HomeMy WebLinkAbout888242~,~ 3C¢o-3 UNITED STATES 0~n,~, 1999) .... DEPAiRTMENT OF Tile INTERIOR LANI) MANAGE~ ~IENT ~ ~c~SSIGNMENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A ~'~= ~E~ASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Mineral Leasing Act of I920 (30 U.S.C. I81 et seq.) ~ ::, ;:2: k'[/Nct for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351-359) ' ~eotherma! steam Act 0f 1970 (30 U&.S,C. 100 I-1025) Department of the lnteribr APpr°prtations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 10(14-0034 Expires: December 31~ 2001 Lease Serial No. WYW-150467 Lease Effective Date: (Anniversary Date) June t, 2000 New Serial No. Type or print plainly in ink and sign in ink. PART A: ASSIGNMENT .... !. Assignee* STONE ENERGY, L.L.C. Street 1670 Broadway, Suite 2800 City, State, ZIP Code Denver, Colorado 80202-4801 *If more than one assignee, check here [] and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional assignees on the reverse of this form or on a separate attached sheet of paper. This record title assignment is for: (Check one) [] Oil and Gas Lease, or [] Geothermal Lease Interest conveyed: (Check one or both_ as appropriate9 [] Record T~tle, [] Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar interests or pa)~ents 2. This assignment conveys the folloWing interest: ~ ' Land Descfipti'0n i Percent of Interest Percent of Additional space On reverse, ifneeded. Do not submit documents or agreements other that Owned Conveyed Retained Overriding Royalty this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein, or Similar Interests Reserved Previously reserved or conveyed a b c d e 'l'ownshm~4 North, Range t 12 W~t.~j_6l~ P,bl, 10000% 50,00% 50,00% None None Section I I: NWl/4 SEI/4 Containing 40.00 acres more or leas. [3C)(.)KI '~5~ ~[* _Z.m PAGE Lincoln County, Wyoming Subject to the terms and conditions of that certain Farmout Agreement dated effective ~: r: F; U ff August 1, 2(?00 by and between Marathon Oil Company and Basin Explorer on, Inc., as k ] - . ,~.: ':~'( '., ~ ~, '~ ~\ amended , 7 ~.:':..; --,.-, ::'equitable title to this lease. ~:~Assignment approved for above described lands; FEB 1 FOR BLM USE ONLY - DO :NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA '?This assignment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or 2002 [] r e s a M:, :B t:e vens (]Authorized O~:cer) Assignment approved for attached land description Assignment approved for land description indicated on reverse of this form, tANDI.AWEXAf¢IINER FEB 1 3 2002 (Title) FOR ASSIGNBEate) STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) SS. [Wyom ngForm] · couN'r¥ OF OKLAHOMA ) Thc fo:regoing instrum¢llt was ncknowledged before mc by D.J. Sro. hq, Atto:racy-in,Fact of Marathon Oil Company, this 31s~ day of December, 200 I. N y. Comrmss!on Expires: ~ ,.) Fei~ ru ar.y :28, 2004 Witness my hand and official seal. Phyllis A. Pace .... '~:ii ;i .... I "t:`:-:>' M~ cOm:m,~c'::':~ : ::::PART B: .CERTIFICATION AND REQUEST FOR APPROVAL 1. The Assignor certifies as owner of an interest jn the above &signaled lease that he/she hereby as$i[ms to the above assignee(s) the ~ght~ ~cificd above. 2. Assignee codifies as follows: (a) Assi~ec is a citizen of the United States; an association of such citizens; a municipality: or a co~oration organized under thc laws of the United $1ates or, of any S~le or lc~ito~ thereof, For the assign~nt of NPR-A leases, a~si~ce is t citizen, national, or ~sidcnt alien of the United States or association or~bch cititcns~ nalional~ resident alien5 or pHvalc, public or municipal co.rations; (b) A~signec i~ not considered a minor under the laws of Ibc State in which lhe land~ covered by thig m~$~gh~nt a:r~ located; (eJ Ass;J~ee's chargeable interests, direct and indirect, in each pUBlic do.in and acquired lands separately in Ibc ~a~ State, do hot ~xcced 246,080 acres in oil anti ga.~ lea~c~ (of which up ~o 200.~ acres may be in oil and gas options), or 3~,~ acres in ~t~ke~ in each leasing Di~21ct in Alaska of which up to 2~.~. acres may ~ in options, if ~hls is an oil and 8as ease issued in accordance wi~ thc btincral Lca~ing Act of 1920, or 51.200 acrc~ in any one S~tC {fthi~ is a geothermal lease; (d) All panics holding an interest in Ih¢ assi~nmnt arc olhe~i$e in co.fiance ~5th thc mgulalions (43 CFR Group 3 t~ or 32~) and thc authorizing Ac~; (c) Assignee i~in compliance with reclamation requlren~nts rot all Federal oil and g~ lease holding~ as required by sec. 17(8) of Ibc Mineral Leasing Act; and (0 A~si~ee is not in v o ation orsec. 41 of thc Mineral Leasing Act. 3. A~sJ~ee'S SJ~ature lO thi~ assign~nt constitutes acceptance of all applicable te~s. conditions, stipulafion~ and m~ldctJon~ ~naining Io thc lease described herein. For gcoth¢~al assi~.~ts, an ore.ding royalty may not be less tha~ one-rough (',4) of one percent of the value of output, nor ~ater Ihan 50 percent of the ~tc ofroya ty due lo the United States when this a~stgO~nt i~ addml tod I prey ous ~ created ovcmdin~ royalties (43 CFR J241). I C:S~i(? that t~ statements. made hem:i; bY :~e are tree, Complete, and'c°~ect to the best °troy knoMcdgc and bdicrand arc made in go~ hith. ' * Effective bebveen the Panics August I, 2000 Executed th,, ':':~:./ "dayof Executed this ¢, Tam. <r Name ofA:asignor:~ aho~ on cu=ent lease MARATIION OIL COMPANY Ple~e type or print STONE ENERGY, L.L.C. AsSignor .... :: : .: .... . : Assignee or '~.4 (Sig,atur~}'7 "' (,Signature) Denver DisPel ~,d Manag~ 730J N' w, Expressway . (Assi~or's Address) Oklahoma C y, OkJahoma f3132 (City) : .' (State) (Zip Code/ Public repo~ ng burden for this fo~ ig e~timatcd to average 30 minutes per response including lhe tim~ for reviewing instmeti~ms, gathe6ng and ~intaining da[a, and co~leting and :review ng the Dm, Direct com~nts regaling thc burden esti~te or any other ~pect or this fora Io U.S. ~pa~nt of the lntedor, Bureau of ~nd Management, (I004~34)i Bureau Clea~nce Officer (WO-6]0). Mai Stop 401 I~, 1849 C Slmel. N.W., Washinglon. D.C. 20240. Title 18 U.8.C. Sec. 1001 makes it a cfim~ for ~fiy perso,:knowlng!y and Wi lfu ly to make to any Department or agency of thc United Stales any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any .mattei~"~ithih::it~ jl/~dictiOflS: 'U,S. GPO: 1899-774~004141005 · STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. N COU~ T~ OFDENVER The foregoing instru nlent was acknowledged before me this 22nd day of J anum'y, 2002 by Michael E. Cuba, as Denver Distric! Land blanager for Stone :Energy, L.L.C. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Ex pire:s: Notary Pulik