HomeMy WebLinkAbout888315 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance wi'th 'theCORJ~R J'~EP'PFJU~/OA' ~D FE~ .4C~, ~/yoe~lnc) S.tG'tu.tes, 1977 Sec.tlon 35-11-101, e'l:, seq,, Gnd "the Rules and Regula'l;Ions o? 'the Boar'd of. Pr-of.esslonGl. Engineers and Pr-of.essIona[ LGnd Sur-veyor-s) Revel-se side o? 'this f.orn nGy be used if' nor'e spGce Is needed. Record o? orlglna[ survey and cl.tc~.tlon o? source o? hls.torlcctt In?orma.tlon Descrlp.tlon o? corner monumen'l:a'l:lon evidence ?ound and/or nonumen.t · the [occx.tlon o? .this corner, Ske.tch o? rel. a.tlve I. oca.tlon o? monumen't course and dts.tance .to c~dUacen.t corner(s) (17 de.ternlned In .this sur~ rees'tc~bl, lshnen'l: o? I. os.t or obtt'l:era.ted corner, FDUNDi STANDARD GLO I,P, 8, B,C,, 1' A,G,, WITH ORIGINAL STONE SOUTH, CORNER UNDER NORTH/SOUTH FENCE LINE, T-POST 8' SOUTH AND T-POST 9'1' NORTH Monument location (17 corner Is tos.t or obtl.tera.ted), and accessories es.tabtlshed .to perpe.tua.te , accessories, and re?erence poln.ts wi.th 'ay). Me.thod and r~.tlon~ie ?or tDNUMENT 4' TD THE CO Date of Field Work: P./12/03 Office Reference: 9381-4 Cross Index Plat Rrm/Agency, Address ............ D,I~, GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. +J~+ +-I-+ +-I-+ +-J-+ +-1-+ +-1-+ ,, 1414 ELK STREE-I'. SUITE 202 +I' + +1' + +1' + +1' + +1' + +1' + '" ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 : : : : : : : : : : : : t Telephone Number: +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ -~7'~-8 ~ ~ 9 ~ ~10~ ~11~ ~12'~ e +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ .. +t+ +t+ +t+ + + +t+ +t+., --~18~ ~17~ ~16~ ~15~ ~14~ ~ 13-~- ~ .+t.+ .+t.+ .+t.+ +.t+. +.t.+ +.t.* '" +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ .o +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ ,o +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ ,t, ,- · -+30 ~~ 2g: : 28 ' ~ 27 ~ ~ 26 ~ . ~ 25-~-', +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ .~ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ .. +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+ +t+· Cor~er Name ~ant 0ua_,-'f. er Cor~er Secf, io~ E, ? ~0 ~, R ~12 W, 6th CotHlty: Li n(=O].l:l Wyomin~ This corner record was prepared by me or under my dlrec.tlon and supervision, S~AL~ $I~NAFUP~ P.M. Cross-lndez No.: G-§