd B. Baker and Associates Box 210, 285 North Main Thayne, Wyoming 83127 County Clerk Deputy Phone: (~_7) 883 - 2194 Fax: (307) 883 - 4194 Comer Name:Section Comer 6-9-16-17 Section: T33N R118W : 6TH. P.M. Cross Index No: J-9