HomeMy WebLinkAbout887979138 9 9 RECEIVED 'LINCOLH COUNTY CLERK :.ooK 513 PR 9 'q5 _ PAGE "' ''~ 80000122129751001 SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE ...... THE NOTE SECURED BY A lVlORTGAGE EXECUTED BY ROLF A. FUT,FK and NORA M. FUNK, Husband and Wife TO GMAC Mortgage Corporation on ,12/19/00, and recorded BOOK 457 PAGE 495, of the records of LINCOLN County in the State of WY on 12/26/00, has been fully paid and satisfied, and such mortgage is hereby declared fully paid, satisfied and released. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the officers of said GMAC Mortgage Corporation, formerly known as GMAC Mortgage Corporation of PAhave hereunto signed their names and hereunto affixed the Seal of said Corporation in the City of Horsham, State of Pennsylvania, on 2/5/03 GMAC Mortgage Corporation formerly kno~vn as GMAC Mortgage Corporation . 500 Enterprise Road, ~-/"') HORSHAM, PA 141114~ / / / / I ; .... ' "" M[rne[s~;a B~ckTtt, Limite~_~.j_~6 -' -0 ~ Sean Flanagan, l',i~ted Signing OffiCer '"- ~/::'*'"~_~?'"'" .~,,,;ff STATE OF Pennsylvania ) BOTH RESIDING AT: ) ss 500 ENTERPRISE ROAD cOUNTy OF Montgomery ) SUITE ] 50 HORSHAM, PA 19044 On 2/5/03, before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of Montgomery, State of Pennsylvania, personally appeared Mamessa Birckett and Sean Flanagan to me personally known to be the Limited Signing Officer and Limited Signing Officer of said Corporation; that the Seal affixed to said instrument is the Seal of said Corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and they acknowledge the execution of said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of sa d corporation by it voluntarily executed. WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and affiX'ed my Notarial Seal the day and year last written. ~o~:tellpuD1;l~U~'~" .... Shantell D. Cudey, I,.Iotary P~ub~.. ry c In aha ~or sam uounty and State He,sham T~ Montgomery uo ty My Commission expires: 6/26/06 My Commission Expires June 26; 2006. Member. PennsCvania Associalion Of Notanes LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A TRACT OF LAND LYING 1N AND BEING A PORTION OF THE SI/SEI/4 OF SECTION 4 T36N R119W OF THE 6TH P.M. LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING AND MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SECTION 4 SAID POINT BEING 1286.70 FEET N 89 DEGREES 42' 16" W 658.40 FEET THENCE NORTH 664.07 FEET TO A POINT 660 FEET SOUTH FROM THE NORTH LINE OF FIRST SAID S1/2SE1/4 THENCE S 89 DEGREES 54'07" E. 330.00 FEET THENCE NORTH 660.00 FEET TO SAID NORTH LINE OF SAID SI/ASE1/4 THENCE RUNNING S 89 DEGREES 54' 07" E ALONG LAST SAID NORTH LINE 328.39 FEET THENCE SOUTH 1362.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ...... . . .. TAX ID: 36190430022700 MORTGAGE AMT: $100,000.00 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 55 LONESOME DOVE TRAIL ALPINE WY 83128 PREPARED BY: Michele Smith GMAC Mortgage P.O. BOX 969 HORSHAM, PA 19044 WHEN RECORDED, MAIL RECONVEYANCE TO: ROLF A. FUNK PO BOX 3641 ALPINE WY 83128