HomeMy WebLinkAbout888223888223' STATE OF WYOMING TOWN/COUNTY: LINCOLN Loan No.0101010201800786 RECEIVED ~LI'NCOLN COUNTY CLERK Pi~:~P~]~,-i~,~ AND WI~:RECORDED MAIL TO: 1955 lP~fPRNATICNAL NAY ~ F~r,r.% 1D 85402 ~,.- ~2o8;~28-9895~Boo ~14 p ~ 'p A~~ OF DE~D THE undersigned, being the present legal owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by that certain Deed of Trust described below, in acknowledgement of payment in full of all sums described in and secured by said Deed of Trust, does hereby release and reconvey to the persons legally entitled thereto, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the real estate described in said Deed of Trust, forever discharging the lien from said Deed of Trust. SRR, ATTACFrRD LEGAL. Trustee: Recorded in Volume Parcel ID No. WYOMING Cert. #: 452 at Page 692 , Instrument No. 868564 of the record of Mortgages for LINCOLN County, and more particularly described on said Deed of Trust referred to herein. Borrower: NORMA ~I~lVNE SKINNER, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN property Address: 1592 STRAWBERRY CRRD, BEDFORD, WY 83112 Lender: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. Lender's address: 38 FOUNTAIN SQUARE PLAZA, CINCINNATI, OH 45263 Date of Mortgage: SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 (RDO1.F) 3,:I9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on AL~ 14, 2002 ~um'lH TR/~U BANK CARLA TENEYCK VICE PRESIDE,~T VICKIE HUS~ .- ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss COUNTY O? BONNEVILLE On this AUGUST 14, 2002 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in said State, personally appeared CARLA TENEYCK and VICKIE HUSTED personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within instrument as VICE PRESIDENT and ASSIS'II41VI' VI~ PRES~ respectively, on behalf of FIFTH THIRD BANK 38 FOUNTAIN SQUARE PLAZA, CINCINNATI, OH 45263 and acknowledged to me, that they, as such officers, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained and that such Corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. WITNESS My hand and official seal. JOAI~ COOK ( COI4MISSION EXP. 02-16-07) NOTARY PUBLIC *FIFTH. ~ O~A~_~?C IS ~JCCEgSOR IlV INTERE2gT TO: T~ F~T ~ ~; FI~ ~ ~ OF ~ ~r.r.~, F~, ~ ~qSOR ~ ~T ~ ~ F~ ~ ~~'~, F~; F~T F~~ ~~ ~S~TI~, ~ S~SOR ~ ~T ~ ~~ ~~ ~S~TI~; ~ ~S~TI~ OF C~~TI, SU~S~ ~ ~ ~~S ~S~ OF ~qS~ ~ ~T ~ ~Y ~ ~ ~qS~ ~ ~T ~ C~IZ~ ~~ S~ ~S~TI~ ~E ~ ~ IS C~Z~ ~~ (RD02 .F) J= EXHIBIT A Legal Description for Norma Anne Skinner 707 Portions of the SW¼NE~ and the SE~ANW~,~ of Section 31, T34N Rll8W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming located South of the centerline of the Strawberry Creek County Road No. 12-126 'and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Center Quarter Coruer of said Section 31 and rUnning thence'N 34° 10'59" W, 618.99 feet, more or less, to the beginning' of a curve to the right in the centerline of said County Road and having a radius of 1909.859 feet; thence running Southeasterly, along said curve through a central angle of 20o26, an arc distance of 681.111 feet to a tangent line; thence S 63o45'05" E, along last said tangent line,' 202.64 feet to the beginning of a 19° curve to the left having a radius of 301.56 feet;- thence running along last said curve through a central angle of 20o16'05'' an arc distance of 106.674 feet to a point on said curve; thence leaving said centerline and running South, 208.45 feet, more or less, to a point in South line of said sW~,~NE~,~, said point being 728.00 feet N 89044'53" W from the Southeast comer of said SWIANE~A; thenCe N 89044'53'' W, 587.08 feet to.the'POINT OF BEGINNING. 350