HomeMy WebLinkAbout888239--~---;~_~ASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHk~rtrvr~t5 RESOURCES
hIinera I,easinff Act of1920 (30 U.S.C. 18! etseq.).
Act for Acq~Hred Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C, 351-359) . .
GeolhermalSteam Act of1970 (30 U.S C 1001-102q)
the lnteriorApprOpria!ionsAcl Fisea[Year 1981 (42USC 6508)
Lease Serial No.
Lease Effective Date
(^nniversary Date)
Febr~la~' l, !999
New Serial No.
Type or print .plainly in ink and sign In ink.
1. ^~ gate' STONE ENERGY', L.I..C. ~,. ~ ~ ~'~': :
Street 1670 llroatl',vay, Suite 2800
City, State, ZlPCode Denver, Colorado 80.202-4801
*If more than one assignee, check here [] and list the name(s) and addres.~(es) or all additional assignees on the reverse of this form or on a
separate attached sheet of paper.
This record lille assignment is for: (Check one) [] Oil and Gas Lease, or [] Geothermal Lease
Interest conveyed; (Check one or both, as ~;pproprtat¢') [] Record Title. [] Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar
In{crests or paymenLs
2. This aSs~bmment con:vey~ the following interest:
"L~"d l)e;cri~t,o, ' Percent of:Interest Percent of
Addltlona sp~ce on reverse, irneeded. Do not submit documents or a~ceme~ts other thor Own~ Conveye~ R~tai~ed Ove~iding Royal~
this Fo~; ~uc ~ docu:menls or agreemen s shal only be referenced herein, or Similar Interests
R~se~'~ P~viously
or conveyed
a b c d e f
~])jp 24 No~h, Range I12 West, 6th P,M. 1~.~% ~.~% ~,~% None N~e
Sec ion 27 SE.I/4
Segtion 28: SW]/4, SWI/~ SEll4
Conlaining 520.~ acres more or lesS,
[incoln County, Wyoming '.
S~bject to the te~s and conditions'of that ccflain Favour A~eemen{ doled effective:
A~gust I, 2~)0 by a~d betweeh Marathon Oil Company and Basin Ezpiora6on, Inc.. as
This assignment is approved solely for atlmlnJstrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or
equitable title to this lease,
Assignment approved for above described lands;
(Authorized OFficer)
Assignment approved for attached land description
Assigmment approved for land description indicated on reverse
of this form. ..
FOR ASSIGr4F(~ate)
The :foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by .D,J_.
Stone, Attorney-in-iFact of Marathon Oil Company, this 31st day of
December, 2001,
Witness my hand and official seal,
NotarJ Public
Phyllis A. Pace
My Commiss'on Expires:
February28,2004 ' *~' ' ........... '
1. ~e Assi~or certifies as o~ncr of an interest in thc above dcsi~ated lease that h~tshe hereby assigns Io thc above assi~ee(s) Ihe ~gh~ s~cified a~ve.
2. Assignee ce~ifies ~ follows: (a) Assignee is a c tizen of the United States; an association of such citizens; a municipali~; or a co,ration organized under the laws
orthe United Stales or of any staie or temtoO~ thereof. For the assign~nt of NPR-A le~es, assignee is a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United States or
ass<miation of such cil/zens, nationals, resident aliens Or pdvale~ public or municipal co~orationsl (b) Assi~ee is not cOnsidered a minor under the laws of the State
in w'hich the la ~ds covered by this asslgnnmnl are located; (c) ASsignee*s chargeable
the same State do not exceed 246,080 acres in oil and gas leases (of which up to 2~,~0 acres may be in oil and gas options), or 3~.0~ acres ih l~ases in each leasing
District in Alaska of which up to 2~.~ acres may be in options, if this is an oil and gas [e~e issued in accordance with the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, or 51,2~
acres in any one Stat~ fthis is a geolhe~al lease; (d) Alt panics holding an interest in the assi~nt are othe~'ise in compliance wi~h the regulations (43 CFR Group
3 lO0 or 32~) and the authodzing AC~; (e) Assi~ee is m compliance with reclamation requiren~n~ for all Federal oil and gas lease holdings as required by sec. 17(g)
of the 'Mine~l [~asing Act; and (fl Assignee ~s not in violation of sec. 41 of the Mineral Le~ing AcL
3. Assigne~'s signature lo this assign~nl constitutes acceptance ofatl applicable tern, conditions, s6pulations and resthctions pertaining to the lease descried herein.
For geotheml assignn~nu, an ove~ding roya}~ nmy not ~ less than one-rough (51) of one percent oflhe value of output, nor ~eatek than 50 percenl of the rote of royalty
due to the United States when this ~s~nt is added to all Previously created ovemding royalties (43 CFR 3241).
I certify that the statements made herein by me. are tme~ complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good 'faith.
* Effective between the~_ait~ les August 1, 2000
Name of Assignor as shown on current lease MARATHON OIL COMPANY
Please type or print
or ?~ ~ ,~ (signature)
U · D.:. STON
7301 N W. Expres~wa7
(Assignor's Address)
O~lahoma ¢i l7, Oklaho~ 73132
(City) (State:) (Zip C~e)
E×ecuted this ~ ~ day of
Denver District Land Manager
Public reportin8 burden for this form is estimated to averagi{ 30 minutes per response including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and
completing and reviewing the form. Direct comna:ntS ~}larding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of t_and
Management, (1004a3034), Bureau Clearance Officer (WOq530), Mail Stop 401 LS, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240.
Iitle 18 U.S.C. See. 100t makes it a crime for any person, knowinglY and willfully to nuke to any Deparlment or agency of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent
statett~nts or representations as to any matter within itsjur!sdiction.
'U,S. GPO: 1999-7744}04t41005
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 22'*'~ day of January,
2002 by Michael E. Cuba, as Denver District l_and Manager for Stone Energy, L.L.C.
'Witness my hand and of f lc:iai seal.
Commission Expires:
~otary Publ'Sc ' ' ~